Retro Studios Metroid

I was lucky enough to get a glimpse at the new Metroid game being developed at Retro Studios and am back to answer some more questions about it.
Last thread was at 2 am and was short lived, so ask away. I'm not too worried about re-answering questions.

A quick little note, I am but a mere mortal. I'm not one of the developers, or a higher up. I'm just some guy who was lucky enough to see the game in action. I won't be able to answer any questions about Retro Studios, how they operate, etc.

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on a scale of yes to yes how full of bullshit are you?

Arm cannon or GTFO


Samus does in fact have an arm cannon


I'll bite. 2D or 3D?

3D, but from what I could tell it had gameplay unlike Prime.

Of the multiple people I saw playing, most of them were using traditional fps controls, while only one person seemed to have Primes lock on feature. I assume that you have a choice between the control schemes

gameplay unlike prime? But a Fps?

expand from this

Full of shit /10

how about you just tell us about it.

Why Sup Forums always believes the bullshitters and "my dad works at Nintendo" faggots?

Like I said, where prime nornally has its gameplay based on locking onto enemies, most of the gameplay I saw of this game had a more traditional quake style control scheme. Move with left stick, aim with right stick.

However I did see one player locking onto an enemy, which leads me to believe you can chose the control scheme that you prefer.

Because then I spend time talking about needless details that nobody cares about.

Because pic related

Because people pulling shit out of their asses always sounds better than the actual thing.

Why were you chosen?

I wasn't exactly "chosen". It was more chance. I am an intern at a company that works closely with Retro, and I was lucky enough to tag along when my employer wen't over to check out their offices.

Amazing tongue techniques.
He's a pro in the playtesting community.

It's not that we believe anything they say, it's that we're bored out of our mind and watching a faggot make shit up is more entertaining than twitter screencap e-celeb thread #9642245567812

quit being a faggot and just start talking about it. We'll ask questions if you say something interesting but you won't because you're lying.

There has been a few true leaks here so, you never know

How do the graphics look?

So is this trolling or shilling?

Stunning. Easily on par with ps4

Does it allow us to fuck Emily Rogers, Liam Robertson?

What he said.
As an added bonus, if it just so happens to be true we get to be the twats that knew all along because of some leak on Sup Forums. Let's just have some fun with it before returning to baseline despair.

Is Samus a 6'3" Amazonian goddess again?

When will they unveil it?

I don't really know where to start honestly.

I know the title is Metroid: Tempest
I saw quite a few glimpses of Sylux.
I'm not able to piece together the plot, but it seems to have something to do with Sylux owning a Metroid, making me think that the game takes place after Prime 3
Scanning seemed to have gotten an overhaul
I saw something that looked like it might have been an arena multiplayer, but it might have just been some sort of weapon testing so I can't be sure

I obviously don't know her hight, but she seems to be the same size as the Prime games

put some effort into it like the autist who wrote walls of text about zelda before e3 you tedious mong

Both. Some random fag is lying in order to shill the game because Metroid fans are scared since the last game sold like hot garbage and they're afraid it'll get canned if sales are shit. In the threads there were people acting like people should buy the game even if it was bad anyway to keep the series alive and were trying to guilt trip people who didn't want to buy it with "then don't be sirprised when you kill Metroid" and other shit. Ya don't need paid shills when apparently Metroid fans do it all on their own like a bunch of sycophants.


Retro isn't working on Metroid, it's something they pitched themselves to Nintendo

This thread is fanfiction

If all you got are glimpses then what the fuck do you even have to say about the game or what it plays like? Like others have said. Just say whatever you know or saw and fuck off. Making us ask so you can make shit up is retarded. Go troll somewhere else. Even if your story was true, you'd just say what little you did know rather than start up some desperate attention whoring AMA.

How far would you say they are in development?
Do you think an announcement is possible, anytime soon?

Hey now. It might be mostly metroid fans shilling for that garbage, but it'a also mostlyrics metroid fans railing against it. Kind like how ISIS vs The World is mostly just Muslims murdering each other.

>metroid: Tempest
What's past is prologue ayyyy

Its not a bad change but a change nonetheless.

When I saw a player turn on their scan visor, the names of everything scanable popped up without locking onto them. When the player looked more closely at the think they wanted to scan or put it in the center of the screen, more details would appear as sort of bullet notes and a "Read More" icon. I don't know what button would have triggered the read more though.

