Shit guys, we tried bringing out every single famous orc to get the nostalgiabux...

>Shit guys, we tried bringing out every single famous orc to get the nostalgiabux, but we're dropping subs like bombs on hiroshima
>What if we actually just make good content again?
>Haha what? Why would we do that?
>Burning Crusade was pretty loved, right? Not really sure why, definitely one of our worst expansions. Anyway, just throw Illidan on the cover again.
>Didn't people want an Emerald Dream expansion? Yeah just throw it in as a Tier 1 raid or some shit i dont know.
>OH yeah and demon hunters, that'll get a lot of purchases. Throw them in too. I think I read about that on some forums.
>Throw Azshara in there too somewhere.
>People loved Northrend, lets get some Howling Fjord nostalgia in there. Just make some Vrykul zones.
>B-But sir, none of this has anything to do with the L-Legion..
>Oh yeah classes are too complicated. Also I saw a Frost DK using a two hander. I don't like that.

B-Best expansion g-guys! L-Legion releases on A-August 30th.

Other urls found in this thread:

Only one bomb was dropped on Hiroshima

>baaaawaaa stop liking what i don't like
I preordered the collectors and i fear nothing.
Come at me, faggot.

>believing government propaganda.

people still play wow?

As someone who has raided heroic content, I can't see how people continue to play this.
After WOTLK I quit playing for a bit then did mythics in mists, and the entire raid treated it like a job instead of having fun, the community just isn't the same

I won't call the modern WoW players "people".

>Oh yeah classes are too complicated. Also I saw a Frost DK using a two hander. I don't like that.
This shit keeps me away from the game. What if I want to play as a shockadin or 2h shaman or other retarded spec just because it's fun to me? Why do I have to be pigeonholed into a specific way of playing? There has to be some freedom for creativity in RPGs.

>Also I saw a Frost DK using a two hander. I don't like that.

Will it ever stop hurting?

>being this ignorant

requesting the 3/5 peons awoken pic

>ywn hit massive obliterate crits while swinging a hugeasfuck sword around in a mad fervor

kill me

just make a warcraft 4 ffs

man this also gets me. it seems like players have half the abilities and spells in comparison to wotlk.

I am guilty of playing the beta

Pretty much did everything from getting exalted with all factions, higher mythic+ dungeons, finnish order hall upgrades/campaign, level professions and do the quests, make a char on the PvP test realm and try arena, try the raids, level a bunch of alts to 110 since it takes like 2 days for even the most casual player and help out in two different stress-tests within a month.
Game really lacks content even compared to WoD and even Blizzard realizes it so they are gonna try stall by remaking Karazhan into a dungeon and announce it before the expac to show "how much content Legion has" when in reality its the new ZA/ZG patch for cata.

Owell, atleast they saved me from spending 60 bucks, but unless you really can

WoD proved that they can sell 8-10 million "boxes" without any effort nor content, so why try to improve?

It really seems like they care more about box sales rather than the sub these days


Get out.

Also, do you really want modern blizzard to further tarnish what little good that there is left in their collection of series?
You and I both know it won't end well.

Paladins are going to be fucking epic, when the legion hits, r-right guys?

DKs should've never had duel-welding.

Well, to keep the players subbed you need to deliver constant good content.

A skeleton crew can lazily reuse some assets and release 2 or 3 raids and half dozen of dungeons. Is pretty cheap and both drones and bored normies will buy them and maybe pay 1 or 2 months. That's why they wanted yearly expansions.

Yeah they will be like
>Light will project me!

I agree. Faggots in PVP would judge me for using a two handed weapon as frost, until they seen just how much damage I was doing.

Yeah they should've given them ranged weapons.

That's okay. I feel the same way about everyone who posts on Sup Forums.

please nooooo. B-but I'm playing around with the thought of leveling one for that op holy warfare against the legion :(

>everyone who posts on Sup Forums
Not really. That only applies to the boards full of retards, like Sup Forums, Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

You know as someone that started as a DK at wrath launch and would go on to be for the next two expansions the DK with the highest parses on the server. I'm inclined to agree, I tried all throughout wrath to force DW but finally gave up in ToC after even with a talent it being far inferior to ARP stacking blood or Casino strike.

I realize now it was a mistake, the playstyle has done nothing but give excuses to dumb frost down back from when it took skill from 3.0 to the cata pre patch.


