Damn i mean maybe someone else will come around and mod that shit in into it

damn i mean maybe someone else will come around and mod that shit in into it

Other urls found in this thread:


>"So we had to take it out," Kojima said.
I'm sensing a theme here.

Meanwhile the DoF pollution was left ingame.


That looks terrible

Does the filter adds an ending chapter to the game, or episode 51? a non shit open world? Does it fix the empty motherbase? Or add more dialogues to Snake?

V wasn't as good since it didn't really feel like it actually had a set time period like most of the series does.

>MG & MG2
>MGS1 & 2
>modern times
>MGS3 & PO
>near future
>70s, but starts to get a little anochornistic when you develop the end game items
>might as well take place in 2030 with all the advanced tech like holograms and wormholes

The patriots suppressed technology. Wormholes and shit already exist by mgs1, it's just nobody knows about them

>Implying grainy shit makes anything better

That's the canon explanation, but all it does is ruin the atmosphere.

there's a mod that restores it and its looks like dogshit

give me a break mgs3 had soldiers on fucking flying platforms with jets underneath

This entire game was just kojima having a mid life crisis

>hey sexy gaijin lady, please wear little clothes and mocap all these sexy poses for me my wife never gives me the time of day

>whoops where did all the budget go to actually make a videogame it was all konamis fault I guess

those were real


it was actually a thing

It never came into anything because dude died testing it but hey

>literally "a wizard did it"


Which were based on a real soviet prototype, granted they didn't work nearly as well but people also didn't control bees in real life.

He also said that the game will have mature themes.


They are really not that expensive


Ever heard about Voice Actor's Union, user? Hayter would have cost twice the price of Kiefer.

>hey sexy gaijin lady, please wear little clothes and mocap all these sexy poses for me my wife never gives me the time of day

literally nobody that worked almost half-free to get recognized

>Kojima apologists

So I am a fanboy apologist when I correct your dum-dum posts? Fine, let's agree so then.

Actually I'm not the one you're thinking you're responding to.

Suuuure you're not. ;^)

ok :^)

>They are really not that expensive
They're not that cheap either, the music industry is infamously cheap and money-grubbing.

Seeing as how the entire music helicopter thing is a garbage mechanic that wastes your time so kojima can live out his "it's just like apocalypse now, I'm a real film man after all" fantasies at the expense of the gameplay, it's lots and lots of money more or less being poured down the drain for literally nothing

>Ever heard about Voice Actor's Union, user? Hayter would have cost twice the price of Kiefer.
I didn't even mention Hayter. Hire someone cheap then, it's not like kojima ever actually gave a single fuck about the english voice track in MGS until he could feel Hollywood by hiring a "real" actor. At the very least, don't spend a decent amount of money hiring him (and don't give me "oh he doesn't work for much", even if he's kind of a B-tier actor he was still the lead on a quite popular and long running show) and then not actually use most of the lines you recorded because you never actually finished the game due to extremely poor budgeting.

>literally nobody that worked almost half-free to get recognized
I genuinely don't understand what this means.

The point is that all of this shit, even if it's not "that" expensive by whatever retarded no-true scottsman goalpost you're talking about, is all money that didn't go towards making an open world that actually had stuff to do or making sure that half the game isn't just the first half but with handicaps before you're awkwardly given an ending.

Back in the day MGS, even though it had lots of cutscenes, it was groundbreaking for the detail and effort put into it's GAMEPLAY. that's what the so praised ~technology~ that people used to wank about on Sup Forums was. With MGS5 it's just a bunch of 80's nostalgia and weird casting choices so kojima can feel good about himself even though his family doesn't like him

Also remember KojiPro Los Angeles

inb4 "i-it was only temporary, I swear, Kojima was going to terminate it after MGO3 anyway, I swear to God, he didn't want to continue codeveloping games with Hollywood actors such as Keifer Sutherland or Norman Reedus and had excuse to come over to LA"

>Seeing as how the entire music helicopter thing is a garbage mechanic that wastes your time so kojima can live out his "it's just like apocalypse now, I'm a real film man after all" fantasies at the expense of the gameplay, it's lots and lots of money more or less being poured down the drain for literally nothing

There were there as optional easter eggs to collect, you know, feature that the series is known about?

