Did jensen convert to islam after human revolution or how can this be explained?

did jensen convert to islam after human revolution or how can this be explained?

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Serious question, what's wrong with this? I mean it's like if you find a bloody scripture somewhere. You know it wasn't a jehovah witness because they believe the soul is in their blood so they wouldn't spill theirs because it's against its religion.

And I'm not a bloody jehova witness.

>plan to play through MD non lethal sneaky beaky
>first mission in dubai
>start screaming at me in ISIS
>murder absolutely everyone
>fuck sake

Did it trigger you that fucking much, Sup Forums?
I played this yesterday and i didn't even notice it till you pointed it out

>they were gud muslims boyz they dindu nuffin

its like when they say ISIS are not real muslims

uhmm.. yes they are. they are taking the texts literally and performing what their god tells them to - doesnt make it less wrong.

hurr durr all cultures are equal :)))))

Do not buy this game, dlc pay to win shitfest. Had to buy at least 5 praxis kits to get thru the bullshit level in golem city

I just wanna say i fuckin hate the islam

The writer is an idiot.

>Start completely non-lethal run because its what I did first in Human Rev
>Bodies can still fall or ragdoll the fuck out and kill themselves after you perform a takedown
>they're often next to a fucking hazard

Non-lethal with pistol for when i get pissed off it is

And when did Jensen said that isis weren't jihadist? Or that islam is a religion of peace?
Or anything that's slighty related to that?
They guy stated a fact- Jihadist don't have augs among them. It's like in HR when the purist group didn't know they had an augmented hacker among them and someone was playing them.

I really don't see the conection between "they can't be jihadist because augs go against their religion" and "hurr durr muslims are a religion of peace".
You people are seriously blowing this out of proportion.

Maybe Jensen doesn't actually know what he's talking about, but since they happened to not be Muslims anyway it doesn't matter.

>Had to buy at least 5 praxis kits to get thru the bullshit level in golem city

The statement is not wrong, Muslims would probably be against augmentatations IRL.

It's just that when Muslims kill people in your country in the name of Islam, you get a little sick of hearing how not terroristic Muslims are.

I suppose he just knows enough about the muslim faith to dismiss the possibility of augmented terrorists having an islamist background.


I've always thought about it like extremist groups, but i don't feel like they're representative of the whole thing either.
Like catholics, there're some extremist groups where they still act like they live in the 50s and don't eat meat on fridays and don't have sex till they're married and shit, but that's just the extremist group.
Or at least i think that's how it works. Throwing everyone in the same bag and treating every muslim like a terrorist muslim would be pretty fucking unfair.
Specially since I've seen a lot of whites being recruited into ISIS and such.

it's making a point that some politicians and MANY commentators are making.

>everytime you identify terrorist murdering fuckheads as 'Muslim / Islamic' you're HELPING them.

when a fucker goes and blows up an abortion clinic you don't call them 'good christians'

same as NO one calls the Psychotic genocidal warlord Kony a Christian leader.

and yet around the world we keep helping the terrorists by alienating actual islam and muslims by identifying the terrorist murdering fuckers OPPRESSING THEM as the same group.

people in the west LOVE to completely ignore that these terrorist groups etc attack their own countries first. and still are.

>boko haram invades provinces to attack girl's schools and kidnap the students for rape, forced marriage and labour and to stop them getting an education

>western media barely ever mentions it

No it isn't. Replace Augs with Bacon and you get the same result.

If you found some terrorists that were eating bacon you would conclude they most likely weren't ISIS because ISIS don't eat bacon because of their muslim beliefs.

>catholic extremist
>act like they live in the 50s and don't eat meat on fridays and don't have sex till they're married and shit

>muslim extremist
>chops heads off

That's dumb. I doubt anything specific in the quran says you can't get mechanical augmentation.

Also, if it said no guns then you can sure as hell bet they would still use guns.

Shitposting aside for a second, would this game actually be worth my $60?

of course it's fucking different since they're different cultures you stupid uncultured swine, but i was making a point about how little groups aren't representative of the whole culture

If all your enemies' armies are using military augmentation, then you will too. Regardless of your beliefs, you'll use it to keep up.

