Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?

Didn't he get blown up in the last one?

He got better

because like all waifus, she isn't real

Why does this game focus so hard on petty social uprisings, when there's a network of self-aware quantum supercomputers underground plotting to use humanity as docile drone-slaves?

Rescue crews found him.

AI is the only love Jensen needs. Disgusting naturalist slut giving him the stink eye.

Why is he on a tram when yo ucould afford so much better?

Because she was designed like that

Is this workplace bully?

Quite literally yes.

>colourful products based on main theme of the game

Fuck, this reminds me of nu-fallout, and all the fucking BLAMCO SUGAR BOMBS NUCLEAR WINTER POPS kind of shit.

Very immature.

>lights on floor

When did office spaces turn into nightclubs?

>reporting to you *wink* live
What did you mean by this

Looks like a storage room

Because she can't see you. She will never look at you with open indifference or thinly veiled disgust like the girls at school.

fucking hell from the thumbnail I thought she was squatting on the toilet to dump a fat one

>best waifu isn't real


You have big imagination.

Augmentchoos were in Human Revolution

End your life Huey you filthy traitor.

don't mind me, just taking my sentry for a walk

What the fuck user

>Adam you're not Adam but you are Adam

Ah yes this makes perfect sense

maybe they were desperate for a plot involving current events

They moved him to a college dorm? Or is that a basement? Poor Adam.

so where is the torrent?

I need a torrent now!

Not cracked yet. Give it 6 months or so.

She fight for Social Justiceā„¢ like me!

What characters are returning from previous games?

Malik gets a cute easter egg.
Pritchard is just mentioned.
Meghan: "forget about her, she's a cunt"

The hell happened to her graphics? And face?

Did a NG+ run for muh trophies and shit, trying to do no kill and no alarm. Got the no kill trophy, but not the no alarm despite having triggered no alarams by myself. But it was 3 hours and 30 minutes long.
Cloaking will be the meta for the speedruns.


i don't think pweoiple will speedrun this much
most speedrun autists don't have nasa computers

Devs fail to understand what Deus Ex is about.
Or what the tech level of Deus Ex is suppose to be.

Anyone know how much of the original team worked on this?

MD looks so much different from HR, and I don't mean the visuals only.

Ideally, they should have made the plot about how the aug/anti-aug stuff was literally pointless and a complex plot by the Illuminati to get further control in the EU to the determent of personal freedoms. After all, the EU was always canonically an Illuminati front.

Also America should have been busy spiraling into civil war.

He got blown up in this one too. Explains why his face is always angry

Well the upper echelon is the same at least. Including the lead artist.

is the bighead mode making a comeback after all these years?

seriously, whats up with that cunts head?

almost no one
written by a nigger and a chink no less kek

How is Augmenchoo still on the market? They bothered making a 'last issue' cover of a augmentation magazine.

Is the easter egg one I'm likely to run into or is it out of the way?

From the E-books it seemed that America was on the cusp of internal unrest up the wazoo.

Talked about states pushing for secession from the union and other shit going down.

HR felt almost uncannily like the original. Mankind Divided is different and I'm not sure if it's in a good way or not.

>HR felt almost uncannily like the original.
Oh no you didn't just attempt that


My sides got augmented

I mean for a modern game it really felt like Deus Ex. I'm not saying it was as good or anything, but it felt like the third Deus Ex game. Mankind Divided on the other hand feels more like the second Human Revolution game.

>Mankind Divided on the other hand feels more like the second Human Revolution game.
But thats what its supposed to feel like