If that doesn't make sense, I can maybe quickly make a mockup in paint to show what I mean.

I saw about 30-40 minutes of gameplay. I am confident in what I say, but its more than I am willing to type out in a wall of greentext. Especially since I know I would dwell on details that nobody cares about. If it bothers you THAT much, close the thread.

I don't know much about game design, but they looked far enough for me to assume that they have been working on it for a while.
I have no clue when they could announce it. Maybe an NX launch title if we are lucky

Why are you so full of shit?

Takahashi: "So it has been a while since we released the last one and we're having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we'll be able to share something about them."

We already got that Prime style game. We are getting a sequel to Fusion next. The game Sakamoto is Producing.

Made this mockup really quick. This is kinda what it looked like but imagine it actually looking good

>Metroid: Tempest
Kill yourself you lying faggot.

>details that nobody cares about
If you were legit there would be literally no details that people wouldn't care about

Thats not true and you know it
In fact, all it took was the title to piss this gentleman off

You're going to piss off someone regardless so what do you care? If you really wanted to spill some beans then you'd already know exactly what kind of important stuff there is to talk about.

I call you out because Nintendo already differentiated the main series and the Prime series.

Now can you please fuck off.

What was the level you saw like? Did it take place in any of the planets from previous titles?

If there'd be multiple control schemes, hopefully the wii+nunchuck combo wouldn't be overlooked. I definitely prefer aiming the wii remote than using a fucking stick.

>Like I said, where prime nornally has its gameplay based on locking onto enemies,
Actually if you used the wii version that's not true. The wii had free aiming as an option, though you could lock. Locking is not what separates prime from other FPS, console FPS games use aim assistance like bullet magnetism and such all the time. Locking is just another assist.
So, describing something as a first person shooter that's 3D is exactly what Prime is.

You're likely full of shit, but sure if retro was going to make a new Metroid it's likely they'd fall back on doing the same old shit. No point in trying to make a good Metroid game now.

>Its another user pretends to be super secret leaker episode

I don't understand what this is or what it means

I saw multiple sections in different chunks. I don't know what planet it was, but it had a very Talon IV vibe. I can't be sure if it was Talon IV or not. I also saw no space travel/planet hopping, but that doesn't meant that there isn't any.
A couple of the more noteworthy areas I saw was an ice area not unlike Phendrana Drifts, but with an added gimmick of the area seeming to melt. You could see water dripping off of the ice walls into puddles on the floor, and some areas seemed inaccessible due to huge areas of water separating ice platforms.
Another area was a big open field with a bright sun in the sky. It was unlike anything I have seen in Metroid. It didn't exactly have a happy feeling, it still had the general sense of dread that the series maintains, but it was definitely more of a pleasant area than I am used to in a Metroid game

I see. Thats my bad. I was just trying to describe how it looked like the main gameplay had no enemy locking

It means Nintendo has Metroid split into two different franchises, the main franchise and the Prime franchise so if Nintendo would've named this so called Metroid game it would be called Metroid Prime: Tempest. But Nintendo already stated that Fed Force was the Prime style game and we still haven't found out what the traditional style game is.

I saw what I saw, and I know the name was Tempest. That article is 6 years old, maybe they changed their mind and decided to let Retro drop the Prime name

From what you've seen, does the new game return to the isolation and exploration aspect of the first two Primes or does it moreso follow the trend with later games to be more open and "Star Wars-like"?

But the Metroid Prime is gone, it's dead. They can continue in the same subseries using a new subtitle.

Seemed like a happy balance like Prime 2 had. GFeds DO show up, and Sylux shows up frequently from what I saw during gameplay.

Other than that the player seems like they are constantly alone. Keep in mind I didn't actually get to PLAY the game, so its hard for me to judge how the atmosphere will feel once I get my hands on a controller

so did you see the nx?

Retro let go of everyone who worked on Metroid, how do you expect anyone to believe you?

Looks like that feddie force tease isn't hot air.

Yes and no. I saw the dev console, and I saw the controller they were playing on (they were all using a really generic looking controller. Very similar to the Pro controller). Other than that I saw nothing.

>how do you expect anyone to believe you
Who said I expect anyone to believe me?

What kind of role does Sylux have?

No they won't what was the name of the next FPS Metroid that just came out?

Uh huh....

>Better watch out for daddy's little girl.

You mean a goofy spinoff of Prime 3, not the real next entry in the series?

