ITT: Characters ruined by their fanbase

ITT: Characters ruined by their fanbase

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So you mean literally every other Touhou?


You need to have a fanbase first.

TL note: secondaries are not fans.


i love her so goddamn much

dumb EOP

le thicc skin XD

Mokou was always shit you buffoon.

in b4 sanic


>Rip and tear xddd doomguy is the strongest character ever!

The meme-game got too strong suddenly user. I'm sorry, but I can't hold back.

You're right
Who needs Mokou when the superior girl is right here?


fuck you

and it isnt?


But she also has a shitty fanbase because >muh question mark girl lol

>question mark girl


This is true but I think every female characters in fighting games have a shitty fanbase

>red haired yuuka


>that artist


This. Makai resident #1 is still safe though


whats wrong with him?


How could you fuck a character so bad?



Nice meme.

Wew Fucking Lad

Is there a character from that game who isn't saddled with a godawful fanbase



Isn't she a clone?

Man, I don't like this artist. To be truthfully.

Maybe she's talking about that tank girl? Or Mai?

I blacklisted this freak. Anyone who likes this garbage is utterly reprehensible.

that's nothing compared to shut in neet princess.

>blacklisting such a nice artstyle because the dude draws fetishes you don't like
I don't care much for the ballbusting either, but you're a fucking plebian.

Not a single character even comes close.


/s4s/ ruined awo- I mean, Momiji.

Cirno and Chen are similar, but Momiji edges ahead in the cancer department thanks to all the edgy alt-right teenagers shoehorning their political shit.

>save nice pic of awoo
>notice it has MAGA hat afterwards

What's worse is that she's even been pushed to reddit because of it


Tell him that yourself.


Please don't post Aya smoking



Discussion about Aya almost always devolves into arguing about her wings.

>kuso threads almost always devolve into memes
no, really

so how was mokou ruined exactly?

I never understood that

and that shit gets heated too

>Create cool cocky character
>Literal memers destroy it month later
He was the only good thing about this game

Apparently people think she's as big as the galaxy now or something.




Also can't discuss my DQ waifu because of all the fucking NTR/horse shit

remove furry REMOVE FURRY

Kill Sukuna.

>Wanting to kill the only good newhu for a while


So much this.



dumb weebs

Mystic Square Reimu ending

Literally just 2 random Makai residents

>the most peaceful guy in the entire game, wold literally not hurt a single fly unless he has to
>the only thing he has going for him offensively is his godly speed
>extremely weak and dies in a single hit(asriel fucks him up in true ending), his stamina is complete shit

>fanbase portraits him as some geoncidal maniac with a trigger finger
>thinks he's some literall god that could destroy the universe by clapping his hands if he wanted to

I don't know how people manage to mess up his character this bad. Did they even play the game?

Yup the only good one

>hating on Sekibanki


I dont really like characters without a good head on their shoulders.

Yeah a guy that literally smash demons to pieces with his bare fists from the first 2 Dooms seems like a totally average marine
In fact Doom is a survival horror

>letting other people ruin something for you

is the touhoumon expansion fully translated yet

>letting him trick you into thinking he cares about others opinions.

But Mokou is better than ever.

If youre talking about TPDP only the ui is and moveset is translated. Story isnt even close.

He's ok but he needs to stop drawing Kagerou so much holy fuck

Why she the best doggo in the series.

When they finish translating Shard of Dreams another expansion will come out. Give up and go learn Japanese

Wool go away


>fanbase portraits him as some geoncidal maniac with a trigger finger
He does say that he would have killed the player when they met if Toriel hadn't asked him to protect you, but yeah otherwise he's one of the more decent characters in the game and doesn't go back on that promise unless you really, really fuck up.

I dont have to be Wool to have good tastes.

>liking the immortality feast

Uhh Flan?


Now he doesn't draw anything before 12 and rarely draws anything besides Kagerou, if he keeps going on he'll look like those faggot artists, like hammer

>he'll never draw smug touhous again

Ran Ran Ruu is unironically the reason I originally got into Touhou and managed to get good enough to 1CC the main Windows games on Normal, becoming even worse of a weaboo and eventually learning Japanese.

Dont worry he will at least draw more smug Kagerou

>Now he doesn't draw anything before 12
Good. Those faggots have enough art.

I'm talking about lolifags who turn her into a moeblob imotou

>ITT: Wool shilling his own art again

Guys stop please.

Wool, it's no use hiding