So wait, there are actually kids on Sup Forums who shit on these games for some sort of e-cred...

So wait, there are actually kids on Sup Forums who shit on these games for some sort of e-cred? This is probably one of the best trilogies in gaming

- first game sets a strong foundation
- great atmosphere
- best level design
- every gadget matters

- Improved mechanics
- Best bosses in the series, hell, mr. freeze is one of the best bosses of all time hands down

- Not only the best story in the series but a great batman story in general
- Best villains, Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight
- Best mechanics and some of the coolest batman gadgets ever (tacticool disruptor rifle and the voice synthesizer)
- Gorgeous graphics

The arkham games are basically the only "arcadey" stealth games since MGS stopped that after the second game- the combat also trumps your average buttonmashing hack and slash too since the fighting is actually revolving around your enemies rather than batman pulling off juggles and combos out of the ass

Knight was ruined by overuse of the batmobile and horrendous boss fights

They hate the combat. To be fair, everything except 3 stars on hard combat challenges is easy as fuck.

Origins and Batmobile Knight were shit. Asylum had best overall design while City had best boss fights. That's all it boils down to.

The combat would be fun as fuck if the camera didn't constantly fucking whip around all over the place.

I can only really see some keyboard using retard complaining about the batmobile- its basically a better version of halo vehicle combat which was some of the best in the industry

the only thing worth complaining is that they overused the batmobile when it comes to the bossfights, arkham knight should have been a proper battle

I dont get this mentality. I die more in arkham knight than in DMC3/ 4 on dante must die and Sup Forums memes all day long about how those games have such amazing combat

nope fuck off

What happened to the Suicide Squad game they teased at the end of Origins? I figured they would have announced something by now.

shit taste desu

I said overuse, i didn't complain about the controls

Not to mention the batmobile sections are better played with m+kb anyway

The movie flopped

>pirated Arkham Knight
>played it for a few hours, got bored, uninstalled
Great game, senpai.

Overusing a feature to near death has nothing to do with (the lack of) control problems.

>the combat also trumps your average buttonmashing hack and slash
No it isn't. It's not even better than shit tier western beat em ups, much less japanese ones. The enemies and their attacks hardly matter, positioning does not matter at all, most of the combat is pressing a direction and one button with no depth, it's easy as fuck. Anyone who thinks this combat system is anything but shallow brain dead garbage needs to play more video games.


DMC3 and 4 do have amazing combat, the arkham series isn't really anything special

I like the combat when it was in Asylum. After that, it felt too simple and boring. Even with all the weird enemy types added in, the actual controls are too simple.

This opinion is hyperbole. It is parroted by millions as well. Stop being master meme

It was the worst in Asylum though because of the lack of enemy variety so you were never in any danger

They are both faults. Come on guys.

>Eight basic enemies
>No ninjas, shields, brutes, stunsticks, guns
>Not even defeating the enemies, just defending yourself

The point of the combat is to style on motherfuckers. Crank the difficulty up, or try a challenge map with the "spam triangle" meme and see how well you do.

> The enemies and their attacks hardly matter

youre outright lying, where did you learn to meme so well? Even outright ignoring the fact that the arkham games are a hybrid of stealth, beat em up, adventure and driving in the case of knight, the combat is genuinely intuitive and involving without a huge movelist (although the game still has all the quickfire gadgets to mix into the fighting)

Meme tier shit like DMC gets extremely boring the second you become proficient in them, no wonder Sup Forums still praises them to this day. Ninja gaiden is the only japanese beat em up that can be used as an excuse for shitting on other games that have melee combat

do you also laugh at ninja gaiden because you can hold down block against the basic ninjas?

Youre the type of retard who thinks DMC is good because you have neither played the competition nor do you understand what constitutes a good combat system

DMC is your average fighting game adapted for a singleplayer game- difference being fighting games actually pit you against other players so it means something when youre juggling them around

a singleplayer game needs stronger design and only actual autists can derive enjoyment from DMC the second they learn to break the combat

DMC1 might be great and DMC3 still has a few decent enemies/ bosses

Yeah, "styling" in this game means pressing a direction and square. Sometimes you stun enemies and jump over them too I guess, but it's all simon says shit with no thought involved. There's no crowd control, no careful positioning, no careful choice of attacks, no combos, nothing that makes a fun beat em up. Just press a direction and a button and watch Batman take out everything for you.