>I didn't even mention Hayter. Hire someone cheap then, it's not like kojima ever actually gave a single fuck about the english voice track in MGS until he could feel Hollywood by hiring a "real" actor. At the very least, don't spend a decent amount of money hiring him (and don't give me "oh he doesn't work for much", even if he's kind of a B-tier actor he was still the lead on a quite popular and long running show) and then not actually use most of the lines you recorded because you never actually finished the game due to extremely poor budgeting.

This makes no sense in any single way you look at it.

>Back in the day MGS, even though it had lots of cutscenes, it was groundbreaking for the detail and effort put into it's GAMEPLAY.

>I genuinely don't understand what this means.
I'm not suprised, but let me spell it to you.
S-h-e d-i-d-n-t c-o-s-t a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g

>Back in the day MGS, even though it had lots of cutscenes, it was groundbreaking for the detail and effort put into it's GAMEPLAY.

But TPP still is at it's best at gameplay. It's like you never played the whole game.

>we could have forced you to play a game through a shitty meme filter like DX:HR or Battlefield 3, but we decided to let you just enjoy the graphics and not take a frame rate hit

That's pretty bro-tier of Kojima Productions.

looks cool at first, but it would be hard for eyes in the long run

>feature that the series is known about?
Only MGS4. PW had unlockable through R&D songs only from MGS series. MGS4 had one non-MG related chink song.

I was talking about easter eggs and secret collectables.

No, that was a feature, not easter egg. You're supposed to find easter egg yourself, it was actually promoted feature during one of FOB/Mother Base pre-release gameplays.

And as a proof youtu.be/9e8r_xgms4M?t=28m9s

It's a feature.

>There were there as optional easter eggs to collect, you know, feature that the series is known about?
Are you really comparing shit like dog tags or animals to expensive licensed music? Not only did those actually do something concrete in gameplay, but they also didn't cost even a 100th to make than any single song in MGS5 cost to lisence

>This makes no sense in any single way you look at it.
If you're going to act like a condescending know-it-all, you can't pull shit like this. Are you really going to say that Kojima hired Kiefer because he was totally the best person for the part that didn't cost money? Fuck no, it was the only "hollywood" person his good friend Avi Arad could get to voice act in this dumb videogame about parasites that wipe out languages and he used "Hayter is too expensive due to union fees" as an excuse to finally kick him out and live out a fantasy with Kiefer.

Kojima has never cared about anyone besides Otsuka when it comes to snake voice actor.

>S-h-e d-i-d-n-t c-o-s-t a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g
Joost herself didn't cost much, but in terms of development time she cost tons seeing as how she's the single most important and mocapped character in the game after venom. Shit, she probably has MORE mocap than venom because she has so many different sexy poses that kojima could jack off in his directors chair while watching the mocap footage being produced.

Given that she's a shit character that doesn't do anything besides make the gameplay easy as fuck by instantly headshotting every single enemy from way outside their range and pose for the camera, that's a lot of dev time wasted when the game is blatantly unfinished.

>But TPP still is at it's best at gameplay. It's like you never played the whole game.
Mercinaries 1 and Just Cause 2 blow it out of the water. It's nothing special as a sandbox paramilitary game.

MGS 1-3 were all ridiulously mindblowing for games released in 98, 2001 and 2004 in terms of content, details and freedom.

>just cause 2 gameplay blows tpp gameplay out of the water

This is b8, right?

It has an open world with actual things to do, mission objectives besides "fulton something" copy pasted a dozen times between a handful of bases, an extremely fun core mechanic and getting new equipment doesn't require you to wait literal hours due to some kind of shitty microtransaction phone game thing.

What does MGS5 have? Lengthy credits sequences before every mission? Five minute helicopter rides any time you want to leave base? An overpowered anime rocket punch arm that guards don't react to at all?


Wow. everything you said is hyperbole, idiot.

You can skip them
>5 minute helicopter rides
Literally a lie
>the same mission copy and pasted over and over again
Literally another lie

MGSV does have an ending though, nuclear proliferation which links up directly to the first MG games

Good. It looks like garbage.

