>it's a "Videogame is shit because its new" episode
i fucking hate this board
It's a "Videogame is shit because its new" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a retard
You too
It's shit because there's no torrent yet. Even the best game ever made would be shit if I had to pay 60 fucking bucks for it.
stop making threads you faggot and get the fuck out if you hate us
There is literally a discounted price on GMG right now. It still even gives you the shit preorder bonuses and bonus content.
It's shit because it's shit
it's time to leave merchant
Shut the fuck up you meme shit,I bet you've only browsed the threads,saw some screenshots and assume the game is shit without even playing it.
Fuck off
>It's an "opinions are fake if I don't like them" thread
I fucking fuck your mother stupid bitch america OP
>it's a "criticism isn't valid because the game's new" episode
Fucking reruns
>"it's shit because it's popular and successful"is somehow considered valid criticism
Sorry kid bit it isn't
>try to drag body
>every time i hold e to drag it just brings up the objective menu
>camera spots me while im trying to unfuck this awful UI
it's time to go
no man's sky is 200% more successful that this crap
Game itself is great but the microtransactions are inexcusable
no it's not great nigger
writing is cringeworthy, performance is utter garbage and mouse acceleration makes me want to vomit
>your thoughts are fake because of this assumption i made up you should have real opinions like me gawd i hate v what a bunch of contrarian neckbeard loooosers
I think you're gay mister you should go to doctor
Haha no but in all seriousness stop posting you dumb ass basic bitch butt bride
I bought the game yesterday for $60 on Steam.
I'm getting 20-30fps at 1024x600 with some dips.
And it's fucking amazing, totally lives up to HR so far.
I don't understand why people are so bothered by only one hub.
Seek sunlight
It's objectively better than HR
Your shit is fucking played out dude
poor fags are literally the worst people on Sup Forums
>implying any deus ex is good
Shit series, go play a real game.
>Still can't pirate it
>No money either
I fucking hate duveno. I don't pirate for fun, leave me alone let me play video games.
>Promoting skin cancer
Typical for someone who loves garbage.
Have sex
>v says deus ex is good
>buy it
>literally press z to stealthily kill someone and watch the same animation again, and again and again and again
>framerate drops to 40-50 on very high settings on a 1070
epic game!
Just gonna run the gamut huh
>our target is 60fps @1080p on the "high" preset for people with recommended hardware
i have a meme-seventy and a BETTER cpu than what they list, and their benchmark (on the high preset) is a fucking rollercoaster flying between 60 and fucking FOUR POINT FIVE FPS
like god damn, nixxes; fix your shit
>press Z
It's not even Z you fucking shit-tier b8er.
So just turn down the graphics, autist.
Oh good did mankind divided bomb?
Finally maybe people will stop defending that pile of casual trash human revolution.
Everybody knows there's only 1 true god in this machine.
Gain height ;)
PC version doesn't run so great, did the consoles fare any better?
still doesn't make it at all consistent; the port's just shoddy, that's really all there is to it.
if you think that 4.5fps is acceptable at any point in a video game, then you should stay away from anything that requires hand-eye coordination, and stick to turn-based games.
DX1 is vastly overrated.
The gameplay is shit.
But if you take out the gameplay and just have it as a walking simulator, it's great.
Sit on my dick and tell me what you want for Christmas
I think if you are getting 4.5 fps, you should turn down the fucking graphics.
I refunded DS3 on release because I got 4.5 fps not on high settings, but on LOW settings and 800x480. THAT was worth complaining about. I now get 30 fps at the same settings.
Quit your whining kid.
Then leave.
They sure did, very cinematic indeed.
Not paying shit for SJW propaganda.
>the gameplay is shit
>tile-based inventory system
>augmentation system that you can't possibly max out, not to mention can't even get half of the abilities that are up for grabs
>multiple paths through each level based on your skill allocations
>decisions that can let people live or die, people who always come back in the story
You're out of your fucking mind if you consider this bad gameplay, I'd like you to find me one rpg with better gameplay.
its always pc and pirate fags complaining about every frame
wow that was so original and funny +1 upvote
Is there a picture like this for Sup Forums? You just have shit taste, OP, and the majority of games coming out are shit.
>accusing others of baiting while baiting
Good strategy
What's wrong about what I said?
Come to my cellar and meet my uhh.. "pet snake" if you know what I mean....
>Aug incident apparently had all augs go into zombie kill mode everywhere
>Legitimate reason for augs to be hated and feared because they caused a mass slaughter event
>Except that it turns out 90% of augs were killed in the event, or shot down and there's only 7 million left
Mankind Divided isn't shit though.
>tile-based inventory system
>augmentation system that you can't possibly max out, not to mention can't even get half of the abilities that are up for grabs
>multiple paths through each level based on your skill allocations
>decisions that can let people live or die, people who always come back in the story
These aren't gameplay.
Gameplay is stuff like stealthing about, or shooting people or throwing grenades.
Had to find a doodsex thread to post my artwork of the end of the game for me.
Dont worry no spoilers
this, im getting a solid 60fps at 640*480 on medium settings
bunch of elitists crying about graphics when the textures are practially photorealistic
Yes it is.
That is what you get for trying to discuss mainstream games on Sup Forums pre-release/release date.
You have to wait at least three months to have proper discussion of them here. In the meantime stick to older or more niche stuff
this image is retarded because he shuts down any and all discussion about the subject by discarded them as awful and saying the OP needs to increase taste
and then the egomaniacs that made this seriously think that there is relevant discussion going on.
