Draw a girl

>draw a girl
>call it a Danganronpa thread

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Today's episode was garbage

Agreed, thanks to despair girl.

Last episode was even more garbage

Last episode was filler and it was okay because it produced Sup Forums memes and got me to practice spanish

This episode leads to several crushed expectations and ZTD comparisons

Huh. I liked both of the last two episodes a lot. Awkward.

I kinda liked how brutal it was, but it was pretty fucking stupid.

Where were you when MIND HACKS became canon?

They actually showed the first killing game, the madmen they are!



What happened ?
Someone greentext

>make an Sup Forums thread
>post it on Sup Forums

Sue me

>Ultimate anime's anime brainwashes it's watcher
>Juzo gets eeven more cucked
>Hopeman gets a nude shower scene
>Student council killing game is stupid because people suddendly decide to kill their friends
>Izuru still hasn't killed anyone and Junk framed him as the culprit
>More foreshadowing for the "Mirai is an anime" theory

Whoops meant to reply

They either should have spent a whole episode on the first killing game or not shown it all. Rushing it didn't work out.

>>Izuru still hasn't killed anyone
He killed the "survivor"

>inb4 didn't mean to kill
We all know he perfectly predicted that happening while aiming the punch

Personally, I liked the rushed pace of the killing. I feel like it's somewhat "realistic". Yeah, I know, shame on me for ever calling something out of Danganronpa "realistic", but it's the best word to describe what I mean.

The only reason the other killing games we saw went off in a somewhat paced manner is that they were based around getting away with killing, so rampant murder doesn't work. Not here, which is obvious, since the goal was to create the greatest amount of chaos in a short period of time.

Violence begets violence, especially in high-tension situations. All you need to do is 1) provide opportunity and 2) provide motive. And you don't even need to provide a lot of motive, since motives start becoming pointless once the killing really starts.

So they just throw a whole bunch of motive in the room and see who cracks first. You show a girl that you have her mother locked up and are going to torture and or kill them, and bam, she snaps. Then, those that tend most towards violence and the most easily scared snap, and they start grabbing weapons to kill or to just survive. More people die in the process, and the situation looks more and more hopeless really fast. Soon, everybody has accepted that death is the only way out. Then you just ensure that constant murder ensues by providing only a small amount of room to maneuver in, making constant conflict inevitable, and you're going to see numbers drop pretty fucking quick.

...holy shit, that was a lot of words.

Can I FUCK Junko?

>tfw I get to witness Chiaki dying again

Student council killing, it was fun

damn persona 3 mc and thighs sure are idiots



>implying shes dead



>think today's danganronpa 3 ep was pretty good
>"gee a thread on Sup Forums i wonder what THEY thought !"
>"it was garbage" "it was shit" "its stupid"

can you guys name like 3 things you enjoy in life without mentioning any of my family's members ?

oh shi

don't worry I liked it too

I actually agree. All it takes is for one person in a group to have a nigger moment and things can spiral out of control pretty quickly.

Vidya Games
Jackie Chan
You :^)

Saionji got bullied again. Oh, and the student counsil too.

I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.

And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.

Well, I liked it, but I'm basically the perfect fan for Danganronpa, because it seems like I enjoy fucking everything Kodaka puts out, no matter how retarded it is.

Hell, it being retarded seems to be a bonus. I feel like I've completely internalized the MST3K mantra, so at this point, the primary thing that I look for in DR is the wildness of the ride. And by god, this ride is fucking wild.


I like it.

At least her motives aren't COMPLEX at all.

I have to say, ZTD making people pine for motives like Junko's LOLDESPAIR just to get away from the COMPLEX was a very strange twist.

how come no one in the fucking student council just destroy the secrets and shit. it's right in front of them for crying out loud.

Because there can be other copies

The implication isn't "here are the secrets to use at your pleasure, and these are the only copies". It's "we, the people behind this, know all these things about you, and if you don't start killing, we're going to release them to the public". Had they done that, all those secrets would have gotten out and destroyed their lives. I also presume that a fair share of those secrets are terrible enough to make suicide a better option than living with them being public.

It's like you don't even know how to set up people to kill each other.

Could Komaeda be lucky enough to rape someone else and get away with it.

Considering he couldn't get away with the bombing incident, I doubt it.

What was her fucking problem?

>Only strikes back at one guy who attacked first with a chainsaw
>At worst he can be credited with a justified self-defense kill
>Framed for the entire thing
It explains this moment alot really.

>Hopeman's luck cause Candycunt and blacksmith to hate Seiko
>Thanks to that they tried to kill eachother
>Thanks to that Yoi had to look for a weapon
>Looking for a weapon he found the secret room
Is there anything Hopeman can't do?

Those where meant to be fake.

self defense, plus he fell on his own chainsaw

He can't get more damn screentime

Junko had her Mom.

Junko was going to rape/torture/murder her Mom if she didn't win.

Glasses girl evaluated the lives of her classmates vs the life of her mom.

Once she adjusted to the killing she flipped the switch to enjoy it to cope with the murder.

Insanity is one hell of a drug.

What did he mean by this?

>you will never put your banana in mikan's donut

Those two are really made for each other. Soda and Teruteru, I mean. The repressed specific sexual desires of Soda and general, blatant sexual desires of Teruteru make for a very potent combination.

I haven't watched the anime yet, should I alternate between future and despair or marathon a specific side first?

Back and forth for sure

any specific reason? I thought they were unrelated

Projection on all sides.

Alternate, and start with Future for the first first episode.

But really, why was there a bear?

Don't talk about the bear.

Characters showing up in one when they become relevant int he other or just learning about relationships in one that apply to the other. Plus its order of release and thats a solid strategy usually.



Well first off play game 1 and 2. Despair Girls doesn't seem that important due to this week's future episode, but still read on what happened if you don't want to play it. Zero is becoming irreverent due to this week's despair episode. Then alternate back and forth with the future and despair episodes.

The Student Counsel Mutual Killing Game was actually better than expected, wew

They do tie in with each other. For example, the first character to die in future shows up at the beginning of Despair in a meta theatre type deal watching their own death.
Characters also make an appearance in one and usually have their story explained or their character fleshed out in the other, usually in a back to back manner.

Is despair just a stupid buzzword that can mean anything in the DR world?
>get your ass kicked
>lost an argument
>your milk spills

It depends. Are you a catastrophically bored fashion model with precognitive analysis powers?

Junko is ruining the show honestly

>Nagito is so bad at despair he turned Monaka into Umaru

Junko is ruining the series

Pretty much.

>implying Nagito didn't intentionally lead Monaka into becoming a NEET so that she couldn't spread despair

nagito deserves his own game

Why, yes it is.

Don't you feel upset even just a little bit if you spill your milk? what about when you lose something?

I felt like it was kinda okay, but there were two major points that just kinda trashed it, and one really derpy "wtf" kinda point.

>77th class is likely to be brainwashed by anime
>Council goes batshit insane in two minutes

These points were hugely detrimental, and just not well executed whatsoever.

>Junko's analysis is her eyes go full retard

This shit wasn't that detrimental, but it was pretty fucking stupid. Mukuro needlessly narrating it was also dumb.

>77 posts
>nothing about sexy nagito scene

you guys are literally gay