It may arguable have a couple more objectives, but it's still the do the same things over and over at different parts of the map. However V actually has decent and varied gameplay so in the end it's much better.

>You can skip them
>Starring: Skullface, Skull Unit, Eli "White Mamba", Quiet, Man on Fire.
>Special mecha: Sahalantropus

>Literally a lie
That's a hyperbole, but it takes about 2 minutes to start and another 2 minutes to finish a mission.
>Literally another lie
That's a hyperbole again, but he's right about the fact that missions are repetitive as hell. Not just Side Ops but Main Ops, which should actually be called Side Ops instead.

It takes about 30 seconds actually

In MGS5 if I'm deep in the wilderness and I want to get a helicopter ride somewhere else, then I

>Go into the laggy menu that has to sync with the shitty FOB/resources server stuff that's atrociously designed and exists as a lazy way to make micropayment money only
>Check my map to see where the closest landing zone is and make my way over there like I'm taking the fucking bus and aren't the leader of a PMC
>Wait for Helicopter to arrive in real time
>Wait for helicopter to slowly land as it plays some 80's song
>Get in the helicopter
>Wait for it to take off and fly for a bit before it finally just fades to black and takes me to where I want to go


>Open Menu
>Buy a helicopter
>Helicopter is instantly there
>Fly it myself, getting to wherever I want in half of the time Pequod could and have fun flying a helicopter around instead of just sitting and having someone chauffeur me

Well maybe there's better ways of getting around... you have vehicles, Horse and even fast travel. You can call the chopper ahead of time so you don't have to wait, and if your menu is lagging out that hard it has to be an issue with your connection

>waaaaaaah Mgs doesn't appeal to my ADHD

Go fuck yourself, idiot. Go play saints row.

>he loves waiting for things


thats why i only use container extraction, half the game is spent in menus and the helicopter

>hurt something awesome doesn't happen every time I press a button the game is SHIT

go play some BioWare trash or something


>>Fable 3

There's a large room between dragon age 2 and sitting around waiting for the bus in a videogame

It wouldn't ruin the pacing of the game or it's balance at all if the helicopter was faster to arrive because the damn thing can't spawn near any enemies and the world is so open that you're never in a situation where waiting a long time for a helicopter while under fire can reasonably happen.

That's one aspect of it. There's an amazing set of shooting mechanics holding everything together

>you're never in a situation where waiting a long time for a helicopter while under fire can reasonably happen.

wow did you even played the game? The fully upgraded chopper shows up almost instantly anyway

>he doesnt tranq everything


Train has its weaknesses
>relying specifically on darts
lol plen

>mod that shit in into it
you sure about that

Yes, but "unlock bonus that should've been the default" is a retarded idea

>should have been the default


>I have to play the game to unlock stuff, that's bad!

>he doesnt want to save resources and gmp
>he doesnt use level 2 guns with best attachments

This is old news. It was on the wiki prior to release.

>it's lots and lots of money more or less being poured down the drain for literally nothing
Just like all that wasted money on all that TECHNOLOGY in previous MGS games.

>Hire someone cheap then

>With MGS5 it's just a bunch of 80's nostalgia and weird casting choices so kojima can feel good about himself even though his family doesn't like him
With sentences like this i'm starting to think you just hate Kojima and you'll say anything to shit on what he did.
Also, MGS1, 2 and 3's gameplay was absolute trash and it has literally the worst shooting mechanic ever made.

cool but you can do this with dmg weapons too

Problem is, there's nothing to do after 30 minutes.
Blowing shit up gets boring in any game, sneaking is not.

Just Cause 2 is the definition of a 5/10.
The campaign is pointless, the open world is full of stuff nobody gives a shit about because the game is just so uninteresting, went out of their way to find the worst VA's ever...
It's not a good game.

You legit retarded or what is your gripe with this game?

>An eyestrain would've been so much better

TPP would have been better if it was finished

Sorry, but no.
Just Cause 2 is shovelware.
$1 and I still felt buyers remorse for this smelly turd.

worst thing about the game???

lack of coop, enemy devices, dumb ai, dead MP, microtransactions and unpopulated areas. i stopped playing it when i wasnt able to develop yello items because i need more men

The 80's filter is that filter you get when the game is in reflex mode.
Yes user, MGSV could have been much better with obnoxious amounts of DOF and chromatic aberration.

