When did you give up on Nintendo?
What could Nintendo release to win you back?
When did you give up on Nintendo?
What could Nintendo release to win you back?
You shouldn't have to "give up" on a company unless you're some fanboy retard, you either like a game they published or you don't.
Judge the games, not the company as a whole.
Star Fox Zero: I hate the gamepad controls, and the fact that it's a second remake of Star Fox 64. Star Fox is my favorite Nintendo series, and now that it's dead as fuck.
Isn't Federation Force good though?
I think it speaks more to expectations.
I used to expect a certain baseline of quality from EAD or Intelligent Systems projects, and more often than not it would be a substantially great game.
Giving up on the company means giving up on those expectations. You don't feel disappointed if you never expected anything in the first place.
>Isn't Federation Force good though?
It is.
If they released a really good Metroid and Animal Crossing that'd be fine.
No vidya company is all around perfect but as a major publisher Nintendo is better than all of them basically. I can't think of any better ones given the kind of shit they pump out/try to pull.
Sweet, I'm debating picking it up or not.
first two are both good games
third one we gotta wait to find out
I'm not a whiny fanboy who can't stand the fact a company doesn't deliver exactly what I want when I want. These are good on their own and I had fun playing them.
Never have, doubtful I ever will.
A zelda and a metroid that are actually good, 9.5/10 titles.
Never, because Nintendo has always been shit.
You shouldn't have expectations from a company as to do so means you're a fanboy of them, you should instead just focus on games and effectively ignore who published them (this is especially true with publishers like Nintendo that have a variety of in-house developers, so it's not like you can know the same team developed games even in the game series).
I hopped off on the release of the wii. They can't take away my classics though. I'm actually playing starfox assault at this very moment senpai.
Just a good solid stretch of good titles. And hardware that isn't Ultra-Jew tier.
People would go nuts for the NX if it has Zelda, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing out within the launch window. They could tease a new Mario and Pikmin 4 to keep the hype going too.
>I hopped off on the release of the wii
Really? There was a couple of good Wii games; the Mario Galaxy games, Metroid Prime 3, and the Punch Out reboot kick ass.
What I like and look forward to:
Anything by Hal Laboratories
What I don't like:
Anything not by Hal Laboratories
I know man and I'm still really bummed i didn't get them, but I do enjoy some fps games and just wanted a simple controller and better graphics.
I'm honestly tired of nintendo IPs. I want new things from them, not remakes/reboots/new installments.
We have:
8 Playable and fun metroid games
11 Mario RPGs
7 Traditional mario games
5 3D marios
18 Zelda's, 6 3D ones.
21 fucking pokemon games barring spinoffs
14 Kirby games
16 Fire emblem games barring TMS
I want more new ideas like splatoon, Nintendo wowed us back in the day with metroid/zelda/F-zero because they were new ideas for the NES. Then later Chibi robo/Eternal darkness/Custom robo for 64/GC
Nintendo does well when it evolves. not when it stagnates. and I honestly wouldn't see myself buying another metroid when I own 9 of them already and play them fairly often.
>14 year since the last completely original 2D real Metroid title
>21 fucking pokemon games
26 now with Sun/moon
I guess all our concerns might be BTFO once breath of the wild comes out. THAT SHIT LOOKS SO FUCKING HYPE.
>Zero and fusion don't exist
Wii U, but I still held onto hope.
Smash 4 however was the nail in the coffin. Nothing Nintendo will do will win my trust back
Consistently great:
>Sakurai's team
Consistently good:
Approach with caution:
>Next Level Games
>Zelda Team
Never Again:
>Intelligent Systems
Its pretty fucking great. I did not know what to expect of it...enemies,puzzles,capturing creatures. Im at mission 6 or 7 and still seeing new stuff
No it doesn't. It's literally open-word sandbox, which means there will be absolutely nothing to do after you've walked around lighting boxe on fire and get bored for an hour.
