ITT: Games you just couldn't "finish", because they were terrible (writing, gameplay, audience etc.), spooky...

ITT: Games you just couldn't "finish", because they were terrible (writing, gameplay, audience etc.), spooky, boring or changed a lot?


still can't finish Alien Isolation because I'm too spooped

>Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Everything but the water effects sucked dick

>Styx: A master of shadows
It got boring and tedious. It also had a few bugs that led to gameovers

Half life games
Valkyria Chronicles
Red Faction Guerilla
Darkness 2

These from the top of my head. They get all repetitive and boring after some point and the story wasn't a reasson to keep me playing because it was mediocre if not bad in every case.

arkham city because it's open world capeshit

Alien: Isolation
it takes the best monster ever and makes you watch it drag its feet back and forth looking like a fucking retard

Divinity OS

Good game, decent writing, interesting world

>Lightning+water DESTROYS all encounters
>strategy eventually becomes boring as hell
>enemies are designed around you CCing so you can't just skip it

Got to the second act and that was about all I could take desu

MGSV Chapter 2

those invisible dungeons holy shit
also if you lose track of where the specific material you're looking for is, good luck trying to find it again

valkyria chronicles like said. After a while it just gets really tedious and the story was too anime for me.

also any of the dark souls games. I start them on a new character, get to the level where most people end up for PVPing and shit, and then just end up not bothering to finish, and then I just stop because I get bored of PVP. never beaten a single souls game because of it.

also i quit playing dark souls 2 and ended up replaying the first one instead because it's not shit

Fallout New Vegas

it just bores me, I don't care for the cardboard characters nor the world, why do I have to chase the guy who shot me in the head?
I don't care, I wouldn't chase him

Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate. Bought it for $17, played once for 1 hour and haven't played it since. It's been almost a year now

Link between worlds. It has some good mechanics happening, but it just couldn't keep my interest.

Bravely Default, right before finishing the first cycle. Visiting the dragons to unlock Vampire specifically requires the ability Spirit Ward. If you don't have it, you can't win. Grinding is also a huge chore.

>Valkyria Chronicles

Same. Once you realize shocktroopers are useless, and scout rush is the optimum strategy, endgame becomes really boring.

It was fun until you had to just replay the same set of missions for the 2nd time

Monster Hunter is a Hit or miss game, so is fine.

Neptunia Re;Birth1
Plot was kind of underwhelming, but I fear that the ending is totally terrible. I have already maxed out all the abilities and the links.

underrated post

kill yourself for not finishing Darkness 2 dudebro

Id rather finish an arcade game Jackie. I wouldn't want that darkness to corrupt me now would i?

Witcher 3

Until they fix the font size, i will not be playing that game. Shame, becuaser its so fun

Fallout 4, any Telltale Games games, Arcanum, Skyrim, there's too many


True ending is fine

Dungeon Siege 1. I tried 2 times and couldn't get pass the snow level. It was really fucking boring.

fallout 4. the story got too stupid when you arrive at the institute, and I wasn't exactly having a blast with it to begin with, so yeah I fucking stopped playing it.

Dark Souls, that's what i get for listening to Sup Forums
>le git gud meme

I mean is right but 1 hour really isn't much as a new player you probably haven't done much besides gathering quests and killing jaggis.
I would recommend that you atleast play until you killed a Barroth. If you don't like it by then it's just not for you.

I'm writing this because I too stopped playing for nearly half a year because I didn't want to do the gathering quests but then I played some more and totally fell in love with Monster Hunter.

Tomb Raider 2013. Got it as part of an Eidos bundle during the Steam sale. Got to the point where you repair a boat and go inland to look for the Asian girl and I lost interest. I completely forgot I was even playing it took until a few days for me to remember I had a playthrough on the go. Loaded my save and couldn't be bothered to go any further.

joke on you pic, i never had a girlfriend to begin with

Glad I'm not the only one

>Witcher 3
loved the game, but after weeks and weeks of playing, it just lost its shine for me

Witcher 3 after getting to Skeliege. Yen is just such a cunt and the whole island was just so boring compared to Redania and the common census seems to be after getting Ciri the writing falls apart so I just dropped it.

tfw you ware incapable to do something than almost all of humanity managed to do since dawn of times

Dishonoured. Searching for baubles is boring, and the powers take all the fun out of the stealth. The levels were not designed for 'pure' play, unless you enjoy mashing quickload. DE:HR did a much better job (which I beat without augs)

Also, Emily's the name of my ex, and I was sick of hearing her name

Same, I kinda lost interest after Crystal caves. I should go back to it and finish it.

I have the problem of finishing the worse games I bought to 100%. I have the compulsion to torture myself with horrible games.