I wanna start a twitch but I don't even know what to do. I have a PS3 so how do I stream that...

I wanna start a twitch but I don't even know what to do. I have a PS3 so how do I stream that? Also how do I stream my face with that?

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Are you a beautiful girl with big breasts and a nice ass?

Are you a beautiful breast with big ass and a nice girl?

Are you a nice breasts with big girl and a beautiful ass?

Dont. This is a board for vidya, faggot

Are you a beautiful girl with big breasts and a nice ass?

if you want views you need to:

1) be a girl OR
2) be top ranks in a game
3) play an early release copy

I did #2. No one will probably watch your shit so just upload lots of vods to youtube. That actually gets more views as long as you have plays

Don't bother, no one will ever watch you.

Especially considering you having to ask such questions suggests you're mentally deficient.

>I want attention from strangers

Are you a beautiful breast with nice ass and a nice big girl?

lol start a twitch streaming ps3 games, what a pleb peasant.

this. you're asking Sup Forums when you can literally google everything you just fucking asked. you'll get no where being spoonfed

I don't get how "you want attention" is an insult.

Literally every normal person enjoys getting attention from other people, assuming it's not overly negative attention and it's not overbearing.

PS3 is honestly the worst HDMI console to stream.

The HDMI is encrypted so you either need to use Component, which requires a Component Signal Amplifier, and a Component to HDMI box since all capture cards are HDMI only these days.

If you don't want to use component, you need to use the HDMI to DVI for video, and Optical (TOSLINK) audio, a DVI and Optical Audio to HDMI splice box, then an HDMI splitter to your TV and capture card to have zero input lag.

Also don't bother streaming unless you're
>A girl
>Doing something unique (you aren't)
>Already have a huge youtube following.

do you have any dignity? no? ok you are good. set up the stream and start begging for attention and money. good luck when you grow up and realize you have 0 useful skills to get a decent job.

I don't want your fucking attention. Go away. Leave me alone!

Its called being a faggot.

Don't forget to debase yourself for views.

Dye your hair, do dumb shit, for views.

Pure jealousy of top streamers right here.

I think you're on the wrong site, OP.

Just type "sex cams" in google and you'll be up in no time.

Steps to be a "good" streamer:
A. Be a hot female
B. Have an interesting and "unique" personality
If you don't meet at least 1 of these, you will fail.

>that pic
>/cgl/ cunt
Keep it far away from you. Shes crazy.

Are you a totlally randumd and "OHSONERDY"gamergurl ? Well done- Start raking in those betabucks.

Either you're an anti-social cunt or a hypocrite.

If you're an anti-social cunt it makes sense you get mad when people enjoy attention from attention from others because you wouldn't enjoy it.

If you're pro-social then you're a hypocrite because you certainly enjoy it when people give you positive attention in social situations (listen to your stories, laugh at your jokes etc). Everyone likes attention except self-loathing people who can't stand anyone looking at them.

Get a view botter

If you pass the 100k followers mark and you got there through talent and not luck/gimmicks I think you're pretty set for a long while. It's not like this internet business is stagnating or something, it's just going to keep growing. And at 100k followers you're making so much money you can start saving for whatever future ventures you like.

I randomly stream some PC/PS4 games now and then, if it's a rare game I tend to get a few viewers like 20-40 depending on the game and the time I play it.

I don't use a webcam, I just chat and stream the game direct.

If you wanna stream PS3 you'll need something like a HDPVR to direct the PS3 through your TV>PVR>PC. No idea how much they cost now, I got mine for like £100 or something, does the job I guess.

What gave you the inspiration to start? You have them big like Pic related? Then it's a guaranteed success.

I'd have to agree with you. I'm not the guy you replied to, but I am anti-social and feel the attention craving is a weakness and narcissistic. When in reality, many people enjoy it. It makes them feel accepted and loved.

It's when it goes too far though, is the issue. I think our society (at least American) teaches people it's all about "me, me, me".

Alright, now that everyone got the dumb jokes out of their system, I'll give you some actual advice.

>Step 1:

Make sure your computer isn't a toaster. At least 4 gigs of ram and 3ghZ is enough to make your stream enjoyable. You'll need an upload speed of at least 3 if you want your stream to be of any kind of quality as well.

