Which Mario Party is the best in the series and why is it 2?
Mario Party
Damn, excellent taste OP.
>Not 6
Do you even Retardy?
an Op with good taste? is this bizaro world?
Hexagon Heat is the best minigame in any of them
Mario Party 2 HD when?
>item slot blocked cause key
characters dress according to wich map you pick
My nigga
my fav is 3, because it essentially is mario party 2 with more mini-games.
3 is best, but has only a few good maps
>he bought a Key on a map where they're practically useless
Not saying it's not bullshit - it is, but easily overlooked,
Especially when compared to 3 with its constant interruptions, BOTH of the now-hipster characters, AND awful maps.
Aren't they all the same?
If you'd played them, you would know that is not true in the least.
Star Rush
well, 3 objectively is better than 2, because many of the mini-games that feel broken in MP2 are better in MP3.
more or less because MP3 was closer to the end of N64's life cycle.
i wish for a MP remake in the style of 2/3
i actually bought the Wii U Mario party and it was absolute garbage.
2 does have some meh maps, itself. And we know there are some minigames that are absolutely imbalanced. Obviously, could use some of 3's modernization/options (well, I guess they're both outdated in that regard).
Still, 2 is the less obnoxious game and better-balanced as far as features go. Not too many, not too few.
The items in 3 were obnoxious. You could carry more (I kinda liked it better) but there were bowser items too, sort of like inverse normal items. Everytime I invited someone to play they didn't know what all the items did so they had to wade through all this text to find out what they did. Of course, those inverse items were bullshit anway
I had fun with MP DS. I remember some of the minigames were too harsh for the system, like pressing A as fast as possible or scratching the lower screen with a stylus. Also the Star Pipe was really cheap (or the game gave you too many coins idr).
>Nintendo refuses to release a Mario Party with online despite knowing that it works
Do they not fucking want our money?
Do you have any idea how rampant ragequitting would be?
There isn't a game online that someone hasn't ragequit so what's your fucking point?
>It's a "Everyone's inventory is Keys" Retardy
Once it becomes apparent who's gonna win and once the party has gone on too long, you will eventually be playing 3 computers
it is a better idea on paper
>Shit games that only live from party-factor
>Let's take that out and make it on-line
That's fucking retarded.
Not him but you guys are fucking retarded if you think Sup Forums isn't gonna have weekend Mario Parties and shit if there was a Mario Party online.
How does that make it a better idea?
Objectively correct.
right, Nintendo caters to Sup Forums, I forgot
I would assume you could play with friends and whatnot if you have any. If you don't I would also assume you can host a room online with people you know. That would lower the "ragequit" factor that you seem so concerned about.
5 is too low
5 is that low because it severely fucked up the item system 9lack of a shop removes a shitton of depth and strategy) and the minigames suck.
Fuck the haters, MP9 is great. It manages to be fair and keep the game tense yet the best player generally reaps the rewards.
Most of the old games come down to the RNG of whoever is closest to the Stars wins.
Mushroom Mix-up ine Mario Party 1 was better. In fact the vast majority of MP1 minigames that were in MP2 were better in MP1. Grab Bag went from being one of the best minigames to being a shitty battle game.
Honestly the first had lots of God tier minigames, especially those co-op ones like Key-pa-way or Running of the Bulb, but gets glossed over because MUH STICK SPINNING GAMES.
Put 6 where 4 is, 4 where 5 is, 5 where 6 is, and move 1 up one.
Then you have my list.
make it friends-only. if someone ragequits, you unfriend them and never have that problem