What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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should have named it planetfield. it had more in common with battlefield than planetside

Only 3 maps. No large battles anywhere other than bases. The inability to capture an entire planet ruined the game

smedley wasted a ton of resources trying to make it mlg

Terrible launch. Terrible balance. Terrible performance. Terrible grind. There was like one good map, the crown on Indar and SOE destroyed it because too many people were having fun there instead of all the other terrible bases.

No reason to fight, not enough variety. Shitty spawn system. Shitty p2w garbage shop.

All they fucking had to do was make Planetside 1 with better shooting and graphics and it would have been perfect. So much wasted potential

godawful performance and shit tier art direction

Too many tiny bases, the appeal of the game was huge battles why make so many god damn bases for 12-24 people. They ended up just getting overrun as soon as a zerg comes through.

They could have made 10 big bases around each continent and then let players make their way. It would have been much easier to design than making 80 shitty bases that get steamrolled every 5 minutes.

The game lacked and still lacks anything dealing with supplies. Any base can spew out 400 tanks with no repercussions.

Entire mobs of people spawning into any base as soon as it came under attack killed any hope of a small team making a difference. There were entire outfits basically dedicated to shitting on a small skirmish at an outpost as soon as the point was capped by the opposition. Good luck taking a base when at any point 100 people can spawn in and grab MAXs with no resource costs that matter.

It was fun with a large group and it was super hype when your outfit made a difference. The combat of the game was fine with a few exceptions, but that was all it did well. There wasn't nearly enough options to take bases besides take the point.

Shame planetside 1 got ruined as well

Mainly by everyone having command ranks, in the end every base battle went same way
Emp and orbital spam, no defending, no fun allowed

game balance went to shit
NC weapons were supposed to have more headshot damage but reddit cried that all the pros would only play NC

>Always wanted an MMOFPS with huge battles
>Missed out on PlanetSide 1
>PlanetSide 2 comes out, get super hype
>It's the worst shooter I've ever played in my life
>It dies a slow and painful death
>Nobody will ever make an MMOFPS again because SOE fucked up so badly
I just wanted to fight in big battles

I was thinking on replaying this again
how many players are there online usually?

It still has a decent population partly because of the new minecraft system, but it's been bleeding players since.

You sound like you played it years ago. Now there are 4 maps, and you can capture whole maps.

1. Unfinished engine.
2. Lack of updates.
3. Oversaturated market of cosmetics ruined art direction completely.
4. Was developed for PS4, PC version was just a port since beginning.
5. SOE (and now Daybreak) treat the game as a quick cash cow.

I quit the game after they ruined camos on infantry. Tried it couple years later and it was the exact same shit with retarded biolabs, barely any new content and even more P2W bullshit.
>pay real money NOW to get extra XP from killing the person who just killed you

>pay real money NOW to get extra XP from killing the person who just killed you
is this real?

Yes, I believe it also has some kind of pay real cash bounty system.


They also added a second booster slot. Not sure if it's for any booster or resource only, though.

pay to not grind.

that would have died faster than ps2.

PS1 is too much game for modern teenager fags.

>Smedley, why are tanks these cheap 1 man zerg boxes instead of expensive, powerful, and requiring a full crew to man like in the first game?
>"It's more fun this way"

>Terrible grind

Literally worse than a JRPG's grind

>was developed for PS4
What took them so long then? And why? Were they looking to create the next MAG?

Nothing. Shitters who couldn't handle it left. MLG EX-QUAKE PROFESSIONALS are now all that's left.

other than me being bad at shooters
>optimization is simply retarded - you might get better framerates out of turning your settings UP
>like all multiplayer fps's, you can't get shit done as a newbie and you gotta leech until level whatever
>until then, be ready to unload two magazines into the back of a dude's head before he turns around and puts one in your foot, ending your sweet killstreak of one guy who just got shot by someone else
>it's flat-out ugly, and i'm not one to give a shit about graphics, but this game is hard to look at

MAG was better. Too bad it died. I would love a new one.

I personally had fun for a little while but the way that the map/world design divides up players was annoying. Capping barely populated outposts is no fun and neither is doomblobs v ghost outposts. These two situations were way too common.

When the game worked it really worked though.

>it's flat-out ugly, and i'm not one to give a shit about graphics, but this game is hard to look at
The graphics settings are locked to some god awful low limit. You can actually make the game look beautiful by tweaking the ini file.

The rest of the game is fucking shit, though.

Are you talking about the current grind or the release grind? Back then we didn't even have badges and weapons were either 1k, 750 or 500 certs. Not to mind that vehicles weren't worth shit and there were tons of piss-easy ways you couldn't counter to deny XP. It was a shitfest.

that's probably true. it still would have had a more loyal and dedicated player base. if it was just updated ps1 then where else are you going to get that experience? you'd only get it from planetside. as of right now you can get the same experience playing battlefield as you would get from playing ps2 so why even bother with ps2? the game didn't set itself apart

>The graphics settings are locked to some god awful low limit
Because that's how the game looks on PS4 :^)

I still remember trying to fly for the first time with mouse and keyboard. Must have been a funny sight to everyone who witnessed it.

