The Talos Principle

>there are people posting on Sup Forums right now who banished Milton Library Assistant

Good think you weren't one of those scumbags, huh?

What kind of game is the talos principle? I've seen some people talking about it, but i'm none the wiser. Any good?

It's fun, it's a puzzle game.
That's it, you solve puzzles in a big world and then move to the next one, you talk to a computer sometimes, god babbles in your ear a bit. Something something what is a man but a miserable pile of consciousness.
I liked it.

Sounds like the stanley parable, with more to do.

Thanks, I like puzzlers, i'll give it a go.

Game is a fucking 10/10, but it is pure puzzler. Some people think it's more like an adventure game, but it really is clearly segmented into stages. Sometimes you have to bridge the gap between puzzles through creative means to get all the secret puzzle pieces for the true ending, but otherwise the world is very segmented.

However, as a pure puzzler, the stages are immaculate. The difficulty curve is very well done, and never do you find yourself unchallenged. Of the 130 puzzles in the game, I'd say only two were actually bullshit. Even then, the game drip feeds interesting plot that manages to convey religion in a surprisingly neutral light so you always have a reason to keep going.

I'm pretty sure there's a Gog version floating around on the torrents, you should give it a try.

Yeah, i'm pirating a repack right now with the DLC in it. Sounds good from what I hear of it, and i'm a sucker for a nice weird storyline and tricky puzzles.

Thanks for the help, thread!

It's the kind of game that challeges you in the right way.
It's never frustrating, but you've got to think to get troughsome puzzles, especcially the replay ones.
And makes you feel very smart when you get success.
The plot is great, touches great arguments in the right way.

Fuck that snake

The Apollo star is bullshit though.

You wake up in a world and a mighty voice starts talking to you and challenge you by puzzles
Meanwhile you can talk to a computer to find out what this world is about
There's also a tower where you are not allowed to go, alas the mighty voice forbids you to go there but it is completely up to

Its a "really makes you think" game if you are new to psychology

Puzzles are fun, story is nice, graphics and the game in general looks really good
Its a 10/10 game on my list though Sup Forums always finds a reason to shit on it

It's one third pimped-out Newgrounds puzzler, one third enjoyable walls of text and one third easteregg hunt (yeah, there are THAT many in the game and on a normal playthrough you'll probably only find one or two).

>Pirating Croteam games
You better buy it nigger.

If I like it, I will.

>frogs are people too

whoever was playing is an idiot.

>Yeah, i'm pirating a repack right now
>Thanks for the help, thread!

So the power....of PC gamers....whoa. give a PC gamer a million and one reason to buy a game (atleast on sale) and he fucking pirates it lmao. you faggots are pathetic, no wonder you don't get games ported or get shit ports.

Nigger, the power of PC games is being able to try before you buy. Then, if the game is worthy, you pay for it, and send the makers a nice e-mail or tweet about how it brightened your day.

>Nigger, the power of PC games is being able to try before you buy

Then why aren't you trying the demo?

>not pirating before buying
How is that NMS again?
Talos is the perfect example for this, I bought it halfway through because I liked it, later on I also bought the DLC


Because the demo might not necessarily have been made to highlight the points of the game which I would find most enjoyable?

So this game is getting a confirmed sequel, right?

Like, where can you even go from the ending? Finding some way to reproduce and make a robot civilization to inherit the legacy of the humans? How can you make puzzles around that?


maybe its a prequel sequel

Started playing this yesterday and I'm having fun with it.

Love the way you get some of the stars so far.

how fit penis into girl hole


That would be bullshit.

Didn't the game mention multiple EL facilities? Perhaps their AIs could more like other hods, or Buddha or some shit

How is the dlc? Still haven't played it.

A lot less puzzles and worlds and the eastereggs aren't as good as in the main game but on the other side it has just as much text and a bunch of choose your own adventure games.