Are the Resident Evil Remasters on PS3 any good?

Are the Resident Evil Remasters on PS3 any good?
I'm considering grabbing the humble bundle.
I already own most of the good stuff (DMC HD, Okami HD and Megaman 9 & 10) so basically I'd be paying 15 bucks for both RE games, Lost Planet 3 and Strider.

They are pretty good. Stay away from RE zero tho'. It has everything that's wrong from the classic games.

Don't listen to this tosh. RE0 is perhaps the last true survival horror game from the series before it turned into a rooty tooty point and shooty.

RE0 isn't perfect, but it's a lot closer to the classic RE style than the newer games, and it's bretty gud. Definitely not the best, but not nearly as bad as people meme.

yes, is very good
have fun.

RE0 is almost identical to RE1. It only has a slightly different setting and the partner mechanic. I don't get what people are on about all the time with that game.

go back to play call of duty

> It has everything that's wrong from the classic games.
Such as? It's major problem is that it drops some features that were staples of the classic games while adding in a partner mechanic that doesn't work too well. It's still a solid classic RE game.

RE0 doesn't hold your hand. nu-gamer millennials absolutely cannot complete this game. it's just too hard for them. It's a good game though, both of them.

I just cant get over the partner system

>Have to drag my partner around and continually protect them
>Or give them the means to protect themselves and watch ammo get wasted
>Or leave them behind and run into a team puzzle and have to trek the 2nd character through the area

Honestly, I might give it a shot once I beat RE:HD again, but man did I hate it the first time.

>Buy Bundle since I didnt have the games
>Get Megaman Legacy Collection coupon, buy on PS4
>Slowdown everywhere
>Its literally a feature to keep it authentic

Not sure how I feel

They're solid. Strider is pretty good too.

>It has everything that's wrong from the classic games.

Huh? It lets you drop and pick up items anywhere, has an easy mode for more casual players and the PS3 version lets you play it without the tank controls. If anything, it improves on some of the things the original games did.

The only bad stuff I can think of with this game is that after the train, the setting is just a rehash of the first game, the puzzles are kind of boring and most of the enemies are just giant animals or enemies we've seen in previous RE games.

It's funny, I used to play the games religiously when they came out and today I can't beat them anymore.

Its because you are used to faster paced games. Learn to slow down and be patient, and you will get through

Looking back on it, the train is one of my favorite RE locations. Too bad it gets bland as fuck after that.

probably not into it like you once were. i do the same thing sometimes. especially with ocarina of time.

>Megaman Legacy Collection

Is that bad? I remember slowdown on the genesis compilation thingy. I'm also playing mm9 for the first time now and its a lot of fun.

I used to just leave my partner in a safe room while I cleared out enemies in other rooms, and I would just use my partner as a walking item box.

I find OoT still easy as fuck though. MM on the other hand..

Strider is alright. It gets a bit repetitive, but if you like metroidvanias and like futuristic/cyberpunk enviroments you'll be able to have fun with it

Don't buy RE0. It's a piece of shit. The train is the only good part. After that, it's a bland mess. Faggots that defend it haven't played it in ages.

RE0 is still a solid RE game. Get fucked.

Still better than any modern day resident evil action shooter.

speaking of bland messes, how's your 57th play-through of RE6 going?

I'll agree on that, at least. The weakest clasic resident evil is miles better that what came before.

>tfw you like both classic and modern RE

Why do people hate zero? It was a good game and Rebecca and Billy were interesting.

I thought I was alone.

Not "bad" but it replicated the original slowdown the NES games had

If you can handle that, its a fucking amazing compilation. Even lets you emulate scanlines

If you've never played them, I'd say give'em a shot. You'll know within the first 30 minutes if you're going to enjoy them or not. But for $15, why not?

>Stay away from RE zero tho'. It has everything that's wrong from the classic games.

Just kill yourself holy shit

You are what is wrong with games today.

this. masterrace right here.
Enjoy modern RE for the action.
Enjoy classic RE for the suspense.

Yeah, as for 0 it comes down to how annoying you find the switching mechanics. Overall it's fun and makes for some interesting puzzles but the AI sometimes goes full retard. Just stay with Billy as your wall and see Rebeca as an inventory expansion.

About to start REmake on PS4, never played it before and pretty much going in blind. Which difficulty setting should I pick Sup Forums?

The train is great, though.

Mountain climber or whatever, that's the normal mode. If its your first time playing I'd also recommend playing as Jill since she gets more inventory spots and that'll reduce the backtracking on a blind run.

RE0 is worth playing just to see what happens when a developer has completely run out of good ideas for a formula.

Sounds good, thanks. I'm assuming the classic control scheme is the way to go?

>it's USA only
WTF is this shit

Yeah. The tank controlled classic control scheme works better since the camera constantly makes sharp changes.