There is no webm thread, I repeat there is no webm thread

There is no webm thread, I repeat there is no webm thread.



One of the few games that was released before its time, really. A pity.

is this from a video game?

star citizen thread?

>before its time
It was in development for, like, 10 fucking years. It and Too Human were the non-Duke Nukem running jokes of the industry before Half-Life 2.

I wish star citizens gameplay would be this intense

Rain World

>Prey and AVP2 still not available on steam/GoG
What other classics are missing?

thanks buddy o/

Ah this game was great, I would have loved if it had stuck around for many sequels to just increase the customization animal count/difficulty etc.

new update soon, looking sweet

COD might actually be fun

elite dangerous?

Might not still be the case, but I seem to recall that if you can manage to dig up a retail copy of Prey, you'd be able to plug it into Steam.



>those frame drops

People are actually giving them money for this

Holy shit is that a mod?

sad part thats not even multiplayer


>Alpha release
>Not a finished product
>MFW No Man's Shill can't even fucking RUN on most people's PCs
Actually the two middle WEBM's probably are. You can do swarm in MP


Its star citizen a fever dream from a british madman I've backed for about 50 bucks and already got my money's worth of fun from it. I honestly couldn't care now if it does flop. I hope it turns into something cool but i've payed more for games I've played less

>finished product
>Star Citizen

They'll be the day.

Second I posted was multiplayer. I also made those about 2 years ago.
>He can't even tell the CoD webm apart from star citizen
Not really surprised

Devil Daggers



>All those frustrating times trying to get randoms to assemble this.
The mechs were far underused in lp2. Also silly that a game setting in a world themed about giant monsters wrecking shit you kill human targets for 90% of the time.
And then lp3 happened. What the fucking shit man, why couldn't we get 3rdps Monster Hunter with phone a mech?

I grabbed that from just earlier today. Zero communication, and somehow managed a full party of 4. I'm super-pissed I can't manage to get Gedosato working with it, so I can have super-big screengrabs of Cat-Gs.

Thanks senpai


what the shit
the laws of the universe man, fuck that shit, this is pretty great