Boss has more then one form

>Boss has more then one form

Other urls found in this thread:

>boss can split himself into two
>and then those two split themselves into three

>boss has more than one healthbar
>boss has more than 20 healthbars
>boss healthbars are displayed as "???"

>OP starts a thread with a glaring grammar mistake

Never should of come here!

>use all items, mana, etc
>Find out you are supposed to lose the fight

>Boss has the power to stop time
>So do you

>If you win, final boss shows up and tells the earlier boss off for being a weakling
>then you get a fight you really can't win


>Boss looks way better in the second game

Ha ha Nice.

>actually has cat ears
thank christ

>boss kills okyasu
>okuyasu just comes back to life and saves the MC anyway

What if Okyasu is actually the MC?

>Boss gets to the third form and kills the main characters in seconds.

>Not even the main character of your own part

Jotaro is easily worst Jojo. He's a fucking glorified plot device who sits in the background 90% of the time

Also, Stands are just a gimmicky devil fruit knockoff

>Can slow down time in the game
>Final boss can still move at super speed inside your slowed down time

Vanquish was awesome. When the hell is that PC port? I want 60fps Vanquish.

>Jotaro is worst Jojo
t. Dio

>boss uses time traveling stand to kill all good guys
>the fucking kid who happens to pick up on all stand related shit without actually having one saves the day

>boss doesn't even get killed by the good guys but instead gets his head run over by an ambulance

what game senpai?

Okay no but seriously why the fuck does Shigechi have fucking head spikes it actively ruins my opinion of the character.

Transistor? that boss fight was pretty shit

>gimmicky devil fruit knockoff

Might be bait, and I might be the wrong one, but I'm pretty sure stands came first.


What a beautiful thread

>Stands are a gimmick

I love this meme because they're far better than the shit that happens in one piece and you're literally lying if you think HAMON AND VAMPIRES would've been interesting.

Man I wanted him to say Duwang so bad.

lisa simpson

>boss is a recolor of previous boss

>boss has the ability to skip


At least with lisa you can just imagine that her and Bart's spikes are blonde hair, but Shigechi has fucking flesh colored spikes on his head like what the fuck

Anyone who is familiar with their schedule know when some-stuffs will start working on subbing the BDs? There's no fucking way I'm watching this black mist "deadly queen" trash.

strawberry blond

>literally the only problem is the name changes

Get over it you autist and deal with your Deadly Queen like the rest of us.

>Flaccid Pancake
>Li'l Bomber
>Zipper Man
>Pole Jam

I see literally nothing wrong with these names.

I'm not accepting your bullshit

>literally the only problem is the name changes
You skimmed over the black mist part.
Shit's just unacceptable.

they're tiny antennas, each one controls a harvest

In Araki's own color drawings of him the spikes were a different color from his skin. It probably was meant to be hair.

>Posting """""MANGA""""" when we are clearly posting God tier Anime pictures
smdh @ u famalama

>boss rush adds another form to the boss

What's your favorite JoJo page?

Sorry user Japan is weirdly specific about their blood and gore

>The rat flesh cube is on full display and uncensored
>the people flesh cube in the fridge is a censored mess

Makes sense to me.

>tragic backstory
>direct connection with previous part
>stand has near limitless potential and power
If he had 50 more iq points he would be the goat Jojo protag

>Boss fight is Quality

JoJo is trash

Now you stop that

Is this from the PV for tomorrows episode? Thank God they've fixed it if so.
Man being animeonly must be pure suffering

such a hot opinion you've got their friend


Someone pls post the gif of an animated man sweating and using a handkerchief with a creepy look.

It is

He's a great supporting character at least.

>They fixed Killer Queen
Thank the Lord. Fuck Koreans.

I don't remember that part in the anime? Are those storyboards from a cut scene?

>boss hides
>you have to find him to start the fight

>Mid-boss "died" halfway the story but then he returns as final boss with a new power and body.

>fixed it
>still has forehead drainage ditch
>still permanent face of confusion
>still "DUDE WEED 420 LMAO" eyes


He's a rockman.

Nigga it ain't happened yet

>Stands over Hamon

Don't have the full page on my phone but everyone knows this is the goat


you are only human, after all

>Boss Rush adds a hidden boss at the end

>Killer Queen
Her name is Deadly Queen, you misogynistic Drumpf-supporter

>Hamon over Stands


>sparky sparky vampire repellent over stands

>solarbeam meme lords telling anyone to go to vp

I thought stands were always the same gender as the user

not the baiter but I'm pretty sure Stone Free was a dude

I can tolerate how it is now, it's far from perfect but it's not an eyesore like the one in the previous episode.

>Finally kill final boss
>Second final boss shows up with double health bars

...are you seriously standsplaining to me?

Stands don't have genders.

I think the main culprit of all the QUALITY in JoJo is the fact that, in general, characters and stands have complicated and busy designs. Shit's probably hard to animate.

I'm not making excuses for them, but that's probably the main reason.

In contrast, look at the shitty Tailed Beasts in shitty Naruto. All of those are barely more than one color with no defining design at all besides an overall shape. They were clearly designed with the anime in mind, where they could be more easily drawn.

Stone Free had tits senpai

Some of them do

Why did eyes of heaven have to be so mediocre? The fanservice is worse than all star battle for a lot of characters and the story while interesting and fun most of the time suffers so much from the gameplay. The story has to justify fight after fight and almost none of the Jojos, let alone brojos, get any good character moments. Best one was part 5 crew talking to Polnareff.

Hey guys this might be a dumb question but-
Do stands have sentience and free will?
I'm anime only and have been wondering this for a while. At first I thought is was just a psychic projection controlled 100% by the user but since part 4 I'm not really sure.

They have percieved genders

fuck this video is perfect

>Main character goes senile in the sequel

>gimmicky devil fruit knockoff
You're gonna have to bait harder than that

kira gets the ability to rewind time in part 4 and gets killed by an ambulance running over him and no one dies besides shigechi who is killed by kira
bruno, narancia, and abacchio die in part 5
everyone dies in part 6 and the universe gets reset
gyro dies in part 7

part 7.txt

Thank god they fixed KQ

I think most of them don't and a few (e.g. Surface, Sex Pistols) do

There's no excuse for the eyes, they just needed to use a different colour fill. That's all.

Free will, no.
Sentience, maybe.
Sapience, no.

Normal stands are just puppets. Autonomous stands are roombas.

>final boss was the good guy

Paisley Park only looks like that because Stands reflect the users desires and Yasuho desires to be in a skin tight bodysuit.

This. And I think conflicted people tend to have sentient stands, like Pucci.

Some seem to more than others, but even basic bitch punchghosts like Star Platinum seem to have some amount of free will though, like catching the bullet when Jotaro tries to shoot himself.

Also I got no idea what is and isn't canon anymore. The only changes I kinda like is Shigechi living and Jotaro being a better dad. Although it wouldn't make much sense because if Jotaro was a better dad than Jolyene probably wouldn't end up in prison.

That tends to happen when people get old.

>final boss is a real American

Jokes on you spoilers mean nothing out of context in jojo.