Its the same problem TPP had. There NOTHING to do but wander through hours of open land. Thats not zelda. Zelda was goal oriented, you had dungeons and puzzles to solve, not walking for miles just to get from place to place, with "Mediocre" excuses for dungeons as shrines.
You're getting hyped now, but jsut wait, all your expectations will come crashing down because nintendo can't make a decent open world game to save their life. Nobody can, its always "Expectations" the videogame. Nobody can make the open-world adventure people so desperately crave in 3 years of dev time, and make sure it isnt procedurally generated crap.
They have an issue where they try to innovate on existing properties, but never go far enough.
Either you innovate enough to where it feels like a new thing, or you keep true to the original.
Nintendos weird middle ground just feels like half steps, which makes their sequels and remixes feel half baked and underwhelming.
>Ever making a bad game
When Nintendo does new IPs, like steamworld, they end up forgotten. Only heavily marketed ones like Pikmin and Splatoon get any attention at all (but even then, Pikmin is considered obscure compared to their other franchises, and Splatoon was a big risk that seems to have paid off)
Nintendo LOL
Splatoon, Tropical Dong, Kid Icarus Uprising and Wonderful 101 are probably going to be Nintendo's only triumphs for this generation.
I can't say I've ever played a game like any of them, even Tropical Dong with the amount of detail and moving parts placed in every single level.
>can't make open world
nigga stfu and go play metroid prime right now
I feel your pain, I really wanted a new Star Fox in the vain of the originals, but instead we got a half-hearted copy and every innovation Miyamoto is so proud of is complete shit.
RIP Star Fox.
Hal has made a great game since Canvas Curse more than a decade ago
Now they're in a rut making a new vanilla Kirby every 2 years. Good, but definitely not great.
>What could Nintendo release to win you back?
An actual console without retarded gimmicks, I don't even ask for specific games..
Fusion is the one I'm referring to. It was 14 years ago.
Zero is 12 years old now but it's essentially just Metroid 1.
>Open world
Um what? It's cooridoor based. Calling metroid prime "Open world" is like calling Ocarina of Time "Open world".
Just because its pretty and has atmosphere, doesn't mean its open world dude, its a locked off sectioned map between doors. Thats the definition of a fucking dungeon.
>Retro studios
Sorry didn't I read the word Nintendo? cause LOL
>Capcom killed many of its beloved franchises, Megaman, GnG, DMC and sadly many more
>Square relies only on Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts plus all Eidos zombified series, its old IPs are long forgotten
>SEGA passes its time re-releasing 20 years old games while pooping a Sonic or two and wasting money on the umpentheenth bomb project, its old IPs are all dead as fuck
>EA kills everything it touches, not only its IPs but even whole developer studios
>Konami killed EVERYTHING they owned in the most brutal way, Castlevania, MGS, Goemon, Gradius, and even everything Hudson made, basically they are double guilty
>Microsoft can't stop shitting on Rare IPs' corpse
>Sony totally killed their old successful series like Ape Escape, Medievil, Parappa and much much more
>Valve barely even makes games anymore
>Nintendo is the only one guilty in the whole industry, deserving hate for "killing" three series for three games which:
>One is still better than the last three SF games they released in the past, especially Command and Adventures
>One spin off that hardly declares the death of the main series, hated just becuase it was released after ONE turd (other M) in a long running series of quality games, all developed by the same Nintendo metroidfags hate and yet beg for more Metroid at the same fucking time
>A game which only "problem" is not having autistic OCs as characters and not being a copypaste of TTYD, despite the fact Nintendo already has got a series of splendind Mario RPGs currently running, the Mario and Luigi series
>People will force the idea Nintendo is the worst offender in the whole industry when there's clearly worse shit
>People will force the idea of a Neo-Nintendo when they are exactly like in the past, making both good and bad games at the same time
>Instead of criticizing Nintendo for important stuff like region locking like REAL fans do, people will waste time behind such stupid shit
>It's not ok ONLY when Nintendo does it
who are you quoting?
