

>"I removed piracy enabling features from this hack"
>"I will stay relevant by getting people to reverse engineer my hack!"
>"Wh-what? No I won't release my source! If I do that nobody will care about me anymore!"
>"What do you mean people have enabled piracy on muh white knight, impossible to pirate on hack? Now nobody will talk to me anymore :("
>"Give me attention now!"

Other urls found in this thread:–L)–Z)

Vita console sales will pick up now

Dare I say it... that PC wins again?

>Vita $150
>32 GB Memory cad $60

Eh...if this hack comes out it it is as easy as the old PSP hacks I'll jump on during the Black Friday deals.

PC relates how?

I'm looking at Vita consoles on eBay right now for 79

Oh boy I can't wait to play Persona 4 again as well as...uh...


Your memes will only get you so far Nintoddler

Vita piracy=even less sales on Vita=more likely devs will port to PC instead of selling on Vita.

Why are all console hackers attention whoring moralfags? Are they afraid companies are gonna come after them if they release their piracy exploits?

>Not a single game worth playing

I'm actually considering buying a Vita if I can pirate games.

Just look at all that mediocrity.

Yeh but devs still don't get money. They will notice it when sales shrink by 50% due to piracy.

>Yeh but devs still don't get money
Who cares?

Because they are autistic virgins who thrive off the attention they receive through the Internet

Perhaps, but I'm interested in pirating what is out right now, and I ain't paying for it

>implying you read through that entire list on both pages that quickly
Enjoy your Mario rehashes and piss poor starfox/metroid titles

>truck loads of obnoxious weeb garbage
>large portion of them aren't even released outside of Japan
>yfw you paid actual money for the vita like an idiot

you think they were getting money before when no one had a vita? they weren't

I already know how this ends.

>lol weebshit/shovelware. Doesn't count.

Why are you even replying to me? See my previous post's statement. I'm merely saying that devs are more likely to port to PC because Vita sales are going to shrink hard. Which is a good thing for PC users and a bad thing for Vita users.

>implying you read through that entire list on both pages that quickly
>implying I care about games on a platform that only gets mediocre weeb shit
>can play the few games that are salvageable on better platforms

Disregarded the list completely IIGTBPHEYMB

>Procede to ask for 3ds game suggestions
>Weeb shit that is censored

VITA DUMPS IN 3..2..1..

>I'm merely saying that devs are more likely to port to PC because Vita sales are going to shrink hard. Which is a good thing for PC users and a bad thing for Vita users.
Why should I care about PC ports when I can pirate it on the vita from day one?

He said sales on vita, not vita sales. It will turn into a piracy/emulator machine like the PSP.

I don't care about you fat faggot.

>vita piracy
you mean steam?


No, why should I give a fuck about PC ports? Why should you? Why are you port begging for literally the worst library out there?

>Check comments on OP's articles
>Hue hue hue and other third worlders salivating like its a somalian pirate raid party

Is also pirate de Vita TV
pls replie

Indeed. As if the 3DS has anything better. Top kek.

>don't respond to me without my permission
Autism. And read what I actually put you thick cunt.

>the 3DS doesn't get weeb games what are heavily censored!

Exactly. Well said.

*ahem* worst library if you aren't a weeaboo.

Otherwise, you're lik a kid in a candy store.

If they weren't making money on Vita then they would have stopped localizing games years ago.

Weebs play terrible games tho

KT themselves get away with a LOT of shit

Fuck off retards. I fucking love Denuvo btw.

Are Sonyggers literally so inept they cannot comprehend when somebody is making an argument and cannot see the world out of their immediate experiences?

Everything you are saying is irrelevant to the person who is postings point.

Pls let it be PSTV compatible

Did you even read it? It can only be done on DRM free games.

Look at this guy, a trip fag that always shills the 3DS. Pretty exemplary of the kind of people that shit on the Vita with little reason, but more of virtue towards Nintendo.

>The games are dumped into files that can run “as is” on a Henkaku console. On the other side of the fence, the dumping process was sometimes extremely clever to bypass some of the PS Vita’s security mechanism

>I dont care about mediocre weebshit
>I only care about mediocre weeb shit and children's games

Might as well import a 64gb from Japan, much more cost effective

>Not playing Shiren the Wanderer Vita ver, the only current gen roguelike that's actually challenging.

tv isn't any different from regular vita

>B-b-but REDS isn't cancerous guys! He's the only decent tripfag on Sup Forums!


>passing security checks
>sooner or later

So more waiting and people fumbling around, and so few people even dumping games. I bet its going to be the most obnoxious thing to run considering you have to redo the exploit everytime. You guys seem to get excited because you're poor, this happens with every update that comes.

Lies and bait. Never change Sup Forums.

Lol does he still post here? Filtered him months back.

>I bet its going to be the most obnoxious thing to run considering you have to redo the exploit everytime

How new are you senpai? Ever heard of ChickHEN?

>redo the exploit every time
after the initial setup you literally just have to go into the email app and wait a minute, then you're ready to do whatever you want until you shut off the system.