How is it shit?
because its not muh 90s rpg.
>Gameplay is stuff like stealthing about, or shooting people or throwing grenades.
Yeah in a first person shooter, you dumb nigger.
This is a fucking RPG with first person shooter elements.
Even as just a shooter it's pretty fucking solid
>crosshair based on your profficiency with that weapon, accuracy is up to your skill past that
>dozens of different types of weapons a good chunk of which are unique, eg the plasma gun
>can use assorted shit like fire extinguishers and exploding crates to get through situations if you don't have the equipment.
>4 different types of grenade, all of which can be armed as a proximity trap
It's even further dumbed down from HR, which also wasn't very good, but was only praised because it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it still wasn't good. Also the performance is shit and it has microtransactions in a single player game.
If you're talking about the original Deus Ex, it came out in 2000, but I didn't even like the original Deus Ex but HR and MD are noticeably steps down from it. And just like you shouldn't hate everything just because it's new you also shouldn't love everything just because it's new. Yes, it's possible, and likely, that a game released today will be dumbed down from games in the past and saying that this is something that happens isn't worshipping the past.
>It's even further dumbed down from HR
How so?
>Also the performance is shit and it has microtransactions in a single player game.
Did you not play the game?
I love how all these teenagers who can't pay the $60 are trying to talk about the game without playing it.
>every aug is bound to a different button
>bound to fucking f1, f2, f3, and f4
Terrible design. What the fuck were they thinking. Even with changing the key binding you still have to designate a button for each aug
its q or z
kys dumb shill crysis 3 and battlefront look WAY better than buttugly deus cuck and they also run a lot better
I love how your only response is a masturbatory assumption
So you can't explain how it's dumbed down from HR?
>you shouldn't like everything because its new
literally no one does this on this fucking board.
Please leave.
Come on, aside from tech difficulties, MD is pretty much HR with minor interface changes and lack of that yellow filter. Hacking is slightly more fun, too.
And a better designed hub.
And the AI use grenades more
They really fucked the aug system if you are not using a controller
>Improper Stair Movement and Slope Physics
>This issue, which appears under certain conditions, is currently under investigation.
>Non-uniform Horizontal and Vertical Sensitivity
>This issue is currently under investigation.
>Mouse Acceleration
>This issue is currently under investigation.
Fucking fix when
I am not going to torture myself trying to play like, this, I won't start my playthrough until they get this shit right. I couldn't even stand 10 minutes in Dubai with mouse controls like this.
the level design in MD is fucking atrocious, spend a majority of my time finding paths that lead right back to the beginning of the level than i do actually moving towards the objective.
This is honestly the one really valid complaint so far for me.
To be fair though, HR's system was kinda shit too. I had no idea how to use Typhoon for the longest time.
Whoever designed the clothing is awesome.
Why don't you just turn on objective marker like a casual baby?
shit like that should have been found and fixed in playtesting. no excuse.
>I couldn't even stand 10 minutes in Dubai with mouse controls like this.
Then you're literally autistic.
>player finds paths that they originally missed
>"wow what shit level design it makes me feel stupid"
Mouse acceleration can be fixed if you just turn the ingame sensitivity down and also your own DPI to normal levels and not ~GAYMUR EXTREME 150105105 DPI~ levels
Reminder that most of the people complaining didn't buy the game, and are just mad about Denuvo.
dat ending tho.
In HR you could actually find the paths of you were observant, MD does shit like having a storage room full of boxes and one of those boxes is completely blocking a vent.
the serial killer mission was the best one so far
Those aren't games though, those are walking and running simulators.
the issue is that this every level has like 50 routes, and you end up stumbling over all of them trying to find the route to the objective.
and they aren't even interesting shortcuts, every level has the same kind of alternate routes. you have the elevator shaft, the vent behind the soda machine, the vent behind the two white crates (its always two white crates), the vertical path across the ceiling and the route through the weakened wall or vent.
I think its a good game but the story and writing suck dick this time around. Gameplay is cool on "give me deus ex" mode with all hud options turned off and cover unbound.
how the fuck do you get rid of that "hold to unmark all" prompt
I turned off that aug permanently for fucks sake
>Wanted more HR
>Expected more HR
>The game is literally just more HR
>Everyone is saying it's mediocre or shit
im only angry at how long the loading times are
>it's a "NEW means it's BETTER!" episode
>you don't like Deus Ex OR Human Revolution
>yet apparently you bought Mankind Divided
seems legit farn
It's shit for all of the reasons that Sup Forums has pointed out. You're either a butthurt fanboy or an Eidos employee. Either way, fuck yourself, that game is unoptimized shit.
>inb4 Sup Forums boogeymen
It's a bug
Yeah disabling that, the xray vision and the map aug are high priority, make the game boring af
Icarus Dash on Middle Mouse
Smart Vision on Mouse 4
Stealth Camo on Scroll Down
Leg Silence on Scroll Up
How the fuck do people still not check options to rebind their keys after all these years.
It's not shit but it's not great either. It's more of a game for people who are already fans of the series.
I got it at launch and I've only cared to turn it on twice so far. The Nioh demo has kept me busy of all things.
Deus Ex is shit because Sup Forums can't pirate it.
Don't have a mouse 4. I did mess with the key bindings but it's still 4 slots I have to assign. Had no idea I could assign things to scroll up and and scroll down though that's good advice, thanks