What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
He was upset at the notion that his character would eventually be copy pasted into Inferior Souls 2.
He gave up
He was crestfallen
>crestfallen warrior
>what's his deal yo
So his crest fell off?
There was already a crestfallen warrior in demon souls, so...
>tfw when you had to kill him later on
I just wanted to be bros
He looks like a Polish shepard.
Fuck I mean shepherd.
faggot soulsbabby
I honestly feel a little bad that the guy who plays him will only be known as a depressed sounding guy from a video game.
Unless he's okay with that.
When you can google what a word means, pretending to be a dumbass makes you an actual dumbass
Nobody gives a fuck about Demon Souls.
What's your fucking problem?
and 3
Did someone say something about a Crest?
I'm crestfallen
what PS2 game is this?
he looks like a retarded bitch
What was his fucking problem?
PCfriends do though, litlle do they know it's actually really mediocre.
No you didn't
There's like 6 English video game voice actors. He likely has and will do a ton of other things
What is my problem?
Couldn't cut it in the abyss watchers due to being a shieldfag
He deserted.
King's Field
It wasn't a forced to kill him thing, it is just after a certain point in the story, he leaves, and you can find him somewhere, I forgot where, and he is hostile.
New londo
tfw think the dragon head is real cute but everyone thinks I'm a hacker no matter what armor I wear with it
He knew he'd be in two more games and was already in Demon Souls. He knew that manlet yellow monkey director lacked any form of originality and the DaS series would be washed out by the third game.
OR you never talk to him again, and he stays at firelink
I think you mean mfw, not tfw
no, he means that feel when
he dropped out of college due to anxiety and his dad kicked him out
>dragon set no weapons
>fog ring
>darkroot garden
>wait for invasions
that was fun back in the day
Why does the dragon look like a malnourished african child in DS3?
>tfw dropped out of knight college
>dad disowns me
>can't even die because i'm cursed
>have to sit here all day watching as chosen undead progress
>can't stand the steench from the snake faggot that woke up