Game itself is pretty fucking generic in my opinion.

no real direction for the gameplay, the victory points system came too late same with construction. they destroyed the air game A2A is dead. 5/10

>pay to not grind horrendously
>lack of a satisfying finish
>passable, but not incredible gameplay
>some performance issues (this can't be helped during big battles but still)

The least they could've done was make it a Halo clone instead of a Battlefield clone. I'd play HaloSide over PlanerField any day, at least a single player can make somewhat of a difference in Halo.

ayo anons, when PS1 came out, I had no PC and no internet yeah, living in russia fucking sucks sometimes.
Tell me what it was like.

i like it, i only wish planetside og was still available because i got an old pc

friends would be cool too, it's tough being a solo player

>some performance issues

there was more strategy involved than simply fighting. you could destroy a base's generators and put it out of commission. for example a tech plant connected to a base allowed the enemy faction to use their empire specific tanks and reavers which were like battle planes. so what you could do was assemble your best commandos, take a galaxy out and drop behind enemy lines, demo their base and help the front line troops take territory by eliminating the enemy's ability to field their best armor. there was also something called ntu which was the base's energy levels. if it reached zero the base would go neutral. a neutral base could be hacked even if your empire didn't have a direct link to it. so if a base was low you could kill all the turrets, spawn tubes, terminals, generators to help drain it quickly, have it go neutral and create a front where there normally couldn't be one. it made fighting very dynamic on continents

sounds great.
I'd play it, then again, I don't really have money to spare for subscription, and it's probably dead anyway by now.
Oh well.

>What went wrong?
All the original devs jumped the sinking ship and left the B team with the mess.

It is still a pretty decent game though.


well, the game is dead now. they officially shut it down a month or so ago last i heard. it was dead before that. like 10 years ago they opened the floodgates to china and then all these chinks with 300 ping in an outfit called blue china were just destroying everyone. it made the game unplayable. the game benefited you if you had high ping. there was a lot of issues with the game, don't be confused when i make it sound flawless. cheating was also somewhat rampant, hell you could fucking cheat in the game using cheat engine and not get banned. it also ran like shit and suffered from a memory leak problem its entire life

The original team were retarded too. The game has been horribly optimized, watered down, and imbalanced ever since beta

I remember when Vanu were actually purple and teal rather than black and grey. Fuck T-ray, I'm still mad

You are never going to be able to balance a game that big it is impossible. Same goes for the performance, the game is far to big with to much shit going on that it is impossible to optimize.

That is why the render distances are so small, they literally have to not render 90% off the shit going on off screen just to get it stable.

The game is to ambitious and not able to be done properly on current hardware. Maybe in 5-10 years time a game like it would be able to be done properly.

How's faction balance these days? I quit and rejoin every few months, and every time I do there's always one thing that's so broken everyone uses it

>went on to Cliffy B to work on Lawbreakers
>the whole game is a mess visually
>class based shooter with unreadable silhouettes

the game has ugliest fucking artstyle ever. Weapons are made from lego blocks so pats can be used in the OP weapon of the month. Turrets look stupid and the tech is worse than WW1.

Isn't the art style similar to the first game?

Still, an pversized toyota minivan looks fucking stypid no matter what you do to it.


It was definitely a flawed game at release. They eventually had to double back and crack down on issues, but it still ended up having a good amount of content, depth and was decently balanced.

With planetside 2 they tried to make a competitive cover shooter and pushed for that sweet esports money (the competitive scene ended up dying before it even started lmao). Since then they've been forced to double back on balancing and other issues, except this time the game is severely lacking in content and a meaningful meta game.

They learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes.

thats one hell of and ironsite

At release you literally had 2 different weapons in terms of looks per weaponclass, it was retarded.

When will the competitive meme die?
The competitive crowd is fickle as fuck, and there's only room for like 5 games per genre tops. If you're not one of the biggest games, why even bother?

I think the biggest question is why you would even try making a mmo into an esport. It's contradictory.

I mean I could see it working if they made special arena maps designed just for competitive play. But the thought of esports in an overworld is laughable.

>Ruined aesthetics with cosmetics
>terrible balancing
>not enough new content
It's a shame because it could have been cool but they fucked up a bunch of stuff to make it more appealing to casuals
Now they're just letting it rack up as much cosmetic dosh as possible before pulling the plug

How did we go from this...

...to this?

crotch eye
no thx

>tfw those early screenshots will never be the reality
It hurts

too much focus on boring base battles that are like a small scale shooter game.
balancing issues, boring weapons and boring sounds.

Remember the basic vehicle paintjob before T-ray got his hands on it?

It isn't Planetside. It's a shitty MMO Battlefield. Everything good about Planetside 1 was dumbed down hard.

>Unlimited certs, everyone can do everything
>Massive grind to become competent in any area
>No inventory management, same loadouts for everyone
>Large power gap between new players and veterans due to cert bonuses
>No resources and thus no tactics based around them (RIP ANT runs/drops, base draining etc.)
>Light assault ruins nearly all base design
>Most bases far too small for population
>Large bases are sprawling clusterfucks with no real defensive design, making most fights heavily favor attackers.
>1 man mbts


PS1 is still my favorite game of all time and I'm still disappointed by how shallow it's "successor" is.

>>Large power gap between new players and veterans due to cert bonuses

PS1 had a way worse gap. Youd have a peashooter against tanks

>special arena maps
That was called The Octagon, pretty good 12v12 base.

2 certs for MA, 3 certs for AV and you have everything you need to deal with any threat in the game. And you could get those certs just from doing the VR crap.

>Hating on bomb-ass camos
Nigga fuck you