From what I understand, the Fed Force ending ties directly into this game.

Throughout the game Sylux appeared to face samus at seemingly random times. I speculate that his interferences are unscripted, which could be cool.

One time however when he showed up, he was holding a container with a Metroid in it. This specific time had a short 1 second cutscene of him jumping in holding it. This could have been because this 1 encounter was plot specific.

>I saw about 30-40 minutes of gameplay
>Sylux shows up frequently
ok lol

Yes, what was its name?


It ain't fair that you get to act like a twat if it turns out to be true but for the thousand times it's not you get to slink away scot free.

I'm gonna keep reminding you fuckers about Rayman in Smash.

Did you see Samus using any new weapons? Did you see any characters besides Samus and Sylux? Pirates, animals, Galactic Federation, aliens?

Green text it regardless. One faggot not liking the name was gunna not like it.

How much time has passed since you saw that Metroid build you talk about?

Not about the name shithead it's about branding, Metroid is 2D, Prime is FPS, the end.

I saw a weapon very similar to the special rockets from the end of Fusion. Other than that things seemed pretty standard
about a month

You're the only autist holding onto that conclusion.
OP should green text his visit anyway
>Other than that things seemed pretty standard

You're retarded if you think another FPS Metroid won't be called Prime again. That's if we actually get one since Federation Force failed. On the NX handheld version I'll keep looking out for Metroid 5 since that is far more likely to come. Man Prime fans have become so delusional to believe clearly false leaks it's hilarious.

Remember in the initial Other M gameplay trailer it showed Samus walking with an RE4 camera angle but in the full game it was only used in the bottleship's bathrooms for some reason? I'd love a 3D Metroid game played a little like RE4.

So it was just Samus with some Sylux? No enemies or NPCs?

Do you know anything about the NX other than what you saw?

Samus, Sylux, and some Gfeds. Aside from that, obviously space pirates etc.

Who knows what shows up in parts of the game I haven't seen yet though

Not a clue

Don't toy with my heart, asshole.

What did the controller look like that they were playing it with

It looked like the Wii U Pro controller but it was white and had SNES colored buttons. Nothing spectacular

>Retro Studios coming back to Metroid just to make another FPS-inspired game

no sir. I don't like it

>Retro Studios
Dropped already. EPD or bust.



>On the NX handheld version I'll keep looking out for Metroid 5 since that is far more likely to come.
And you're calling me retarded?

>Wanting the people that made Triforce Heroes and Amiibo festival to work on Metroid

You are retarded your Prime game was Federation Force, deal with it Nintendo still planning for that traditional Metroid game they talked about at E3 2014. Now shut the hell up and learn a fake leak from a real one.

EAD and SPD are one and the same now dipshit.

>another fucking FPS metroid
I don't even care if you're lying. I just don't even care.


Yes user. Metroid could potentially have the New Super Mario Bros., Skyward Sword and F-Zero team at their disposal if were in-house. Even as consultants and outsourced to a 3rd party, the idea they'll be calling the shots without Sakamoto means they can't lose.


Tanabe is only allowed to make 3D prime-esque metroid games.
Sakamoto was the only person who cared about 2D metroid but he's moved to making endless tomodachi games.

The colorful ones. Not US

Tanabe and Miitomo says otherwise

Tanabe: "I'm the producer of the Metroid Prime series, and [Metroid series co-creator] Yoshio Sakamoto is the one in charge of Metroid itself. I'm not sure when he's planning on making such an announcement so I can't speak for him."

So you said the game was being played on "classic" looking controllers
Did you see any portion/mechanic of the game that seemed it would lend itself well to the mock-up's we've seen of the NX and it's controller?

Not really. Everything seemed pretty standard/straight forward.

Which mock-ups are you talking about specifically? There have been multiple

Actually, one thing I noticed is the players seemed to be using the shoulder buttons to chose their beam. Whether or not this is made to be used with the rumored scroll wheel shoulder buttons is beyond me. Seemed like it might be though because they would press the shoulders multiple times to scroll.

For all I know the controllers they were using were just recolored Pros, in place of the actual controller

But that only solidifies my point?
He's can only authorize prime series games, Sakamoto is the one in charge of the entire series but he isn't doing anything. That statement is just an ambiguous way of saying he doesn't and won't know anything because nothing is happening with it.

Well Takahashi the head of their divisions knows everything and he said that there are planes for a traditional style Metroid game.