Which makes perfect sense seeing as how even in the old testament there's strict prohibitions on body modification.

I think we can assume he has his finger on the pulse of body augmentation issues. The feelings of one of the world's largest religions towards the social issue of the day should be fairly common knowledge.

>Throwing everyone in the same bag
You're the one who's throwing every religion in the same bag, user.

The Qur'an (not just contested traditions or later theological works, the Qur'an, the book that is regarded by Muslims as God's uncorrupted, word by word message to Humanity) specifically tells Muslims to wage war against and kill non-believers. No other religion does that.

I pre-ordered it and i'd say that unless you loved the shit out of HR it's not worth it. I loved it, really, and I'm having a blast with MD, it'll probably be my personal GOTY. But if you aren't a fan then i wouldn't say it's worth it.

no they aren't.

the way you can tell is their 'priests' aren't actually priests, since none of them have actually studied the whole Quran and take it in moderation.

by your logic, the white supremacist fucks who take extremely specific parts of the bible (old testament) and use it as justification for their actions are 'good wholesome Christians' who are totally following the religion.

instead of the cuntbag murdering nutters we call them.

Only with Islam is it 'ok' to malign and misrepresent an entire group in the west.

muslims don't have to be terrorists for islam being the worst shit

as soon as muslims become a majority in a country they implement sharia law and kill/oppress every other religion and culture

it's a bunch of racists complaining

ignore them


I'm trying to have some parallels but I was hoping you'd catch my meaning. Like some catholics don't follow the rules to the core (being those oppresive and what not), not every muslim follow their rules to the core, so calling everyone a terrorist is wrong given the current state of its culture it's wrong.

>a fucker blows up an abortion clinic you don't call them a "good Christian"
This happened literally one time in the eighties. Irrelevant. Meanwhile, Islamic terrorist attacks happen on a regular basis. I prefer "convert or you might go to hell." Over "convert or die/give us money." But maybe that's just me.

Muslim terrorists are an entirely separate problem from regular religious Muslims.

Most Muslims hate terrorists. But a lot of Muslims are also fucking awful to deal with.

what is this image supposed to show?

go back to Sup Forumstard

delete the last "it's wrong", it was a typo. lol. sorry.

what the fuck have they done to adam jensens face holy fuck

>pointing out the obvious agenda in MD means you're a Sup Forumsack


Lead writer is a woman so that explains most of it.


but christian extremists are about what? 100,000 people if we're being generous

its been shown that at least 25% of muslims hold views that us in the west would find barbaric and call them extreme (killing gays, killing apostates etc)

25% of 1.5 billion is 375,000,000

have some perspective. Muslim extremism is way more of a current threat than christian extremism



Don't confuse Sup Forums with facts they just want to meme and spout sensational headlines all day long.

There is literally nothing wrong with what Jensen said. If augmentation was against Christan beliefs and he denied that those responsible were Christian because they had Augs it would be the same story.

Why does this thread keep getting made? When will shitposting be banned?

>catholic extremists

>outlaw abortion, capital punishment for premarital sex, forcing rape victims to marry their rapists, outlaw condoms and other prophylatics ensuring the spread of aids in an epidemically stricken continent, approving and allowing militias to kill and rape and loot and pillage non christian villages / tribes

>all having Papal approval.

How about you stop moving the fucking goalposts cuntbag.

> christian extremists

>school shootings by the score
> blowing up abortion clinics
>torturing abortion clinic staff to death after home invading them

and of course, there's that other western "faith" based organisation that's been doing stuff for fucking decades...


It's a fair call.
If the killers had bionic foreskins you'd assume they weren't Jewish.


shhh don't bring logic into this

holy shit deus ex has gone full sjw

this is what happens when you hire a female writer for your game, not only is the story complete trash but it's also full of sjw bullshit

i'm glad this game is bombing rn, sucks for the brand but whatever, we still have cyberpunk 2077 as our last hope

I'd bet my left nut that I've been to more Muslim majority countries and speak better Arabic than you do.