I am excited but have no idea what I'll play besides Virtua Tennis 4 and MGS3

I got a used Vita for 80€

Great! can't wait to pick up a Vita and


Arent piracy threads against the rules? If so, fuck off

>implying Sup Forums has mods


Where can you buy a cheap Vita or should I wait for a holiday sale?

Were talking about videogame consoles, not about robbing people at the sea.

Sadly most of the Vita game I'd recommend are on PC and stuff now

Fuck off REDS

Lol you rule following faggot

Yeah. Doesn't help that I"m not a huge JRPG fan.

Maybe reddit is more your place.

That's cool and all, but I'm not enough of a weeb to actually get anything out of a hacked Vita.

I'm more hype for the DS flashcart I ordered yesterday.

Well fuck, I'll be damned.

Never thought It'd happen this quickly after HENKAKU came out.

This, the 3DS is shit too.

>I don't like weeb games, I prefer heavily censored, lower quality weeb games

Why would that matter? Most of them arent significantly different on PC.

In a off chance piracy does happen on the vita, I HIGHLY recommend everyone play Soul Sacrifice Delta for the story, lore and really good narration.

But you probably can't play it online with Henkaku...

Which ones are you gonna get bros?

Hopefully we get a Tales of Innocence R english fan patch out of this.

>In a off chance piracy does happen

I already bought a lot of the worthwhile games, but this will be nice for the ones I haven't gotten around to, as well as out of region DLC

2016 vita games we got so far and what's coming out later:

MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus
God Eater: Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Mighty No 9
Grand Kingdom
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Gal Gun Double Peace
Attack on Titan
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Toukiden 2
Danganronpa V3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Moero Crystal (asain version has english)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (asain version has english)
One Piece: Burning Blood
Salt and Sanctuary
Trillion: God of Destruction
Stranger of Sword City
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Root Letter
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Criminal censored Girls 2
Yomawari: Night Alone
Croixieur Sigma
Gundam Breaker 3 (asain version has english)
Zero Time Dilemma
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Atelier Sophie
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (asain version has english)
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Ray Gigant
Trails of Cold Steel 2
MeiQ: Labyrinth Of Death
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Dragon Quest Builders
Super Robot Wars V (asain version has english)
The Asterisk War
Steins;Gate 0
Summon Night 6
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Fault Milestone One
Adventures of Mana
Hakuouki: Sweet School Life
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period Cube: Torikago no Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs World Tour
World End Economica
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni
The Longest Five Minutes
Mystery Chronicles One Way Heroics

Guaranteed Replies

Probably the "Oniichan Pantsu Sniffing Quest: Hurt Imouto Feelings Edition #3693" with the spiky hair DLC.

People who care would of probably already played them

Man, is there a single non-weeaboo title in that list?

Oh shit nice, my firmware is probably too high though.
I know I know >updating, I like remote playing my PS4.

People who want games do?

You're trying way too hard here.

>Tales of Innocence R
My nigga, I've been waiting forever for this shit, fuck bandai. I just want to play as my waifu again.

I'm not even trying, I don't have to as that list is doing it all for me.

Fuck, Vita has some nice stuff for this year.

Steins;Gate 0 and 999 are two I'm really looking forward to. Can't wait to revisit 999.

Vita before piracy
>Enjoy your shovelware sonypony
>Shita xD

Vita after piracy
>suck it faggots
>best handheld ever
>monhun on vita when?
>dat oled

>Sup Forums hates "weaboo" games
>Sup Forums also hates Western AAA shit
>Sup Forums also hates indie games because indie

Conclusion: Sup Forums hates video games and the Vita is a scapegoat to direct the circlejerking

It's almost like there's more than one person talking

Vita is a pathetic excuse of a console because it only has "generic jap weeaboo paedophile bait showelware #6969" going on.

I used custom firmware for my PSP and bought games for it too, but I think I'm going to sit out from piracy on the Vita. It's literally my dream handheld. Ever since I was a kid I wanted something exactly like this. I feel some sort of sense of obligation to it through that.

wouldn't even pirate any of these that I can't already pirate on PC

>the 3DS doesn't get weeb games what are heavily censored!

ESL-kun please leave

Welp, time to delve deeper into jap studies.
I doubt we'll get anything in english from now on.

>still have to buy a good memory card
still have to pay sheckles

Im glad my dear BR and NEET friends are finally able to get a Vita. Not everyone has a massively high paid job to afford 20-40$ a months for a game.

No. How about you fuck off

So how long until a vita emulator on pc?

>Being this much in denial

24 hours. Shits easy to make senpai

>vita emulator
It's called steam. A Person 4 Golden emulator is what you should be asking for.

Wait a second, is 999 getting a Vita port?

Yeah, with voice acting
Steam too with VLR

>a clone of Monster Hunter aka "Autism Simulator"
Fuck off

Literally point me to that game on this list


Which happens to be the objectively best games out there, no matter how much peoples will deny it.

how long until we can emulate memory cards?

>Wii U
Could PS4 be next?