Dragon Quest thread. Bianca is best female, discuss.
Dragon Quest thread. Bianca is best female, discuss
who /buyinganNXforXI/ here
Not me. I got a PS4 that can play it just fine.
If you're going to make the same thread every day at least use a different picture.
Stop making the same thread dude.
There's a general on /vr/ if you want to talk about DQ.
I really, really like that image.
Why arent you banned yet?
/vr/ is shit
>implying Sup Forums is not shit
At least we can discuss the best game here
Why the absolute fuck would you shoot yourself in the foot and not buy a ps4 instead?
After how well nintendo did with the wii u do you honestly trust them with another console?
>Not being a lion-hearted man and choose Deborah
What are you a gay coward?
What do you mean? Sure 3rd parties abandoned the Wii U but Nintendo put out some of their best games in years on the Wii U.
He could even go the 3DS route if he doesn't want a PS4.
Pedo leave
You know it's gonna be a severely gimped version though
There's literally nothing else I want on PS4 anyways
But it'll obviously be better on PS4.
Like? How often does Nintendo actually release a GOOD game on the Wii U that just isn't an enhanced port.
Going to restart and finish DQ9 soon since I started when it came out and never finished. Got too caught up in trying to grind all my classes up to good levels with everyone as I hit good metal slime level points and got bored.
What's the optimal class config to start and change to?
>>There's literally nothing else I want on PS4 anyways
Every time I see someone say this all I can think is that they didn't even bother to look into the PS4's whole library.
How would the kids lives/personalities had changed if they grew up with their parents from birth? Maybe it's a good thing that they didn't spend their most formative years witnessing DQ5 protag and Deborahs relationship.
Tabitha on DQ Heroes when?
Why the fuck would anyone buy a PS4?
So he can play Memeborne and then wait for NEO that will make it obsolete?
>being gay
>bloodborne is the only game on the ps4
Nice meme
Doing a bit of class grinding for skill points isn't bad. I'd say at the very least to max out shields as soon as you can so you can always use them.
>post drawn little girl
>makes me a pedo
Explain this logic
There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.
Has anyone here personally played X?
Ok then, name a good PS4 game that you can't play on PS3, PC or Vita.
How about trying to like some other images too?
How problematic.
Whats the fucking point really? We've done this song and dance before. I'll spend 10 minutes putting a list together and you'll just call them all shit. Anything to keep up the "PS4 has no games" shitpost. I'm just getting tired of it.
I really can't understand Nerafags.
>putting shoes on in the water
Japs arent very bright are they?
Same. Deborah and Bianca are infinitely better. Nera is just kind of all around boring.
>I'll spend 10 minutes putting a list together
Ahahahahahaaaha more like 10 seconds.
This, exactly like this
This is why I don't bother to throw in any effort is you're just going to shitpost any reply you get anyway.
Come on, I'll start for you:
The Order
Ratchet remake
She's probably just washing them.
I thought you said GOOD games
Was I supposed to post a blank list?
>implying XI will come over seas
Buy Builders gaijin and we MIGHT localize it 5 years after it's nip release
That is why you import it.
Playing DQ5 now, which one of the three women is better gameplay-wise ?
the one you love the most.
You're pretty good
Fucking fine, not like I have anything else to do right now.
Have been released:
The King of Fighters XIV
Disgaea 5
Until Dawn
Infamous Second Son/First Light
Shadow of the Beast
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
On PS3/Vita but is better on PS4:
Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Gundam Breaker 3
Gravity Rush Remaster
Grand Kingdom
Gal*Gun: Double Peace
J-Stars Victory VS
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers
Sword Art Online games(the show may be shit but the games are actually fun)
The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival
Not out yet:
Ace Combat 7
Detroit: Become Human
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
The Last Guardian
Yakuza 6
Yakuza Kiwami
Sony exclusive(PS3/PSV), unreleased:
Dangan Ronpa V3
Persona 5
Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition
Dragon Quest Builders
Punch Line
World of Final Fantasy
Timed exclusive:
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Nier Automata was confirmed for a Steam release but its still unconfirmed if it comes out on PS4 or not.
Do go ahead and berate my taste in games for being too weeb, calling everything on this list shit anyway.
>Nier Automata was confirmed for a Steam release but its still unconfirmed if it comes out on PS4 or not.
*if it comes out on PS4 first or not.
It's easily the game on this list that im looking forward to the most and I'll buy it on whatever gets released first.
Should I play the android release of DQ5 or emulate it
Android release is only recommended for DQIV
Emulate the DS version
Is it possible for someone to rip the partychat translations from the android version and replace it with the text of the jap version?
Is it more trouble than its worth it?
Alright, but why
It doesn't matter much, go with the one you like the most. You will get the cutest girl in the game your daughter no matter who you choose anyway.
Android version offers nothing new besides crappier controls.
Daughter a cute
I want to touch your daughter
Back off heathen
played the offline with the english fan translation patch, would have tried the online but fucked up the SE account somehow.
3 years tops maybe earlier
If you promise not to tell your mother, I can show you a very special slime.
>played the offline with the english fan translation patch, would have tried the online but fucked up the SE account somehow.
wait what
There is an english patch for the pc version?
Thanks OP, you reminded me of a great pic.
Playing since launch every day.
>english fan translation patch
Fucking where?
>she will never magic your dick onto herself and then fuck you in the ass with it
why live?
What's the problem?
Kill yourself pedo.
deal with it nerd, I have over a TB of loli and not only is there nothing you can do about it, the fact that people out there dislike the fact that I am fapping to it only makes me harder, your discomfort turns me on.
Why does Tabitha get the best porn?
>proud of being mentally ill
Say hi to Thad for me.
Oh no, the big tough internet man is angry!
you forgot "no you're the pedo faggot I just like cute little girls"
I didn't say proud, I said your resistance only makes my penis harder and you just need to deal with it.
Cool we needed another anime jerkoff thread lmao us Sup Forumsirgins, rite?
That loli will almost certainly eternally trigger normalfags makes me a happy man.
>getting mad over anime to the point that you post in autism memespeak
DQX went into closed beta in chingchong China yesterday
but i f**king luv anime dude kek. watched like 20 anime with my lovely gf lol.
our fav animes is rezero its so epic!!!!
>gives infinite faps
>gives infinite anal pain
Is there anything loli can't do?
I don't get lolicon. Why are you guys so mad when people call you pedophile? is that not what you are?
i also dont get lolicon, but im sure its bad and the people who like it are pedophiles because thats what ive heard
Pedophile mean being attracted to kids. What the fuck are loli if not kids then?
>every lolifag is the same
It's really not that hard to find people who are like "oh yeah i'm a pedo, sue me". I'd know, I'm one of those.
The loli in that image, user.
Post the rest of the set faggot
they don't especially with that retarded definition Americans use
Better question, where are the VC releases?
Never played DG, but damn I've seen good porn of that loli.
Link it
Just search "bianca's daughter" on Sankaku Channel.
DQV was a good game