ITT: Things DS2 did good

ITT: Things DS2 did good


Best PVP in the series

feeling like you're going very far into the unknown.
didn't feel that in DS3 but DS1 did it well too.

PVP and dlcs.

Also build variety

kept me better entertained than 3

also had overal better enemies and pacing

with 3 I feel that it tries way too hard to make almost each and every common enemy irritating af


- Viable weapon infusions
- Slow Estus HP recovery
- NG+
- Not sucking Lordran's dick every now and then
- Twinblades
- Powerstancing
- NPC invaders

you feel it clearly when you fight someone skilled.
DS3 is just dark sword meme and win.

Most wep in DS3 are the same skill as other


You referring to vanilla 2 or sotfs?

it was also shit at the beginning

All this and Vendrick was the best character in Souls.

very easy to uninstall

Slow Estus drinking animation and HP recovery.
Rollspam actually punished with every consequent roll in a chain eating more of your stamina.

Speed climbing
UI upgrades like using stacks of Souls instead of a tedious one by one
Ganking faggot covenant

>b-but le DS2 is le bad meme

Loads of weapons. They all felt horrible(and the same) but fashion reached new heights.

Made me appreciate DaS1 and 3 because the weapons don't feel like Styrofoam in those.

Made me appreciate the sound design of the other games because you don't make rock crushing sounds every 3 seconds.

being a bad game

>there are people who think PVP in DS2 is better than DS3

What a joke, DS3 made PVP much easier and much more frequent with fewer restrictions. The only thing really bad about DS3 pvp is not blue eye orb.

60 fps
Overall being a pretty good game even if it's arguably the worst in the series

Desert Sorceress.

Here's what each entry in the series did best. Let's stop pretending one is objectively worse than the rest.

>best level design, lore
>most cohesive lore and story
>best gameplay additions
>(until DS3's) best DLC
>most involving, engrossing world
>most satisfying to play

The biggest thing I dislike about DS2 besides soul memory, no infinite orb, etc is the terrible art style. It looks ugly and much worse than DS1.

I'd put all six of those under das1

Everything post-Drangleic looks far better than DS1 though.

Even though DLC is cancer. they did a great job with theirs and it actually saved the game and made it enjoyable

I still remember the fucking shrine with the auto locking wizards. I still dislike that art style, when I look at it now compared to dark souls 3 the quality is so different, DS2 will not age well.

Eh in DS1 I could never shake off the video-gameyness of the level design.
In DS3, the world was designed a lot more planar, to feel like more realistic places.
Shrine of Amana looks fucking beautiful though!

>best gameplay additions

Like what, a useless torch? Bonfire fasttraveling? Adaptation? What did DS2 add that was worthwhile?

Proper PvP covenants
Better weapon variety
Bonfire Ascetic


I really liked power stance and being able to use weapons with your left hand instead of fucking blocking with them.
I couldn't stand the inconsistent hitboxes which was the worst of all 3 souls games for me.

-weapon/armor/magic/build variety
-bonfire ascetics
-Ivory and Iron King DLC

Still the worst game though.
Gameplay is worst in the series and only a handful of areas aren't complete shit.
I really only started having fun with this game as I reached Iron Keep and onwards.


Fashion Souls
Small white soapstone was a neat idea too


It's a video game. How is this a bad thing?