You better be shitting me
I agree but fuck you dude
>When did you give up on Nintendo?
>What could Nintendo release to win you back?
A console that isnt gimmicky and some good first party titles
're a fag
The day wii u was released
>A game which only "problem" is not having autistic OCs as characters and not being a copypaste of TTYD, despite the fact Nintendo already has got a series of splendind Mario RPGs currently running, the Mario and Luigi series
You miss the ENTIRE point if THATS why you think people hate stickerstar/color splash
Paper mario was THE Mario RPG series after super, all the way up to SPM, then SSS and the mario/Luigi series came along.
Now nintendo feels Paper mario can't be an RPG anymore because Mario and luigi exists, so instead of taking down the new blood or re-inventing it, they decide to BUTCHER the original, the FIRST one that was there, and continue to tack on needless shit to M&L like Starlow.
Paper mario is no longer an RPG because of nintendo, its battle system yields no rewards, exp is gone, there is literally no point to fight enemies when you can just run from them, because what does fighting get you? A sticker? when you had to use 2/3 stickrs to get it?
Its counter-productive as fuck,.
Nintendo went to shit when R&D 1 became SPD-1.
why did you respond?
>Paper mario is no longer an RPG because of nintendo
It's almost like they made the game huh
When I played skyward sword. All they have to do is release another good mario/zelda/metroid game.
>Sakurai's team
>The team that made the abomination that is smash 4
I hope you are joking
>consistently great
Metroid Prime 2 and 3 were less than great though.
Melee isn't as popular as you think it is
Sun & Moon will be a quite literal GOTY.
>Its popular so I hate it!
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Move Intsys to approach with caution and it's good. STEAM wasn't bad.
2 was the best of the trilogy, faggot
I agree 3 wasn't as good, but 2 was kick ass.
I haven't given up yet.
>Mario and Luigi is the same as Paper Mario because they have Mario and its an RPG.
I agree with most of what you said but I really hate apologetic fucks like you. YES I want a game similar to TTYD and PM because the mechanics were completely unique with the partners and badges. Somehow making OC characters are the problem when the first SS trailer show a fucking chain chomp as a partner and 90% of the parteners are known Mario enemies that have an actual personality an fun quirks. NO I don't want a carbon copy of TTYD but I want them to make a game that returns the mechanics that made that game shine while giving it something fresh and original instead of just chaning stickers for cards and call it a day.
>games from almost half a decade ago
>codename steam
uh..... ok?
E3 2015
There was a game drought and I thought they would go all out with games
They failed big time and look where we're at now, still no fucking games
Yet I still have some hopes for the NX, I mean theres some talent in Nintendo
Kirby Robobo was great and Zelda Breath of The Wild is looking great
I gave up after the release of Smash Bros for Wii U. They don't care what consumers want really, they're like an old grandpa saying they know whats best for us.
move platinum, monolith and sora down a tier
Yeah no.
3 was better than 2. 2 Just seemed like a huge mess to me, but neither of them were as good as the first one.
I didn't give up, I just think their games are too expensive, and don't consider them justifiable for their price point.
I went to Fry's the other day considering a purchase of a Wii U game, and Smash Bros, Mario Maker, etc were still sitting there at $60 bucks a pop. Meanwhile, Ps4 and Bone titles had price drops.
So I'd say that, along with censorship. It feels like Nintendo has largely abandoned their adult audience, and they could easily release adult versions of their games digitally at little extra cost for themselves.
Wii U is probably the last console I will have from them. I will only get an NX if the games are priced similarly to 3ds titles, and it isn't region locked.
For me,
SF0 was a C+. Nothing amazing, not worth keeping, but fun enough to be standalone barring all the shitty gyro and control "Additions" miyamoto forced on it. It does not have the insane replayability that 64 had because the lylat system isn't semetrical. 64 ALWAYS had 7 missions, no matter what path you chose. 0 has either 5 missions, or like 16. and msot of which are pointless filler like the wolfens.