Ask the average taxi driver or kiosk owner in Cairo if apostates really do deserve death. Ask him if thinks cutting the hands of thieves would be better for society. He'll say yes.
What you consider to be an
>extremist offshoot
of Islam is really the norm.

Throw off your pink hippie sunglasses already.

>that hair

Gee, why would someone working for Interpol be aware of the behaviour of terrorist groups?

I appreciate the fact that you have hard data about muslims, i really do. But if you don't have the hard data for christians for comparison then your point kinda destroys itself, user.
Also, 25% is still a minority and shouldn't be taken as the general view of a whole culture

looks like a man desu

>augmentations goes against muslim beliefs
>implying every muslim would follow every belief 100% of the time

>implying christians follow every belief 100% of the time and don't occasionally gamble or have premarital sex

>implying islam is a religion of peace

>implying 33% of muslims don't believe in death to leavers of the religion

>implying the majority of muslims dont believe shariah law should be greater than any other law

>implying muslims don't throw gays off roofs and stone women who were raped

>implying turkey with it's 99% muslim population is a good addition to the EU

>implying every race and culture is equal

GUYS NOT ALL AUGS ARE BAD! Also the enemy is literally future notisis.
>Catholicism is the same as protestant Christianity
Wew lad. Fucking ignorant piece of shit.
>you can be racist toward a religion

Question. How do I take down the armored guys? I tried melee but, that didn't work out so well.

>ayo whatchu looking at whiteboi, talk about the mission or imma woop ur pale ass bitch

what did he mean by this?

I'm happy that we're having a sort of civilized discussion in this thread, user, so let's keep it that way. Personal experiences don't count as an argument.
Also, even if they think that way,that doesn't really mean that they wanna blow each other up. There's space for extremism between extremists.

Christian extremists can be just as bad as history shows.

This game is literal gold.
I'm loving every fucking second of it.
I'm sorry pirates can't play with us

hey reddit

>western media barely ever mentions it
There was a huge shitstorm about that. Social media even latched on with the #BringBackOurGirls or something like that.

Then was completely forgotten because human society is in shambles. This wouldn't be happening if everyone is a spider.

This. I was all fine and dandy and then out of nowhere terrorists everywhere.

so what's wrong with what he's saying?

>Wew lad. Fucking ignorant piece of shit.
You are actually arguing his point.

except for the torah.

and old and new testament bible.

the Qu'ran ALSO says that peoples who worship other faiths in territory ruled by islamicists HAVE to be protected and NOT destroyed and or otherwise preyed upon.

>see the crusades where "chrisitan' armies sack jerusalem and kill EVERYONE in the cities because they're not christian ( the jews and muslims) including other christians ( for not rising up and attacking the muslims)

when up until that point the Muslims gave everyone freedom of worship rights.

the ONLY restriction they faced was not being allowed to Proselytise. that is, try to convert others.

so when you go on about islam being evil, you ignorant fuck, just remember, We fucking started it first.

>gee, it's almost like genociding an entire peacfeul region and blaming one group makes the scant survivors and neighbouring members of that group hold a grudge!!!

Practicing Christians make up about 10-25% of the global population, if that. There are at least 2 billion Muslims.

Why? Theres like 3 trainers out there that unlock praxis and levels. Hell all i did was add money because i went with the passport shit. I was too dumb to take a different route.

>humanity shouldn't even exist
Go back to Overwatch, Reaper.

I'll explain it very simply to you

>Game starts out first mission in Dubai
>Your operation gets attacked by mysterious guys in golden masks with very advanced military grade augs
>After the mission, you speak with Macready who is leading the case to find out who the perps were
>Macready is a know it all and in charge and reminds Adam he is not on the case and has no authority
>Adam just wants to have a straight talk with him and acknowledges that but wants to help, because he was after all attacked by them too
>They talk about the aug situation, adam mentions augs aren't allowed in the middle east (muslim faith does not allow for such body modifications)
>Macreedy suggests perhaps the perps that attacked them were locals
>Adam reminds him they were in a Muslim country. Muslims don't allow for augs so they couldn't have been locals trying to allahu akbar their shit, they weren't jihadists
>Adam also reminds him they had top of the line military grade augs, the people who attacked them were something very organized with power

It's just a case of Adam being WAY more knowledgeable than the cunts in charge.

