Woah.....this....is.....the power....of pc

woah.....this....is.....the power....of pc....

Other urls found in this thread:


Why did you remove the price?

Why would you censor it?

>hiding the price

For what purpose

Not that it changes how retarded it is to have that game on Steam in the first place

How is Steam still a respectable platform? This is fucking garbage. Have a filter for this sort of shit at least

becuase i don't wanna get bullied

because it would give you clues about the country he lives in via the currency.

>its a "retards are confused by the concept of a free market" thread

Oh boy.

OP is a Mexican

poo in the loo?



Every PC game ever, no matter how shit it is, should be on Steam.

If you just browse the store and buy random shit you deserve only the worst.

Still not as impressive as... The power 4theplayer...


Why are you hiding the price OP?


You need to go back.

bingo bango

lmao OP is a Mexican

>not liking cats
kill yourself retard

>not liking cat games
sasuga Sup Forums




These ironic visual novels have gone too far. Even the anime girl agrees with me


>hiding the price
Pajeet I know it's you

Kill yourself you dirty burrito bandit

>not "To form a meow perfect union"


>free market means we only get indie shit and bad ports

I'm so happy in the jungle, I refuse to go!

Yes, consoles are getting the exact same. Only reason they're not "bad ports" is because consolefags are used to shitty graphics and performance.


Been using this a lot lately.

>It's OK when Pigeons do it

>some mad pcuck did this because he has nothing else to do on his indie machine

>poor third worlders are console war shit posters
Surprised no one

That's it? And that's relevant why?

>mfw cat president runs at 60fps
>bloodborne runs at 27fps
the choice is clear

wh-who's the fap trap 4 seconds in?

>tfw consolefag call Nier indie the moment they announce pc version
You guys are pitiful, just accept the fact that everyone gets fucked up by dev

I like kot

The thing is, Hatoful Boyfriend had other appeal to it in addition to characters being wacky birds. The story hooks you in with a silly premise, but as you read on you notice that holy shit, it's actually really good.

All the people trying to ape its success with these gimmick visual novels where characters are cats/dogs/bears/whatever don't get what actually made Hatoful Boyfriend good.
I really fucking hate that visual novels have turned into ironic joke platform in west.

except nier is literally going to be a shit game now since it's going on PC
fucking PCfats, i swear

>visual novels will never be recognized as a semi serious platform

>I really fucking hate that visual novels have turned into ironic joke platform in west.
Well when nothing good is coming from the East (VNs are still weeb bait with shitty stories and only sold on fan service), you have to try to experiment to get people into a genre. Obviously there's as much of a market for ironic VNs as there is for your dime-a-dozen moeshit.

>Dragon dogma was struggling to get 30fps on console
>Immediately become 1080/60fps on PC
>People generally enjoy EDF 4.1 and looking forward to mods on PC
>Senran Kagura has boobs slider mod to cater to weeb

>>People generally enjoy EDF 4.1 and looking forward to mods on PC
Are you saying people on PS4 don't enjoy it as well?? That's just wrong.

I don't even want moeshit. But only times this shit gets headlines is with wacky irony or when somebody releases "porn game" on Steam.

Nobody fucking talked about Fata Morgana. There were no articles when Muv Luv had an insanely succesful Kickstarter.

It just means that if the game itself is good no matter what platform it will be good, being exclusive or multiplat is not the problem

>Steam trading cards

I've seen this before. People putting out low effort garbage to actually make profits by putting in emoticons that people would want to use on steam. Look at the prices for weed emoticons, for example.

Or that one game, Watching Paint Dry Simulator or whatever. That dude was a Sup Forumsirgin and it had emoticons like CIA and Bane and shit.

There's also some autists who absolutely refuse to buy anything unless there's trading cards. With many niche games is that they are simply trying to secure as many sales as they can.

Can't actually confirm since obviously nobody's crafted the badge as far as I can tell, nobody interested in selling the emoticons anyway

The fuck are these prices?

holy shit
that is genius

Here's another good example. Ultimate Arena.

This was also made by a Sup Forumsirgin as I recall, and it's basically a rip off of The Hunger Games website, but you can actually post about it here and be on topic since it's a video game.

Meanwhile, these emoticons pull five dollars a head.

It's not complete low effort garbage like the game in OP's pick or Paint Dry, but it's still a decent example.

...Isn't having that Momiji art in an emoticon a copyright violation?

>starts bait thread
> i don't wanna get bullied
holy shit

Fuck if I know. More than likely? There's probably some bullshit about how the market works that protects Valve and the developer of the 'game'.

There's also a similar situation with Twitch tv, since people can have custom emoticons that require you to subscribe (ie: pay) them, they go for low hanging fruit like Undertale emoticons, and I guarantee you people have subbed to someone they don't watch just to use 'em.

Woah... so this... is the power of... PS4...


you do not like kot as much as me my friend
