I pity you
I bought blood born before I bought a ps4 which hopefully be in a month when slim comes out but how much would I need to spend to get all the necessary dlc from gamebof the year edition?
Same t.b.h
I want all the PCucks to leave.
>scores and quotes on the fucking cover
>10/10 edge
fucking perfect
>tfw no GOTY edition in America
No one bought Bloodborne in burgerland
I think this game is better than Dark Souls but I don't want to replay it like I did Dark Souls.
What does it mean?
ayyyyy nigga
Was fun, until the woods with the three shadows boss.
Went from challenging to over scaled as hell. Same weapon went from dealing X% to dealing 1/2X%.
it was so so so so so so so so so so so sos os ssososososos sososos sos so so so so great.
but it ends.
wish the pvp wasn't dog shit but still one of the greatest single player games ive ever experienced fa show
wow u have shit taste huh lol
>tfw no Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 in Europe
>tfw no Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition in America and Europe
>same cover just uglier
It's in my top 3
weird loser
on the real tho, what do you keep doing in the game? are you autistic? the pvp is dog shit. i could understand around 200 hours, 300 at the very most, but not more than that.
>I'm bad at the game and it's your fault
huh? I've done a deathless run on bb and have the plat you weirdo.
Come fite me online then not irl see what happens. I won't insult us both by asking you to post some stock image of 'your' plat
Why does witcher 3 gets lots of hate from Sup Forums?
is it because its a Fun Game?
It's an 7/10 game that suffers from having the same old depth-starved dark souls combat and bad performance. Best Souls game by far though, the level design and enemies are solid and I admittedly fell for the style over substance. I don't understand how it can be your favorite game unless you're literally underage, through.
>I won't insult us both by asking you to post some stock image of 'your' plat
i can do it if you really want me to to w/e
The shadows are easy if you know what you are doing, outrun them, dodge fireballs and parry the overaggressive katana guy until you kill him. After that is smooth sailing.
>fighting gascoign at lvl 28
>ludwig at lvl 125
>gehram at 255
>l-look mom, I did a deathless run!
all wrong. reach gehrman at low '80s after fighting all main story bosses, dlc included.
orphan at 80 is easy cake
well thats the design of the game boyo because i dont grind :x
I'm pretty sure it's the ONLY game you've played too, SonyCuck. Fitting, since the PS4 literally has no games.
For the same reason tlou and uncharted they do: they are movies with some afterthought gameplay slapped in.
Why do pcucks keep saying this? You do realize that every single multiplat is on the ps4, right? It has access to all the relevant games whereas PC gets broken multiplats while missing out on the console exclusives. Enjoying the high profile PC exclusives such as undertale?
>babby's first bait
BB is still easily the best game of the gen
It is absolutely the greatest game of all time, bar none. The only people who disagree are those who haven't played it, aka PCkeks. No other game even comes close.
Nioh is better and it's just a demo so far.
>autism the post
Maybe you should play more games, OP.
Not OP but I'm 30 years old and have been gaming since before you were born. Bloodborne is easily one of the best games I've ever played and it undoubtedly is one of the all time greats.
>I'm an old gamer so my opinion matters.
What a faggot
Im 31
>10/10 edge
Play more games.
maybe we should leave this place already m8
>P-ppls buy a PS4, our only game is sooo good, we swear. It's the only thing we have on our no games station.
So pathetic.
shill the post
cute yandere nun > stupid whore
It was alright. The whole souls series is overrated and BB isn't even the best one
It's not even the best series from From.
You have pleb taste or just started gaming last or this gen
>10/10 edge
wow take care
You value it for different reasons
>Putting 900 hours into Bloodborne
That isn't your everyday autism, this is....advanced autism.
You really deserve most autistic BB fanboy medal of the year.
As if, Sup Forums sucks this game's dick and BB's too.
The reason is because this board full of casual fanboys again like in beginning of the 7th gen, and they're the ones shitting on good games too.
I bought this on release and refunded because of the loading times
Is it better about them now?
>The reason is because this board full of casual fanboys
Popular does not equal casual. If you are trying to say Bloodborne is casual you are full of shit.
Name me ten action games that are harder. If you can't then you are saying less than 10 action games qualify as "not casual".
Yeah the loading screens are noticeably shorter and have item descriptions now.
>edge 10/10
god damn it ... KEK
Witcher 3 is literally Sup Forums's favourite game because the majority of this board are PC gamers.
Anytime you bring up Bloodborne you'll get a few replies of 'b..but Witcher 3 is better!!'.
...which is retarded because it's on PS4 too.
I genuinely feel that pcucks wouldn't suck off Witcher 3 if it wasn't released the same year as BB. It's basically the only way they can save face, it's pathetic. The game is already 100% forgotten and is literally only brought up sometimes when BB is. If it came out this year nobody on Sup Forums would be pretending it's this good.
Core RPG is fucking shit. Games with shitty gameplay are shit games. Witcher III is no exception. Then again Sup Forums does love core RPG 'cause it always them to roleplay away their shitty lives and pretend that they aren't losers. Escapism 2bh.
>all this projection
ever considered the probability that people just like the game for what it is? nothing to do with BB
your mum sucks dwarf cock
>fall for the best game ever shilling
>it actually is
indeed, reread the last two sentences
>nothing to do with BB
somehow everytime someone talks about witcher combat in TW3 threads some retard starts shitting on souls/bb thinking that answering criticism with criticism leads to a healthy discussion
There is a huge inferiority complex with Witcher fans.
If anyone criticises it they just get bombarded with 'You're just a Sonygger Bloodborne is shit the combat in bloodborne is shit too!!!!!!'.
You can't criticise W3 without being called a Sony fanboy on Sup Forums.
Didn't really see that, but could be. All I know is I love both the Souls and TW series, just haven't gotten around to playing BB because I don't own a ps4.
Exclusives are for children. If you willingly pay to play the objectively worse version of most games and the permission to use your own internet, you're either a degenerate poorfag or a child.
more sigs here m8
anyway unchartedfags are faggots
I loved it but somehow I can't play it on big screens. The 30 FPS bothers me to much, I played it at my PC monitor and it looked way smoother.
Hmm but I hope we will get a working PS4 simulator in the next years, I would love to replay Bloodborne with hd textures and 60 fps +, dark souls 3 really blew it, maybe the DLC will improve the game, if it's on the same level as the old hunters it will be 10/10.
>he hasn't played Nioh yet
Isn't your copy of Knack getting dusty, sonygger?
It's because it's not very fun at all.
The combat is boring.
The magic is too simple to be interesting or very useful.
The characters and setting are honestly not that interesting to me, or at the very least, the parts I do find interesting (eastern yurop magic beast hunting) is secondary to less interesting bullshit.
Would have preferred something more actually roleplaying oriented.
not op. it's a good game, looking like a 7.5 or 8 out of 10. only thing it does better than bb is core combat. everything else is better in soulsborne games. ultimately I'd say even dark souls 3 is a better game than nioh.
>49,779 supporters
and its a troll petition, too
>10/10 edge videogamer
I really wish Sony would make their own platform for purchasing their exclusive games so we'd get them on pc. It'd be a win-win for everyone. I just wanna play BB
It really is quite arguably the best souls game.
Too bad PS4 has no games.
>game of the year edition
>witcher 3 won the title
PS4 is region free right? This is the version of the game I'll get if it is