The crusades were started BECAUSE Muslims raided the holy Land, dumbass.

There is literally nothing wrong with this statement, what the fuck is wrong with you?

the fact that you don't see anything wrong with that statement is highly problematic

As if a jihadist group wouldn't figure out some way to justify having augs so they can allhu ackbar better

Don't reply to spider posters, you retard.

How the fuck do i know that YOU faggots aren't pushin the illuminati agenda?


majority of muslims want shariah law in their new countries the migrated to.

why did they leave their countries? because islamism destroyed their countries. Yet they want to repeat that experiment here by introducing shariah law??

unless we tell them straight up - look, your culture has only produced utter failure countries, so dont try bring that shit over here to our nice countries - then they are going to do it. Stop defending them without thinking.

Islam is a terrible religion. Why is it so often 'misunderstood' and 'misrepresented'? simple. Its not. Its well understood by ISIS and other Shariah law lovers. They understand that under shariah, gays should be tossed from high places, apostates should be killed and 'adulturers' should be stoned to death. Theres no room for interpretation in islam. It makes the claim that it is the PERFECT, un editable and LAST WORD of god.

Stop pretending that all religions and cultures are the same.

That's not what Jensen is saying. Jensen is openly acknowledging that Muslim terrorists exist. He is just saying that it wasn't them because the terrorists in question were augmented.

In-game dialogue
>"shut the fuck up with this nigger speech thing, call me if you want to discuss business"
Same dialogue, Sup Forums-goggles enabled
>"brotah dindu nuffin! Gunna fug yo white gf cuck senpai"

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

Yeah and real muslims don't kill either because its not allowed :^)

but this guy is a corporate bigwig who is using the augs to build his city

he's purposefully using that divisive rhetoric, he has to keep augs on his side to get his city built. He doesn't actually give a fuck about them.

Sup Forums is seeing these screens and thinking it's some agenda they're pushing. I gotta hand it to Eidos, they did a really good job capturing our current events and how people speak and applying it to the game. That guy is EXACTLY like modern leftists who use minorities to their advantage.

>the Qu'ran ALSO says that peoples who worship other faiths in territory ruled by islamicists HAVE to be protected and NOT destroyed and or otherwise preyed upon.
Nice cherrypicking fag. Look up repentence 29.

i don't get it
the game is full of left wing politics and it still gets shit on by social justice warriors (see the augs lives matter controversy)

why do devs still pander to lefties if they just find more reasons to hate the game they make? why not pander to a demographic that likes to be pandered to?

>as history shows
for every bad thing that Christians did since the 7th century, you can point out even worse shit that Muslims did at the same time

Muslims have been slaughtering others and each other since day one. Muslims stole the Ka3ba and used it as a stepping stone for a potty just to piss off other Muslims.

>guise don't be mean to muslins you'll trigger them and they'll become terrorists

in to the trash

why are Sup Forumstards so terrified of everything?

How come we never had this kind of discussions with Assassins Creed?

Catholic extremists in the same degree of exaggeration as Muslim extremists would murder and stone a shitload of people, not to mention all the ha d removal. Old Testament is a bitch, user.


Radical anythings tend to be the highly conservative element of that religion.

Having robot parts isnt an ethnicity unless he thinks it makes you an entirely different species.Even then its fucking retarded.

why do you make such broad, sweeping assumptions (while claiming to be different from a board known to also do that) ?

>it's okay when they do it because we started it first abloo abloo!
western world evolved, Muslim world didn't, news flash at 11

>augs are a race

kill me senpai

>Don't patronize me
what's wrong with saying that? Or is your problem that he's black?

It is though.

>And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter... and fight them until fitnah is no more, and religion is for Allah.

Mostly because it's reverse tumblr

yeah but its the same as those fucking jackasses who say OMG LOOK they cant be muslim terrorists because they went to a strip club user lol you're so racist. stop demonizing a whole group of people.

user look they attacked out profit's very own mosque and you still think they are motivated by islam?? :))

its people who truly have no idea what they are talking about.