Fix it.
Fix it
witcher 1 > witcher 3
story wise
Metal Gear Solid 2's story is more important and innovative than 3's.
3's story is identical in structure to 1's albeit with more bombast and cinematic skill.
The original image had 2 on it and plenty of people defended its inclusion but literally one guy said "replace it with 3" and it was hastily changed.
>Metal Gear Solid 2's story is more important
By how?
Are these really the best JRPGs have to offer? Did TWEWY have that good a story?
Not even trying to start anything, just wondering.
MGS4 doesn't care about MGS2 plot, hell, even MGS2 plot doesn't care about itself.
I'm definitely a fan of BEAbMAK: ANKAR \|/ OXOTA
Do people just mix up dialogue and story? Witcher 3 has an awful fucking story, like it was made up by some grade schooler.
I feel like an SMT games should be in there somewhere.
And maybe it's just me, but Vagrant Story's story was pretty good. Maybe not good enough to go on that chart, but still.
Add Undertale
Then remove everything
>No Zero Time Dilemma
its narrative still holds true up to this day, last part of the game was prophetic-like
remove everything except the witcher 3 and bloodborne
>no Max Payne
Sorry, it was in Russian.
Pure sonygger faggotry to have that on there.
Literally just appealing to retards who never got over that dull game.
In the same way we measure literary importance for furthering the medium, that is, an appreciation for taking risks and breaking new ground. MGS2's plot took a ton of risks and for a lot of people it succeeded.
The detractors being as opinionated and derisive as they are is only testament to its success. It's the same as people rioting in the streets after Ibsen put on his plays. The appraisals for MGS2's story tend to be much more articulate and intellectual than the mental midgets who whine about "muh Raiden".
>Ghost Trick
>literally "le time travelling dog xD" game
>best story
>good story
Pick one. Even DeS and DaS have better stories.
FF Tactics does not belong on that list. I LOVE that game and the story is definitely alright but it's not one of the best of all times.
I'd argue that Dragon Age: Origins belongs on the list though. It's a little cliché at times, sure, but there's originally in there as well and the entire game is very story-driven at all times, plus the world that they created is very impressive.
Darkest Dungeon's story was great too but was such a minor part of the game overall.
A Twitcher fix.
It's importance to Metal Gear's canonical narrative, which is absolutely absurd and retconned to hell and back, isn't what I meant by "importance".
Creative, social, and critical importance is what I meant.
>Dragon Age: Origins belongs on the list though
Opinion discarded. No Bioware shit will pass through.
This user is right, you know. When it comes to story, MGS2 was the most ground-breaking and mind-fucking.
>doesn't know pathologic
this is how I know you're new here
>doesn't know the longest journey
this is how i know you're underage
is this some new meme or something
>I was born after the year 2000.jpg
I don't know, man - Normally I would agree with you but the plot if you start as a Dwarven Noble, getting set up so that it seems like you murdered your own brother to usurp the throne, meanwhile it was actually your other sibling that was the evil mastermind behind it all was really quite impressive to me.
It was some Game of Thrones Lannister bullshit. And the game had many such moments. I have to give credit where credit is due.
I'm gonna get shit for this, but FFVII. One of, if not the only example of unreliable narrator in gaming. VII managed to have a compelling narrative with complex characters that are nuanced enough to cause players to have conflicting interpretations. Mix in an atmospheric cyberpunk world and layered backstories that unravel through layered backstory and world-building and you've got a fantastic video game story, regardless of fanwank.
I agree. You know it'd cause a shitstorm if it was put on there, though.
what story? Edgy undead guy reads item descriptions, player unable to make sense of anything, so they watch some YT faggot explain regurgitated /vg/ theories?
Is that a story now? Interesting.
Final Fantasy 1
>Game of Thrones Lannister bullshit
Game of thrones is not a very good example of a fine storytelling. It relays a way too much on Shock Factor and porn.
Where's Undertale?
>Social and critical
Not really, the game doesn't really care about it, just like the plot itself
Mgsv story is trash lol.
this doesn't really matter. what matters most in life is perception. it is what people want to believe. just look at Sup Forums. they cry miserably about the jews all day and yet the masses still do not see.
point is that it doesn't matter how great mgs2 truly is or isn't. the masses at least on the internet do not see it as great as the other games. I think RDR is insanely overrated yet still a good game. doesn't stop people from deepthroating it's cock though.
Epic Weeb Bro
I want to agree with you, but >compelling narrative with complex characters this is wrong. Especially in a "compelling narrative" part.
By that logic 4 > 2
Take the goggles off
xenogears is necessary for a list like this, it's story is vastly superior to sh2 mgs3 and vampire bloodlines to me
Yeah, I know...but it would at least spur discussion. Arguments about VII are great because then you get to see the aforementioned conflicting interpretations.
So what about it? Everyone's happy with the first Witcher?
And NO.
We haven't destroyed the contextual system
I loved the whole second part is going back over the lies or false information told by virtually the entire cast. The main story though is not compelling in any way
I hope you know that most people agree with you.
Its just the cool thing to hate on.
