Just picked it up, since it's in the $20 bin now.

I did the first level, really wasn't to impressed. The movement goes from 0-200, there's no additional sprint option, can't ADS, no reloading, I dunno how I feel about this game, but it feels cheap as fuck.

Like, next to no actual work put into it so far.

Glad I waiting and only spent 20 bucks on it. Nothing draws me in to the game. It's pretty lame as far as story goes.

Like, oh you wake up in this Quake torture contraption, DoomGuy bust up out of it. Kill some dudes naked, the put on this suit of armor in th next room over, and now you're on some fucking mars rampage?

I mean, I don' know even Doom 1 felt deeper than this. PS why don't they give you a flashlight to fucking toggle?

Not impressed. Nothing that really makes me wan to play it.

I played for maybe about an hour or two, and then I decided I'd rather watch DragonBall Z and go to bed, and even then it was because I didn't have any friends on to go play a real game with.

I bought it for 30 bones and feel like it was a waste of money. Didn't even bother finishing it, game was repetitive as fuck

This generation of gaming has been like 90% disappointment and 10% decent

>I didn't have any friends
no surprise considering your shit opinions desu

>complaining about no reloading

this is modern Sup Forums

Your opinion is DOOM 4 was a great game then?


Not him, but that's been the universal opinion of old fans and newcomers alike.

>caring about the story in a doom game

Please do not play video games ever again.

I at least wanted more gameplay, and less glory kills loot pinata explosions.

Play the game more outside the first level. The original Doom E1M1 was a great first impression but it didn't represent how the game plays like.

Delete this picture.

Too obvious.

could you delete that picture? it's pretty fucking intolerant.

i'm sure you don't know the backstory to it and just posted it by accident, but it's actually quite offensive.

Back 2 reddit with you pair.

newcomers only, you mean

what is the backstory?


nah i know nothing about the game, i just came here to shitpost

>Just picked it up, since it's in the $20 bin now.

Wow that was fucking quick


I think it's a Gamestop exclusive price, and maybe only for the Xbox One, but all I know is I put a $20 price tag on the game when I first saw it, and then the first time (yesterday) i saw it brand new for $20, I picked it up.

5m away and not even a headshot

>The movement goes from 0-200, there's no additional sprint option, can't ADS, no reloading, I dunno how I feel about this game, but it feels cheap as fuck.

You're complaining that Doom 4 behaves like Doom. Holy shit

You can tell this faggot never got much attention in life and it's funny how he continues to get nothing until he finally pulls the trigger. Bet he didn't picture it this way.

I started it yesterday too and I was VERY impressed.
There's barely any story and more emphasis on gameplay and the pure fun of shooting and jumping around (really fast too), and you're pretty retarded arguing against this.
You also sound like you're used to CoD and battlefield and don't understand the appeal of DOOM. "Omg the story is lame" "Wheres muh flashlight omg" "wheres my sprint?!?!" "NO reloading???" fuck, go back to Titanfall. Including those things that you listed are design decision towards muh realism which is literally video-game cancer, and I'm happy that they're gone so I can just jump 'n shoot in peace.

Also, play it on Nightmare difficulty. (Obviously you didn't pick it because you're a baby)

I'm having a lot of fun with it.

some salty nigger from a tv network went postal during a live interview. killed the interviewer and camera man, then himself.

I gotta say, if there was one thing I could say I liked about Doom 4, it's the jumping, and climbing. It felt pretty cool, charging at some imp up on a ledge, hoppin up that bitch, and shotgunning him in the dome.

But, then he just glows for 10 seconds until I waste ammo, or click a stick and get a loot pinata of rewards.

thanks for the insight user

On Nightmare they barely drop anything. What difficulty level were you even playing?


You can turn off the glory kill indicator in the options, along with a number of other things. And you can always just keep shooting until they die instead of glory killing them.

>But, then he just glows for 10 seconds until I waste ammo
U realize that if you finish him with a gun you get ammo back? It's health if you glory kill

I'd rather just be able to get the same reward for the kill, no matter how I do it.
I hate how it's so bias towards getting glory kills

Save ammo, get ammo, get health.

Use ammo, no more ammo, no more health

Oh, but that's cool though. If you just completely ignore the only feature in the game that allows health and ammo drops from enemies you might have a fun time.

There's your problem. Play Nightmare and you have to actually play the game instead of literally walking and clicking around lmao

I came here to leave a (You)

You left an (OP)


Well at least you're not playing below that.

I always do first play throughs on the default level. why try hard at a game I don't even know if I like fundamentally yet?

Only deaths I've had so far are from jumping off stupid shit thinking I can make it.