Does your mother enjoy video games?

Does your mother enjoy video games?

Other urls found in this thread:

My mother enjoys your cock, faggot.



>tfw no mother

So you are into cuckolding?

My mom was really into first person shooters (old school Medal of Honor especially) and neopets, but I don't think she plays anymore

can i have her number

Yes. We play rpgs and mmos together.

Ara ara~

My mom's butt and breasts are too big but It would hurt her feelings if I told her that.

>niggarell will never ever be banned properly

My mom thinks I'm a loser and a waste of potential and she's absolutely right.


Can someone tell me the name of this anime?

No Sup Forums memes, please

>too big

Nigga you gay.

Pretty sure it's that shitty kyoani one, Kyoukai no Kanata or some shit.

>waste of potential
>and she's absolutely right.
no she's not


Who else likes to grope their mom. She wasn't into it at first, but now she let's me finger blast her whenever.

>gets repeatedly btfo by Sup Forums
>still desperately tries to shitpost
The salt is real.


Thanks, pal

Does it have mom son incest like OP is using the image to imply?

Oh wow.

if it's real then it's story time

Barneyfag isnt involved with /foolz/ is he? His mo (shitting up the site with repeated ban evasion shitposting and flaunting their moderation immunity to staff) is pretty much in line with what the likes of niggerell and kroni do

You're fucking retarded and new, kill yourself


>getting cucked by your mom


imagine this situation

-you are a student at X school
-your mother is single and takes care of you
-every day you come back hurt and bullied to shit
-classmate comes visit you one day but doesn't find you, only your mother
-classmate wants to talk to you about the bullying but tells the mom instead, saying you are both being bullied because you are virgins
-stuff happens and mom fucks your classmate
-come home early one day to find classmate fucking mom
-realize who he is and tell mom the person she is trying to help (your classmate) is actually the guy who has been bullying you
-mom keeps fucking the bullies to protect you

is this ntr?

She calls them 'murder simulators'

my stepmom does, she used to have a genesis but wasn't really good at them. When I still lived there she would sometimes co-op with enthusiasm, and liked to play Burnout 3, but generally wasn't that good but she found the ability to communicate and play with others around the world pretty cool

Careful there with that edge

Don't fucking try to cheer me up you nigger.

She mainly played
>Banjo Kazooie
but also
>Theme Park World
>Age of Empires

1 im not you

My sister does but she's a friendless loser. She smells, is pale as fuck from staying indoors all the time and rarely eats, she's just plain unhealthy

Are you romantically interested in your mother? If no, then it's not.

>Mom has a black boyfriend
>He plays my PS4 while I'm at work


You're not me, stop it.

He's not trying to cheer me up, he's saying I never had any potential to begin with.

Whats her steam?

>tfw mother walked out on you before you were born

Why isn't Rugga banned yet?

Sounds like something on literotica

She's dead, so not anymore.


He keeps ban evading like the piece of shit he is

make sure to report this thread

fuck your sister


I'll have to ask her if she's okay with that. She's has no friends at all

You just described my perfect gf, please give me her number

at least you are not wasting anything, that should make you happier
you'll die anyway, just enjoy your games, money won't make you happy

Phoneposter, dynamic IP

Surprised they didnt rangeban his entire mobile carrier yet like theybdid to barneyfag but I guess Barneyfag is more prolific

is she pretty at least? whats wrong with her?

why would anyone want a smelly gf nigga

Thats ok, I dont have friends either. But Let me know if you want to


Incompetent Sup Forums moderation, on Sup Forums he is permabanned and removed within minutes. When people can spot his pasta just by using the archive and the moderation cant you know something is broken.

I like ruggarell's posts

What does she look like?

>13 years old
>think I'm awesome because I have a 15 year old friend
>play co-op vidya all the time
>have a sleepover in my house
>wake up to the sound of him fucking my Mom in the next room
>can't sleep with the noise, so I play Pokemon
>realise the only reason he was my 'friend' was because my whore Mom was on his dick all the time
>so beta I stay friends with him just to have a foot on the social ladder

Is there anything more beta than staring into your cereal bowl in the morning to ignore the fact that your friend just slapped your Mom's ass in front of you? I'd like to hear it.


>gets kicked out of a site fool of cancerous tripfags


Reminder that /ss/ is best

No, my mom thinks they're children's toys and a waste of my time.

Which is disheartening considering I want to develop a game.

Both Kroni and Ruggarell got rejected by the tripfag community of foolz, it's hilarious that they are too autistic even for that place.

Yes, she enjoys playing with BBC

>I want to develop a game.
Just coming in to tell you that even if it's good I'll just pirate it.

pls no. i had to appeal a gorrillion drive-by bans last year because my isp is too fucking retarded realizing tor fuckers use it as their exits.

You could be a middle-aged woman fucking your son's friend in a desperate attempt to feel anything other than crushing sadness.

fucking sonyggers

doubt you'd even want to play it, but that's fine with me I'll get denuvo


>>GTAV makes every other open world game look like shit
This is why Slice of Life faggots don't get to have opinions.

She's smelly and sweaty as fuck . who knows.

>rugs doesn't know we mock him on yet another IRC and we "pretend" to be nice on foolz

is she cute tho?

I vaguely remember this doujin

>I'll get Denuvo license for a few thousand fucking dollars
Yeah, sure :^)

Don't give in to despair. Hope doesn't ride alone user.

My mom is hot as fuck. If you saw her you would want to do the same. She likes to joke around, so if she ever saw you bending over she would spank you or give you a light kick. She always thought it was hilarious. That was my way in. I escalated that until she got comfortable with me touching her ass pretty much any chance I could get. She takes really good care of herself. She especially like getting things done to her feet, pedicures and all that. I offered her a foot massage which she agreed to quickly, then I gradually worked my way up to a full body. I knew things had changed between us when she would come looking for me to massage her and she would lock the door. The first time I we did anything overtly sexual she asked if I could use oil this time during the massage. Usually we used lotion. She used that as an excuse to get us both down to our underwear. The sexual tension was unreal. I remember I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy.

>thank you for pledging to my kickstarter

I like that he gives me an excuse to post porn without having to feel like Im doing something wrong.

sauce pls user

They really rangebanned barneyfag? That's amazing.

you vaguely remember it because it wasn't a doujin

really makes you think

Who's Barney flag

it was

how old?

learn 2 reverse search

My mom played FFXI and still plays WoW and FFXIV.

it wasn't


>Healthyx1000!! BIG ASS!!


problem is the things behind Fakku

god i fucking hate them

Who the hell is the O-yatsu-tachi that translated this kuso, ne?

sauce on this?