>bunch of pointless nitpicking

what was wrong with the enemy AI?

Game just should have been more like GZ

>lower case
>obvious gramatical errors
Phoneposter detected, kill yourself.

would be fucking awesome on CRT desu


>implying this is worse that Just Cause 2

shit taste famalam

>Also, MGS1, 2 and 3's gameplay was absolute trash and it has literally the worst shooting mechanic ever made.

>playing MGS for the shooting

Despite all the time you've wasted writing these replies, you just go and out yourself for a clueless retard. It all makes sense now...

>MGS5 is the best because it plays the most like the FPSes I love so much!

>tranq one guy
>guy checks on him
>knock him out as well
>repeat untill outpots is cleared

>thinking i have a phone

LMAOing at you, son its just unbearably warm

Anybody try the infinite heaven mod? What's that like?

>it's SUPPOSED to control like shit!!!

V also has much more fluid stealth mechanics

>tranq one guy
>guy checks on him
>knock him out as well
>repeat untill outpots is cleared

>thinking outposts matter

l m a o

Have fun spending 15 minutes clearing out a three man base. Just because the game lets you bottom out your play style doesn't mean you should...

i dont know any other way to play them game
i just tranq shit.

how do i make it more fun??

try using other weapons?

ill go nuclear in like 20 minutes, and try to break the game and box only playthrough

You mean each level separated in different areas?
Sounds familiar.

Surprisingly good.

>random patrols between outposts
>multiple helis patrolling the entire map, both up in the sky, and sometimes close to the ground, flying throughout the entire map, making even bailing out in the heli, or even getting in the map a challenge
>vehicle convoys driving around like tanks, APCs and jeeps, not just trucks
>Skulls may pop up randomly and attack you in freeroam
>can go in subsistence mode in missions and freeroam
>helis flying around motherbase, soldiers walking between posts, D-Walkers, a fuckload of soldiers too
>can customize Snake's arm, so you can get rid of the retarded super fast sprint
>can get rid of demon points in an instant
>you can choose to just spawn in the map instead of riding the heli
>Motherbase can get attacked
>random events in the map in freeroam, for example, crashlanding, which makes you appear in the middle of the map with low health and no weapons when flying to an AO
>enemies can call for vehicle reinforcements, including tanks and helis
>you can set time scale to make the the ingame clock be the same as in real life
>you can choose the outfit the Diamond Dog soldiers



Does Infinite Heaven softban me?

wanna get those bikinis

If the whole game looked like that picture, I wouldn't have been able to play it due to motion sickness. Yeah, why didn't they keep that?

>>can get rid of demon points in an instant

wow way to break the game

>just wanna talk about the game
>thread is Sup Forums contrarians whining about some guy who worked on it

>use rpgs
>use the shitty joke weapons
>no stealth
>kill people in the most time consuming ways
>CQC only
>other random shit
>use soldiers as bowling pins

>wow way to break the game
Sorry, but I don't want to replay ''White Mamba'' 20 times in a row.
Besides, demon points only affect your look.

There's no anti-cheat on PC, they just ban based on reports, and all the features of the mod only work in singleplayer, FOB and MGO play as if you didn't have the mod at all.

i use the Infinite Heaven mod to play everything OSP when possible. it'd be more fun if enemies had more varied equipment. i always end up with an assault rifle.

nicety newfag this is a no MGSV zone!

>Sorry, but I don't want to replay ''White Mamba'' 20 times in a row.

Then don't rack up so many points lol

>Then don't rack up so many points lol
I have an alternative.

also doesn't Demon points fuck up your camo index?

i used to use it but after i got attacked 3 times i wasnt able to defend because the mod kept me in loading limbo untill i restarted

> lmao kys MgS 4 is bettr

cheating is not an alternative

Only in full demon mode.

I don't care.

>Im not actually playing the game so I don't care

Did you guys know that Metal Gear Solid 5 originaly had an ending?

Did you know video games don't need a traditional 3-act story to be good?