Ywn be a respected commander with alien bitches being thirsty for your cock

>ywn be a respected commander with alien bitches being thirsty for your cock
why live

Other urls found in this thread:


Sometimes theres better options

>wanting AIDS
only pure Liara or Tali can do it for me

Not your option though

> Afraid of aids
> Tali


>you will never be a reaper

>Literally fucks animal

>also gets fucking space crabs

>Femshep will never sit on your face and taunt you
why live?

Liara is the best girl
If you like Tali you may have autism

>ywn fuck liara's feet

Who hype for the first ME Andromeda book?


Is that book canon? And when does it take place?

It is official cannon and will bridge the gap between 3 and Andromeda. There will be another two books that continue the story during and after the game.


Either they're going to make one of the endings canon, or this will involve basically none of the characters from the trilogy since they can all die

just watch, they'll make black trans femshep canon

>it's a you need to read shittily written books to get references in the main game episode
good shit

why is she so perfect?

Artist made face. When Bioware scans shit, they fuck it up since a lot of their 3D artists left post ME1.

>god tier face
>god tier body
>god tier personality
>god tier voice
>legitimately cares about Shepard

So... Tali?

>giving a fuck about Shepard
loving every laugh

Literally made to pander to beta males who can feel good about themselves when this perfect blue bitch lusts over their genitalia.

that's true of literally every female character in video games

Swap cock for pussy and I'm living the dream

The only Alien girl I want is Tali
I just want to cuddle her 5ever

This is the fucking worst.

>Put plot relevant shit on it
Book is shit because they're asking you to buy additional shit to know what the fuck's going on
>Don't put plot relevant shit on it
Book is shit because irrelevant

Fuck off you cunts that do this shit. You're already nickle&diming the fuck out of people. STAHP

Did you know there are 4 books for the original trilogy? Now that you do does it change anything?

Nope, and it wont with the 4 books for Andromeda.

Now that I do, there's another piece of shit, irrelevant, pandering, book they spent time & money on instead of the FUCKING ENDING, that tards with too little sense and too much disposable income are gonna quote during discussions "because so and so say it's canon" before they're irrevocably left talking to themselves.

All I say is make a good fucking game and stop worrying about the god damn window dressing but apparently that's an alien concept.

The books are actually good, stop memeing.

The books are also based on the story of the game not the other way around and are done afterwards.

They only had like 18 months to make ME3, It's a miracle it's as good as it was given they had to make DA2 in like that time, they probably WERE putting all their effort into ME3

ME3 should've come out 1-2 years later than it did

>The books are actually good, stop memeing.

haven't read the one with kai leng

but the one with Saren and Anderson's backstory is fucking amazing

Not sure what you are trying to prove retard

>huur they used the word ceral therfore the book is bad


t. KL

How to spot a retard

>hating suomi

>implying these uncultured swine even know what suomi is

Indeed my friend,INDEED!

Fuck off, Fingol

How can I penis inside of Miranda's poop hole Sup Forums?

All I wanted was to build a house on the homeworld, so yeah Im still fucking mad

I want to date a Geth.

ma nigga

What is with Tali's hips?

im confused as to why cereal is a bad word now?

What did I miss?
I just finished series.

Wish they'd have added qt alien girls and a relationship system into no man's sky. Infinite procedurally generated waifus that go one forever.

Made to be firmly-grasped