>Ninja gaiden is the only japanese beat em up that can be used as an excuse for shitting on other games that have melee combat

Every single Capcom arcade beat em up shits on the Arkham games when it comes to combat depth. Every one of them. Hell, even the SNES Batman beat em up shits on this shitty series and its pathetic excuse for "combat"

> Not only the best story in the series but a great batman story in general

You can't be serious.

I always felt the fighting was more about keeping a rythm and seeing how long you could string it.

I mean ya it's pretty easy, but trying to see how high you could get your combo on the challenge maps where you had to fight endless enemies was where the real fun was

It was a GOAT trilogy OP. One of few series I can say was wholesome throughout. Everyone who says otherwise are butthurt comic nerds or just typical Sup Forumstards that don't like anything acclaimed

Just play DDR already

Batman Arkham Knight would've been my Goty if they didn't force the batmobile down my throat. You know how disappointed I was when both the arkham Knight and death stroke battles were both batmobile fights?
It was ok for the first 2-3 hours but after that...

But DDR doesn't have god tier atmosphere.

> just pressing triangle
> no attacks, combos, jumps, or gadgets being used
> hur dur I'm having so much fun "yawn"

That's the problem you fucking retard

horribly time inefficient way of playing the game dumbass

there is a lot of content in this game, if you look in the ar challenges you can find challenges like having to keep a combo or you fail, you get hit you fail, a stealth survival mode that gradually gets harder with each enemy dealt with and there is a time limit that has to be kept up by getting enemies so it forces you to move instead of just hiding forever waiting for the easiest shit. And more

Arkham games are some of the best gaming experience i had in 20 years as a gamer

Shame its over.
Also best story? Fuck off, that limp dicked Arkham knight resolution, what the fuck. The refusal to commit to anything Catwoman or side character related, and overall lack of Bruce Wayne as any part of the story outside of very end. Its a grat IDEA that got a mediocre execution.
Story is the weakest part of all 3 games. Same went for City, with a great Joker twist that gets overshadowed by a half asses Hugo Starange central narrative.

>Also best story? Fuck off

bruce dealing with the psychological effects of his best friend being dead while serving as a superior retelling of Under the Red hood with far bigger stakes and Scarecrow being a central character instead of black mask?

Id easily put it right next to The Dark Knight Returns and The Killing Joke

You saying you enjoyed the batmobile combat?

Joker wasnt his best friend, fucking stop it.
f he should be dealing with anything its Talias death.
Red hood done better?
You mean how they turned Todd into someone who would just kill criminals and wanted revenge on Bruce into a guy who was fine with mass murder on a city wide scale? His actions probably got thousands of Innocent people killed. And then he just walks it off since hes sowry :(? Fuck that.

The story is morally incoherent with confusing illogical characterization of the entire cast, with god fuck awful voice acting by Kevin Conroy who should have been kicked out the window mid recording, especially next to good voice actors like Mark Hamil and topped of with half assed ending.
Seriously, Conroy did as much to butcher the story as the writers,

i loved it
ot the guy you asked btw

>Joker wasnt his best friend, fucking stop it.

It was mostly a joke, but your autistic post probably means I shouldnt even try replying to you seriously- its obvious that batman feels bad about the jokers death and the joker straight up expresses darker and deeper parts of his psyche like wanting to get on with catwoman since talia is dead

>Red hood done better?
You mean how they turned Todd into someone who would just kill criminals and wanted revenge on Bruce into a guy who was fine with mass murder on a city wide scale? His actions probably got thousands of Innocent people killed. And then he just walks it off since hes sowry :(? Fuck that.

red hood was done shittily in the first place, atleast arkham todd was actually brainwashed and traumatized instead of just mad because muh batman didnt kill the joker

he never "turned around" on anything except forgiving batman, the DLC shows he continues killing but just focuses on criminals now instead of revenge

I agree, OP. I've played the shit out of all of these games and they're all amazing. Knight might be my favorite

>It was mostly a joke
Listen, if you cant make a coherent argument without hiding behind "it was a joke" excuse then dont bother posting.
>- its obvious that batman feels bad about the jokers deat
And not about Talias death, listen, you cant cherry pick parts of the story you like and ignore others when writing direct continuation to a previous title in a ongoing series. Its shitty writing and its as bad here as in any crappy comic book.
>red hood was done shittily in the first place, atleast arkham todd was actually brainwashed and traumatized instead of just mad because muh batman didnt kill the joker
The fact it was done not that well to begin with is no excuse for making it even worse.
Todd is now psychopath mass murderer. any emotional connection we could have to that charakter goes out the window and he just drahs the entire story down.