>when it took skill
To achieve neo- Blizzard's "perfect balance" you need to remove skill from the equation.

Seems skilled players doing more DPS than better geared players is unfair.

I think frost DKs are there really to fill up the "Strength 1-hander DPS" slot.

I had a lot of fun with DW Unholy in 3.0.x and it could shit out crazy damage but it didn't last long iirc. 2h Frost was always more fun though.

I dunno, I've been playing for over a decade and I like the looks of this expansion. I didn't like Mists or WoD but Legion looks great. It feels fun again with all the new changes.

this. WoW's community is total shit. If you want a chill as fuck MMO community play OSRS

What if we made a >petition to force Unholy to be the DW spec? BlizzActivision seems like the type of company to cave into stupid demands like that.


Azshara is not present in Legion.

I honestly like dual wielding frost DKs but the option should be there.

There is no greater pain though than getting rid of gladiator stance and single minded fury

Currently she's there but Facetime-only.

her "avatar" is during a conversation with that ghost highborne prince in aszuna

yeah...thats about it so far

>i-it's a s-s-stutter th-thread
S-s-suck my d-dick, O-OP.

Unholy should have had Staves and just been a necromancer wearing plate. Blood is fine, or make Blood the DW spec (or switch between either) and then make Frost the Two Hander.

Unholy should have basically just been the polar opposite of Holy Paladins, Frost a plate wearing Frost Mage with some Arthas elements, and Blood a half vampiric half fury warrior combo that's built for tanking.

What the fuck did they do to DKS to make them so boring?

I preferred it when all three specs could tank. I got pretty good using my ghoul as an unholy tank/partial unholy tank.

> Heroic raiding
> Ever about fun
Top raid guilds taking two weeks off work and trying every boss for 200-250 times was just as fun pre-cata as it is nowadays. Except in BC, you would occasionally have to start skipping bosses because they were so broken.

got you covered

The game has 36 different specs, some being vastly complex and different with some having inner subspecs with talents, and you shitty joke specs that were too simple in vanilla terms?

Nothing in WoW took skill. Ever.

Just a crippling degree of autism to tolerate uncreative cooldown plate spinning and stat max/minning.

I didn't play DKs during that period but my guild's resident DK described it as "playing a new class every patch/fix"

>some being vastly complex

What it should be or what we want it to be is irrelevant because what we're getting is a low-mid tier class that's just barely "okay" at the role you choose. Unless you choose Frost, then everyone will laugh at you before you're kicked from the raid.

I'm seriously considering dumping the class for something else but fuck if I know what.

No please don't

Demon hunters are boring.
It's like they intentionally made them boring as fuck.

You think you want that, but you don't.

> I posted a reaction picture instead of giving a clear retort as to why I disagree.

This is why nobody listens to Sup Forums

> level unholy dk to 100, find out they are pretty boring for pvp because they suck at single target dps
> level fire Mage to 100 to see how great they are
> they end up being really mediocre at pvp
Oh well at least demon hunters are fun even with their 1234 rotations

There was literally no way they could have made them not boring just because Demon Hunters themselves are such an interesting and cool class lore-wise. Anything they did as far as gameplay for the class wouldn't live up to the established image of Demon Hunters.

Maybe having all the talents will help though.

>2 specs
>neither are stealth like a rogue

>It's like they intentionally made them boring as fuck
They wanted to make them retard-proof, so obviously they are boring.

Where can I find some dps rankings for Legion?

Can't decide what specs should I go first for raiding on some of my classes.

Like is unholy or frost better? Marksmanship or Beast Mastery?
Outlaw or Assassination?
Affliction or Demo/Destro?

Also are Wind walkers still any good after the Nerfs?

Can you post the armory link of your shadow priest?

Fire mage is literally the top fotm PvP class right now.

Unholy needs the artifact to do single target burst.

Unholy tears through shit in beta. When raid testing, we always had an Unholy DK, Fury Warrior, and a WW Monk for cleave meta. Their single target is retardedly high too.

MM is trumping BM. Outlaw is not too bad, but Assassination beats it in single target.

Affliction melts things, but it's boring. Destro farts out portals that do lots of damage to things in the area.


