Mo-motion controls don't work guys!

>Mo-motion controls don't work guys!
>This gyro is terrible!

You do realize that gyro is quickly becoming the standard for Nintendo shooters, don't you? Splatoon uses it, Star Fox improved on it, and I'm sure we'll see other games use it in interesting ways in the future.

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As someone who likes Splatoon and likes the Metroid Prime Trilogy (which is all wiimote aiming), I turn Gyro controls off. Maybe its because I have small hands but turning a tablet to aim? That's uncomfortable as fuck.

Fuck off Cody

The game is disappointing regardless of what you think of the controls.

shut the fuck up cody

So, what you are saying is that if you dislike gyro controls you should avoid Jewtendo shit? That's kinda already the plan.

You make me sick Cody

Who the fuck used gyro for Splatoon? Even if you master it its shit compared to regular controls online.

>Nintendo b-but its more fun!

Until I can plug games in to my head .hack style I am sticking with a controller.

SFZ's severe lack of content was the problem, not the controls.
The game is still shit.

I like how the pic doesnt speak about the gameplay at all. I havent played the game and the gameplay is the only thing i would like to know more about.

Reminder that one of the best Star Fox players in the world says the gyro controls were unneeded

you've literally got the perfect aiming system for an on-rails shooter


SF0 should have had controls similar to S&P2
Nintendo madkes some bafflingly stupid decisions

the Wii U didn't come with a wiimote+nunchuck though, as such they have to design the games such that they work with the gamepad natively.

not him but lots of Wii U and Wii games have multiple control schemes, no reason why this one couldn't have it aside from laziness.

Gameplay is okay. It's just Star Fox 64 except with more shit happening and on a larger scale occasionally. Problem is there's too many all-range mode segments and a lack of on-rails ones, especially with the boss fights.

It's the structure of the game and the lack of content that bring it down.

and not allow for any other control methods?

utterly retarded

yeah I agree with that, I was just saying that the gamepad had to come first as the primary scheme regardless, but they should've implemented alternative control schemes.

>There's too many all-range mode segments and a lack of on-rails ones, especially with the boss fights.

There shouldn't really be that many on-rail fights anyway. That was only a limitation of the older games..

The new control scheme means enemies with small weakpoints can be fought in All-Range Mode which completley removes the need for any on-rails bosses.

on-rails bosses are just more fun. Look at SFZ, they took a classic boss and made it all range and most people agree it ruined the fight.
You don't like on-rails, that doesn't mean its bad. SFZ had too much all range mode.

Bayonetta 2 had an option for gyro aiming during the jet fighter sequence that had the Starfox easter egg. Might have been suggested by Nintendo.

I hope they take this and run with it. Splatoon's gyro was fucking amazing.

Almost every point is about the gameplay.

I like Krystal

>le meme image to end discussions
oh you

It's not the gyro that was bad, it was the second screen aiming. If it was just gyro it would have been fine, but having to constantly look down and switch between TV and gamepad is annoying as fuck

I actually welcome the transition to gyro, as long as they improve the input latency. Wii U is a bit too laggy for my taste

Twin stick aiming uses the muscles in your hand while gyro aiming uses the muscles in your wrist, meaning different fine motor skills are used. The general gaming comunity's struggle with the aiming controls of SFZ, which are 1to1 with your wrist movements, suggests that there is a huge disparity between the development of fine motor skills using the wrist when compared to the hands. That, or people are incapable of aiming without looking at the pad.