
Is it a good idea to buy this now or just wait for the whole game to be released?

Buy now or you'll miss all the elusive targets and won't unlock the epic suits

Haven't I already missed a bunch of that?

Don't bother there is only going to be seven levels in the whole damn game. SEVEN!

buy the intro pack and pirate the other levels. it works.

Seven levels that each have more replay value than the average AAA game.


Same target each time, seven fucking levels and they release it like this, shameful.

Ten if you count the military base, actually, because bonus episode.

Three seasons of Hitman episodes apparently planned.

But apparently not greenlighted yet, though who the hell knows.

As far as I know, Elusive Targets will be a thing for quite some time, so you can still do it

Tbqhwy, IO adamantly claims they will NEVER EVER come back and losing on too many means you'll NEVER EVER be able to unlock anything. It sounds like bullshit and everyone speculates they'll just be put on rotation, though.

>what are challenges?
>what are user created contracts?
>what are escalations?
>what are Elusive targets?

Have you ever played a Hitman game before? The whole point of the games is to replay old levels so you can try to kill targets in different ways. It's not a "one and done" kind of game.

I still advise people against it, just because of the always online.
As I am typing this, I have been disconnected twice in about 20 minutes just right now. I have an otherwise stable, fast connection.

On an unlrelated note, how does one trigger the Q&A with the Icon? I have been waiting for over half an hour now and nothing happens, provided it just didn't bug out, like when I tried smothering Jordan in the cake, but one guard somehow got put into the door so I couldn't close it.

Yeah go for it.

Get Full Experience.

there are 6 now if you include the summer bonus levels. 8 if you consider the tutorial levels.

So, is there a chance to have a comfy Hitman thread WITHOUT most of the people asking whether they should buy it?

Aren't people allowed to be cautious after Absolution?

Sure, but it has been out since half a year and there is no lack of material and especially on Sup Forums I expect people to inform themselves.

Right well lets try it then. Lets discuss comfy

it's worth getting now, I have spent more time in Paris alone doing challenges and different things than I spend beating several average modern AAA games

game isn't perfect though, the AI seems shittier than BM and the scripting is a bit too noticeable

Alright, so let's start with your opinions on the summer bonus episodes and how Sapienza is still the best, closely followed by many Bangkok moments.

Couldn't tell you lad, I'm kinda excited cause I'm buying the full season tomorrow. France was pretty tense from what I played of it and I really liked the training levels for their cheaply thrown together quickly assembled look