And fuck the dlc, if its not the part of the main story it does count.
Last time we see it he just fucking casually walks off screen after helping batman fuck knows why.

Also i know its Sup Forums, but listen man, using the word Autst as some pathetic passive progressive ad hominem attack wont make you seem any less retarded, if you cant think of a counter argument and cant stomach the idea of agreeing with someone, just dont post.

>Listen, if you cant make a coherent argument without hiding behind "it was a joke" excuse then dont bother posting.

>nonchalantly call the joker batmans best friend

yes, you are autistic in the non-meme sense

>And not about Talias death,

so batman should be moping about talias death all game long? There is quite a bit of dialogue about Talia but its all presented in a way that implies bruce has gotten over her

>Todd is now psychopath mass murderer.

the only people left in gotham were criminals, firefighters and police officers after a complete evacuation of the city- the knights entire goal in the game was to kill batman and straight up opposed scarecrows plan at points because of it. Him being a "psychopath murderer" is understandable after an entire year of torture and mindgames by the joker

I wouldnt know/ care about any of the other "complaints", I bought the GOTY/ full edition of the game since im not an ADHD child and got all the content in one package

Gameplay-wise, I enjoyed Arkham Knight for the most part. If we're talking percentages, City might be the closest to 100% for me. Arkham Knight mostly had improved gameplay, but bat-tank portions just did nothing for me. And the lack of any real boss fights also bog down that percentage for me even more.

Maybe you can't exceed what was already considered perfect within the boss fights for Clayface (ultimate test of combat) and Mr. Freeze (ultimate test of stealth) . . . but the least you can do is try. The fact that Deathstroke has a more satisfying fight in that piece of shit Arkham Origins than in Knight is a real let-down. You don't even really fight him, to be honest.

The story aspect leaves . . . nearly everything to be desired. Thankfully the side missions (Man Bat, Professor Pyg, etc) were told very well, but that main story was such uninspired garbage.

Forget the Jason Todd bullshit and the fact that they lied to everyone during interviews, the fact that Joker became a ghost to bother the shit out of you FROM BEGINNING TO FUCKING is a catastrophe. Being unable to move past him shows the writers they have no will to evolve beyond that character. Or that WB forced them to do this bullshit.

Honestly, I think if Paul Dini was still part of the writing team, he wouldn't have let that happen. Batman has one of the greatest rogue galleries in franchise history. There's no need to let his popularity carry your story.

>yes, you are autistic in the non-meme sense
Kid, stop repeating that word, its painful to read when used non ironically.
>so batman should be moping about talias death all game long?
Why not? How about we give some emotional weight to characters for once rather than making them shallow caricatures? But then again, its these "silly" video games, so who cares, right ?:)
>the only people left in gotham were criminals, firefighters and police officers
If you recall, Todds and Scarecrow plan was to kill everybody in the city, the evacuation was a trick, the range of the weapon few time surpassed the evacuation region, only last second action by batman reduced the explosion size.
You cant make aa character both a literal Hitler and try to make us feel sympathetic for him at the same time, its just shit writing and a sign of incoherent narrative direction.

>I wouldnt know/ care about any of the other "complaints", I bought the GOTY/ full edition of the game
And? You judge a story on its own merits, not on how its suplement by additional materiel. If you have to "fix up" a story with additional content post release then clearly you failed initially, wont you say that true?
> since im not an ADHD child and got all the content in one package
Ok , i just cant.
Do you know what that even means? You are just a sucker, that what you are, you bout into an overpriced package for additional content that worth a fraction of its price.
A sucker who is late to the party on top of it.
I cant take you seriously when you squeeze in sucker and adhd into your posts randomly as if you had some autistic tendencies yourself...

>Kid, stop repeating that word, its painful to read when used non ironically.

a clinical term is le cringy because you think its a meme? Im using it appropriately here

>Why not?

Because nobody gives a shit about talia, batman included. Batman is dealing with the (fake) death of Oracle and the joker being gone because both of those hold much more weight to him than talia which he already wanted to replace

>If you recall, Todds and Scarecrow plan was to kill everybody in the city,

the knight only wanted to get to batman, he simply didnt care about anyone in the sidelines. It honestly seems like your autism and already decided hate against the game is clouding what little judgement there should be

>you bout into an overpriced package for additional content

what "overpriced package" retard? The GOTY edition launched with the retail price of the original game and I got even that with a discount