>Step 2

Streaming programs. There're many out there but the most popular ones are Xsplit and OBS. OBS is open source and free but takes a but of tinkering to get used to. Xsplit is free, but if you want to use some of the better features, you're gonna have to drop some dosh. When I streamed I used Xsplit. I never bothered to use OBS but according to the people i knew who use it they liked it a lot after they figured out how to use it.

>Step 3

You got your computer and you got your software, so how the fuck do you stream your console? Well faggot you need something called a capture card. There are a shit load of these out there but my personal recommendation is one that's internal. You'll have to install it directly to your motherboard but it's well worth it and will eliminate delay. I heard there are some external capture cards coming out recently that don't have delay on them because they utilize USB 3.0 but I haven't used one so I have no idea. You're also gonna need a microphone or a headset with a microphone. This is where you decide if this will be a fun little hobby or something you wanna do for a job. If it's a hobby, get a USB microphone if you don't have one. A Blue Yeti should be sufficient. If you want a little more quality than that, you'll have to spend some money on a mixer and an XLR microphone and make sure you're in an acoustically proficient setting otherwise your voice quality will sound like dog shit. If you're gonna use a cam, either get a greenscreen or don't if you're in a space that doesn't have a lot going on in the background.

Being desperate for attention is pathetic, I agree.

I just laugh at the people I see on Sup Forums who say anyone who uses a webcam in a stream is an "attention whore" and generally throw that expression around at the drop of a hat like it's some grievous sin to enjoy attention from other people.

>Things to consider

Don't expect to have lots of viewers right away. During your first stream, you'll be lucky if you have 2 or 3. There are literally thousands of streamers on Twitch; you're at the bottom of the pile.

Don't get discouraged if you don't get a lot of viewers right away either. These things take time. Make sure you have a schedule and STICK TO THAT SCHEDULE. You'll gain a loyal following that way.

Another thing that NOBODY ever talks about is if you're a boring person, you will never EVER get big. The main reason people watch Twitch is to interact with cool or interesting people. If you're neither of these things, you're not going to get popular unless you're insanely good at video games.

Another thing, stream what you want how you want it. The worst thing you could do is pander to an audience of literal CHILDREN because you think it'll make them loyal. You'll have a lot more one-time watchers than loyal ones so fuck them.

If you're a beautiful girl with big breasts and a nice ass, disregard the first three statements completely and start your stream you whore. Also post nudes.

I talk to plenty of people but I don't enjoy attention.

By that logic you're saying your a faggot.

Nice 9gag meme.

Anti-social cunts can still talk to people

I don't get these whores who look like they ought to be out clubbing sitting behind a computer and streaming videogames. Am I to assume they are doing it for money and attention or do attractive women actually play videogames ? Most of the male streamers are ugly as sin but there's always a few hot chicks on twitch at any given time.

This can't be real, these numales aren't actually funding these slags are they?

>This can't be real, these numales aren't actually funding these slags are they?
Of course they are, that's how they're all still going.

It's very lucrative for women.

It's not as easy as it used to be as Twitch is now saturated with girl streamers. Still way easier for them than for guys obviously.

>Am I to assume they are doing it for money and attention or do attractive women actually play videogames?

This is not an either-or situation. Obviously there's going to be some who do it only for money, some who do it for money and because they enjoy games,and some who only do it for fun etc.

You should actually look at the games they play and how they play them. They're usually games that don't require a lot of effort or thought and can be done in literally like 2 hours or so before they get bored and stop. Girls who play anything that isn't a MOBA or Heathstone or something like that is probably on the spectrum.

Oh man my girlfriend streams and is autistic. The number of guys who suck up with "omg you're the only girl actually good at games" makes me giggle.

>see dude streaming dirt rally on steam
>i'll watch, see how the game is
>0 viewers
>the fuck? who's watching this? get the fuck out

I dont know what I expected

You can just get a PS4 with a camera much easier than using a PS3

>join channel
>immediately starts talking to me and sends a follow to my channel

>I wanna start a twitch
>I don't even know what to do
>I have a PS3
>how do I stream that?
>how do I stream my face with that?

just no

Why was he streaming in the first place?

> that fucking face from when you get a perfect score


He could have been testing out his stream settings. Maybe it embarrassed him that you showed up when he wasn't ready.

Reminds me of this:

>I came here to be alone