Fed force was a C- Standalone the game is outright awful, It relies on online to get anything done because everything is scaled for 4 players, the only compensation is a mod that makes you stronger defense wise, and its honestly not fun alone. Its also tedious and very annoying to communicate ESPECIALLY IN THE ARCHITECT MISSION. FUCK THAT. And the payoff to the game was so generic, that its not worth ever going back to.
My current assuptions for Color splash are hopefully B- I don't expect a monumental experience, but I hope for some fun and at least something that sets it apart from the last, same was Paper jam did with dream team.
They're OK games, but thats all they are. I'd never recommend purchase, either rent or pirate if curious.
I disagree
You shouldn't feel invalidated though.
Shut up Tanabe.
2 has the better bosses and some cool abilities here and there but the dark word parts really drag it down.
3 is such a fucking mess I seriously don't understad why people like it. Horrible story, horrible characters, "episodic" planet levels and lots of hand holding. They just made Metroid non-metroid as fuck.
It's weird. Even though nintendo's recent titles are mediocre as fuck compared to old ones, you can still find some form of enjoyment in them.
I was about to sell a bunch of 3DS shit recently, and Pokemon Y was one of them because i detest gen 6 and hated the adventure. Well I decided for arguments sake, since Su/mo are coming up, might as well restart it before selling.
Currently at Valerie, and I've actually been enjoying myself, despite the fact I hate the mons, hate the characters, hate the region, and most importantly hate the lack of potential that was dropped in favor of gen one pandering.
Same thing with ALBW. It's literally ALTTP again with a few gimmicks, yet somehow its still enjoyable to replay. I feel that even terrible titles like fed force, and fire emblem may have this same feeling in a few years time.
>21 fucking pokemon games barring spinoffs
Are you counting all dual releases like Red/Blue as two different games or something?
>that Consistently Great tier listing
False, and you have SHIT taste.
When I replayed Mario Galaxy and realized that it was just a dull thing that only exists to promote 3D and Nintendo's "creativity". Also when I paid less than half price for Other M/SS brand new and still felt like being completely ripped off.
Nintendo : creativity for the sake of creativity. Fun? Who needs fun?
They are different games. versions aren't the same game.
No, Fedora Force is not good, despite what Cody says.
what if you have shit taste and nobody ever told you?
I mean, how would you even know
Mario Galaxy is awesome what the fuck are you talking about?
Here's your (you) now get the fuck out.
A home console Etrian Odyssey.
Not him but Mario 3D World was fucking trash.
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it
Popularity doesn't necessarily equate to being good
Shit taste
Ah, so you're a retard
no it wasn't
>When did you give up on Nintendo?
I haven't. I only despise NoA and their awful localizations. Really pissing me off.
Games are mostly fine imo. Though I don't give a shit about Star Fox or Metroid.
Yeah, you do.
I didn't, but I don't really buy Metroid or Star Fox games as I never played them as a kid, and I don't have any connection to them really.
Someday soon I'm going to have to get around to playing both those series.
Not him but you are fucking retarded. Maybe you didn't like it, maybe it wasn't Sunshine 2 but saying 3D World is BAD is totally utterly stupid.
And spare me your idiotic parrotting about art style and NSMB.
Even in your arguments sake, it's still 14. which is far too much.
I do shit taste?
Absolutely this.
Yes it was. Its a 3D NSMB game
but saying 3D World is BAD is totally utterly stupid
Not him, but i'll chime in. 3D world wasn't /bad/. it was /bland/. Nothing we hadn't seen before, and literally NSMB with a 3D camera over a fixed camera.
it literally isn't.
It's a mix of 2D and 3D Mario - with most elements inspired by SMB3 and SMG respectively.
Mario Galaxy is awesome when you play it the first time and are blinded by the WOW CREATIVITY, then you go back to it and realize that it's just dull shit that only exists to convert people to 3D.
Mario 64 is the real shit that endures.
Galaxy is glorified toilet paper.