What was his plan?

What was his plan?
Did he succeed?
Where the fuck has he been after DS2?

Who gives a flying fuck about that guy.
What really matters is what happened to the godlike curse immune BotC.

It doesn't matter, since DS3 made cycles canon and it happens thousands of years after the chosen undead first linked the fire, its role in the current cycle would be different anyways.

It's safe to assume BotC and Aldia are somewhere together, trying to fix this shit.

Aldia seems to be outside the cycle though, and the BotC is immune to the curse, although maybe not to the cycle itself.

It's heavily implied that he's "The Scholar" who got into the two princes' ears about not linking the fire.

I thought it was disproven and implied to be about Sulyvahn?

The prince isn't really against the linking by the way. It's a Hollow-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear the church of Lothric.

>What was his plan?
Break the cycle.
>Did he succeed?
Not quite, but he was able to get the BotC free of the cycle so that's a win.
>Where the fuck has he been after DS2?
Probably on a awesome road trip with BotC and Emerald Herald exploring and shit.

Dark Souls 2 is not canon

thats what we all want to know
and also how those primordial snakes ended up

Not this shit again.

Not an argument

>Probably on a awesome road trip with BotC and Emerald Herald exploring and shit.

I just imagine this gigantic flaming head and roots having a picnic with a dude in Faraam armor and Emerald Waifu.
Made my day.

Next time provide one to debate then.

Concepts, items, equipment, characters, locations, and events are directly referred to in Dark Souls 3. This makes it canon.

They were there at one point.
Maybe they're related to the flame and disappeared when the fire died once.

I realized in my second playthrough that it was supposed to be a head. Always saw him as a wooden goat demon thing or something like that

Ive never even seen this guy, I havent played ds2 since you could fuck people up with santiers spear and parry anything with painting guardian swords. I enjoyed ds2 though.

Also a part of his shoulder. Makes you wonder what he'd look like with his entire body.

>creator of the series didn't direct it
>it's totally canon!!!
It's basically fan fiction

So anything that isn't referred isn't canon?
So you're saying 99% of Dark Souls 2 isn't canon?
Good to know

>dark souls 2

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand non canon

I get the impression Miyazaki didn't even play Scholar

For reference

reminds me of aldritch

Remember to ignore the "It's not canon" bait, folks, otherwise it won't stop

I'm one of those guys that expect the wikia to explain the fucking lore of Fromsoft because I can't understand shit from NPC dialogues only.

For example, if the Chosen undead killed Gwyndolin how come he was alive thousands of years after to get eaten by Aldrich??

To give you a quick TL;DR: All those who have souls are fucked with immortality, losing a bit of their sanity with every death and sometimes even when they lose hope until they are nothing more than mindless hollows.
Only when the First Flame is at it's peak can people actually die, but the world is supposed to continue into an age without the flame.

The chosen undead linked the fire, and Gwyndolin was an optional boss.

I know the story of DS1 because I expent hours reading the wikia, I know that Gwyn was a dick and humanity pays the price of his actions as carriers of the undead curse.
In DS3 however many things don't relate with things from DS1 but maybe I'm just stupid.

So canon speaking, Gwyndolin was ok with the MC killing his father??

I always thought he actually discovered the secret of the essence of life and used himself as a guinea pig to break the curse but got turned into a tree on fire for fucking with cosmic forces too much just like bed of chaos

It seems to be what happened. He "tapped into the essence of the soul", similar to what the Witch of Izalith did. Except ended up in a way better place, didn't fuck over as many people and actually seems to have learned life's secrets rather than become a weird bug tree thing.

His plan was to break the curse. He apparently didn't succeed, but he does seem to have made himself functionally immortal.

He founded the Grand Archives, and has probably been building up the Sable Church , since the pilgrim butterflies seem to be a lot like him.

Actually, that's a really good catch. They do have a lot of similar properties to Aldia. Hope the DLC answers more of this

>What really matters is what happened to the godlike curse immune BotC.
I also really want to know this. Maybe he is somehow connected to the fact that Unkindled normally don't hollow?

More likely though, FROM just forgot.

The theme in the trailer uses his motifs, and there's a Hollow Tree in one of the screenshots, so there's a definite possibility.

>What really matters is what happened to the godlike curse immune BotC.
Sup Forums's god Miyazaki didn't know what to do so just rehahed DS1 literally since he's a hack

you kill him on DS2 you fucking retard

The way they talked about these "Forlorn Souls" too. With them having no place to go, similar how the Forlorn didn't have a world of his own.

Corvians also seem to be connected to the forlorn in that way.

Better question: why was the firekeeper's home filled with shit?

No toilets back then

>Kill him
>He talks after "Killing him", doesn't give souls or his own soul.

Yeah he's dead alright.

Does the kang give souls ?

you 'thought' as much as vaati thought, as in, you were told
but hey, that video's just a theory.

>Gwyndolin was ok with the MC killing his father??
He told him to do it.

He became a being that converged with time and space itself and gained cosmic powers and knowledge beyond our perception.

But why do they keep even more pots of it in their attic?

No toilets back then

The king's soul is found in the Shrine of Amana, locked away apart from his body. Plus his corpse still gives regular souls. Aldia talks, gives nothing and talks to you in the ending.

A game theory?

Stay made DaS purist

many things in ds2 does not make sense and should be forgotten

all i see is a wood version of sigma head with king allant mind

scat fetish

>ds2 ''lore''

ebin meme xDDD ekks dee