ITT: games that dont feel like games but arent walking sims either, just immersive singleplayer

ITT: games that dont feel like games but arent walking sims either, just immersive singleplayer

>Thief 2, Call of Cthulhu DCotE, Amnesia The Dark Descent, Agony

What other games are like this? HL2 had shit mid to late game levels to qualify.

see because, I think if a game has mandatory upgrades to let you proceed this means the devs are compensating for their inability to tie environment to gameplay to story and create a living, breathing singleplayer world you'd want to play.


also The Void has kinda this feel

God SOMA was great.


You walking around trying to get to places and progress the story but it never happens. it tricks you in a masterful way.
Never feels like you're just walking about.

Thief 2 and Call of Cthulu? Are you retarded?

I would even argue Amnesia feels like a game. I think OP just really wanted to make a thread

>nuff said


if you're a true hardcore guy, Pathologic

these are also very good, great atmosphere and SOMA has the philosophical mindfuck which is very well delivered

FUCK. You triggered my ptsd. I feel like crying.

>TFW it made you feel so alive that you chase PT like experiences just to feel the rush

Can you be addicted to fear?

>played Amnesia, Outlast, Pathologic and The Void
all felt like shitty boring walking/running sims

Dark Mod
System Shock 1&2
Bioshock 1&2
Stalker and Metro
Ayylmao Isolation
The Witness
Ethan Carter, although Sup Forums would probably consider that a walking simulator
Obduction seems like this sort of thing, but I haven't played it yet
Maybe some of Fromsoft's older games like King's Field and Shadow Tower
Maybe Minor Key games (Eldritch and Neon Struct, both first-person sneakers heavily inspired by Thief)

I think OP is just asking for first-person games in the immersive sim style that was popular in the late 90s. When he says "doesn't feel like a game", he means immersive uninterrupted gameplay that doesn't hold your hand and bombard you with tutorials. Games with a lonely atmosphere where you can get lost.

I disagree outlast was good at chases.

>walking sim

found the guy who didn't play pathologic

I've got a free key for this if anyone wants.

>not walking sims


i played it tho
i was hyped as fuck after reading all the praising here and was really disappointed
it's slow as fuck and plays like shit, i hope remake will fix what i didn't like in original


If you've played one you've played them all.


Metroid Prime?

>horror boner detected

>slow as fuck

believe me, let a few in-game days pass and shit will start moving way too fucking fast

i too hope the remake improves on some things tho

Is alien isolation any different?
Trying to decide if I shud get

SOMA was fantastic, easily one of the best games I've played recently.

The ending fucked me up a little.

It's a good a-blooga-blooga-boo IN SPAAAEC game. Liked it personally

I don't get a boner I just get the sweats. But I would fuck the nurse from silent hill.

It is pretty good, the atmosphere is great, and they captured the aesthetic of the OG Alien film 100%

BUt it does have some padding towards the end, and the Ayy is one frustrating motherfucker at times.

SOund design is some of the best I've heard.

i loved it desu
it's not another non-combat horror penumbra clone
there are weapons and enemies besides alien
if you liked movies, you'll love this game

>horror boner engaged

The Void is a pure masterpiece. Seriously 10/10 kinogame right there

Am I faggot because Life is Strange?

>Philosophical mindfuck

It wasn't that big of a 'mindfuck' it just made you think about what it means to be 'human' and if there's a 'soul'.

Is it simply being in an human body or can it be your personality/memories in a robot/machine.

Something along those lines.

Was the WAU saving mankind?

Technically, yes.

I liked it.

Fuck you. Don't tell anyone bout my horror boner okay?!



I also liked how you had choices in the game, that didnt affect the story at all, but still carried a lot of weight anyway.


Well that settles it.
Reviews were making it look like another amnesia.
Loved the movies, love horror.
Imma get.

It's not as scary as Amnesia or Alien Iso, but it's still got some tense moments, and a fantastic plot.

>horror boner is off the charts

Why does Sup Forums push the walking sim meme on Amnesia, Outlast and Soma? they obviously have gameplay

Do it. Have your dick out tho. It heightens your senses.

I agree.

I pulled the plug on everyone I could, used the zapper to take out the swimming robot (It made me sad that the little helper robot was scared of me after that), I wiped all the Legacy scans, deleted the guy who knew the cipher, pulled the plug on Simon 2.0 and watched the last human woman on Earth die.

No one deserves this kind of fate.

They are all good. I agree. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Another World

Thanks for reminding me to play this one.

Is it worth supporting the devs through GOG?

I wished in the parts where you took out Simon 2.0 and the last human that you had the option of holding their hand or something.

Feels bad man.

nigga, is talking about Alien Isolation


Well, he should play SOMA first.

like running away from enemies and... and what else?

jumping on crates to evade enemies?

Harvest Moon for me.

Source on that?


Literally first result for Silent hill doujin lrn to google

>Silent hill doujin
i wonder what the person that first googled that was hoping to find

Well when I did it I was expecting two things
-Heather having silent hill feed off her lust
-That scene where pyramid head is fucking the mannequin except he's fucking everything.

if its less than 10 quids sure.

You can get SOMA from the monthly humble bundle, so you get it and some other games for cheap