>new class
>requires level 70 on that server
>starts at level 98
>make it fool proof

Demon Hunters are there to catch the interest of lower skill players. With Enha Shaman, Fury Warrior, Survi Hunter and WW monk, thatvwas the only open role for fast (read: GCD locked) melee.

Why do you need a ranking

You can switch specs on the fly and gear is the same for same class DPS specs except Druid and Shaman. Try it out on a dummy. Legion numbers arent out yet, cus artifacts.

Nobody cares if you don't know how to properly spend your money, user.

People still post on Sup Forums when infinite chan exists?

Thank you very much, it's pretty much as I suspected but surprised about unholy single target.

Could you elaborate more on BM vs MM?
Is it a big dps difference?

Because leveling the artifact takes a lot of time even with catch up mechanics for of spec and I need some classes ready for raiding asap to please my nazi mythic raiding guild.

can you still reset the Invasion stage by logging out or did they hotfix that yet?

Why is vanilla wow so amazing? It inspires creative people even today.

Last two weeks for DPS ranks on Mythic.

No datamining so there was an added mystery to everything.

Datamining ruined the game. Really hope Blizzard puts an NDA on their next beta.

>last week of raid
>get 745 Titanforged weapon
>upgrade to 755
>Artifacts start at 750
>literally don't have to use the artifact until I can socket a relic into it
I've beaten Blizzard at their own game!

I mean, that screenshot is from a vanilla private server

Help me select my primary alt, Sup Forums. I've got 5 100's but I think it's smart to have 2 characters that I really focus on so I don't spread myself out too thin trying to get them all up to speed.

My main is an unholy DK, and I'm pretty dead-set on that. I like their playstyle. The two choices I've got for a primary alt are warlock and boomkin because I want a ranged class. Anyone know how both of these classes are doing in beta right now?

Is exploration still possible? I remember people finding all kinds of crazy shit in WoW that wasn't meant to be found.

Yeah but the artifact provides you with an ability which is probably way better than some extra stats in the long run.

all invasions are up all the time for now

To be fair, most classes get a new ability with their artifact (Moonkin get a fucking awesome ability)

Not sure if its for all classes, but Resto/Moonkin/Firemage all benefit right away

WoD added a lot of rares/hidden treasures/world bosses/hidden quests

more like they gave you a dosis so you buy the next shitty game
why you think you only get good drops the first few days after a few months playing , whatever its wow or d3

You can still do that, blizzdrones are crying on the forums about the "exploit" but nothing is being done with Legion so close.

All of that is designed for players to find. It is intended to be found, and I bet most of it got documented and uploaded to databases before WoD even left beta stage. You have no idea about what WoW exploration is.

I meant like people clipping through a dungeon instance to find zones that the devs were testing out.

Healers and tanks are kinda getting fucked by artifact weapons. No one is going to quest from 100-110 as a healer, so you're forced to pick a dps weapon off the bat. This makes you automatically behind when you hit 110 and get your healer weapon.

do that for the other expansions, too please.

So rogues get Vanessa Vancleef as a subordinate huh?


We are here to laugh at you you can eat as much shit as you want
>b-bubut I hhhhave fuffufuUFUN

Fuck mages.

>level alts with invasions
>only way to get decent XP is to tag mobs and run away
Nice job assholes

>Not questing with a massive, thick, throbbing tank daddy

A.) It's easy to level as healer. Zero down time.
B.) You get your second artifact at 102.

>Single minded fury is just outright removed and fury warriors are now forced to wield two-handers
>Prot is now the only warrior spec that can wield one-handers

Some of these decisions boggle the mind.

So are there PvP weapons, or are we expected to use artifacts in PvP?

>no fun allowed
its just people who didn't leveled 30 alts during wod and mop
its like the retards who complain about glitchs that are only fun and harms no one (death grip flying)
did they ruin randon mage teleporting? they should be able to teleport anywhere . fuck being limited to X cities or zones to teleport

yeah but the artifact gains while leveling are actually items which grant you the power when you use them. so you just level as dps and switch to your healer artifact and use them.

>not playing the first character you ever made for the past 11 years

>wasting time collecting transmog I won;t ever use
>do heroic icc25 for some shit yesterday
>no mount
>today try and do heroic 10m for alt colors
>keeps forcing me into 25m

I feel like it wasn't always this way but then again I've been wrong before.

No weapons, period