Xenogear's story is like a child writing a comic book. Yes, it's full of 'cool stuff' but there's nothing deep or attractive about it below the surface. Comparing it to VTM Bloodlines, which does an epic job of truly making the vampiric world feel realistic and alive, is pretty much an insult.
>Dragon Age: Origins
>"Hey guys lets just shove every fantasy trope into this game"
I'd say add the Zero Escape series but they're more Visual Novel than game. Mother 3 had a good plot even if it wasn't deep. Remove Bloodborne since there's no real story, and a lot of the lore is subjective.
I've heard Suikoden 2 has a good story and apparently so does Xenoblade Chronicles but I've never played Suikoden 2 and am only 3 hours into Xenoblade
Nier had a really good story imo, I've only just started TWEWY but so far it's nothing special
Undertale's actual story is trash, it does some neat things with the gameplay in the context of the story, but the actual plot is generic as fuck.
I'd argue whether it's more important, but outside of MGS3's ending sequence I'd say MGS2 is just slightly better
No other game in MGS, which is probably the most socially relevant series in vidya, more aggressively attacked present political and social trends than 2. The ending codec transmissions could be a spoken word album.
You need to elaborate your pov instead of repeating a vague platitude like "the game doesn't care about itself".
Until V it was the best selling MGS title. It is still the most critically acclaimed title in the series.
GTA 4 and EFLC
>The main story though is not compelling in any way
I have to agree with this. Still, the parts of the story that they got right, they did amazingly.
>no Drakengard
Shame on you
That's a good list though.
t. PCucks who can't appreciate good storytelling.
>masses decide which stories are best
By that measure, Moby Dick and Ulysses are inferior to Twilight or Harry Potter because more people like them.
This is the ultimate plebeian perspective.
Pointless question.
Video games are so behind on narrative compared to other media that it doesn't even matter.
No reason arguing with him, the retard probably likes V and fell for the "MGS was always dumb" meme.
Meh I think you guys are looking at it from todays standards and tropes.
Ff7 story was amazingly compelling back in the day. Thats just my honest opinion. Especially compared to past ffs.
Isn't this just subjective?
You're a dumb faggot if you couldn't get anything meaningful out of xenogears
>no mention of Legacy of Kain anywhere
>Beabmak III Ankar Oxota
Truly the greatest story ever told in vidya
And now that I think about it, where does the line get drawn with VN and game? Games like Zero Escape, Ace Attorney, and Danganronpa are all considered games on this board yet they're still 90% text and are considered Visual Novels.
Could something like Ever17 or MLA be considered a good "game story"?
Including the joke games
>Witcher 3
And the "I'm 16 and my gaming taste is superior" pretentious dialogue diarrhea dumps
>Deus Ex
>Planescape: Shitment
>Vampire: The Shitquerade
There isn't a single example of good storytelling here. Read a book you fucking loser.
though I'll give you the benefit because of shit like pic related.
Isn't that the one that fedora wearing, new age atheist faggots nut themselves over because you get to kill "God"?
Asuras Wrath had a fantastic story design
Too bad it was a shitty game
Aaand the last fix.
Who is your favourite author?
What? Asura's Wrath's story was basic even by the standards of the super robot anime it was derived from.
It's about the search for God in a world where prayers go unanswered dumb ass, and where to find him
video games are a bit different but yeah dude. more people probably know of harry potter therefore it's liked more.
Bloodborne had no story?
TLAD was good
>literally didn't understand what the fuck he was doing the whole game
I know, I'm implying all of the stories in GTA 4 were good, it's just that I see a bit of hate for them
Seriously I want someone to tell me how Bloodborne has a good story compared too all of the other games put on there. Sure it's interesting, but it doesn't even touch anything else. It's all lore. There's maybe 2 or 3 sentences of dialogue spoken by a human boss and the rest you have to understand from item descriptions. How does that make it have a good story? Remove it now or I'll do it myself. You have 5 minutes.
Mgs3's story is shit, it falls apart once you know the twists and replay the game. 2 is far better
Add xenogears, and since twewy is up there may as well add xenoblade too
RDR and bloodlines have good stories but shouldn't be in a best of all time list
Well, it is more known for its voice acting
Replace MGS3 with 2, get rid of Nier. Phoenix Wright also doesn't nearly have a good enough story as well.
FreeSpace, anyone?
Xenogears is a shitty attempt to fit Evangelion in a video game format.
Zero Time Dilemma was easily the worst of the Zero Escape series though, the ending was a rushed mess
> witcher 3
> Twewy
> PW
remove these
>Did TWEWY have that good a story?
not THAT good, it's overhyped IMHO
still a very good story tho, and the same thing goes for the gameplay
I ultimately found it underwhelming because of the hype, but I do think it's a pretty good game
also pic related
It's by order of magnitude better than any game on that list or mentioned here except maybe Pathologic which has its superior, better used form over it only and the relevance of that is highly debatable
Xenogears has absolutly nothing to do with Evangelion outside of superficial comparisons with religion and mechs
what story?
Fuck you OP
Deus Ex's story isn't great, but it's entertaining.
I'd classify Deus Ex as king of the pulp.
>getting this triggered
Do you kill this god like being in the end?
literally every single one of those are shit.