"... but it will require a very powerful PC to run Final Fantasy 15" said Tabata

"... but it will require a very powerful PC to run Final Fantasy 15" said Tabata.

Other urls found in this thread:


Is it getting released on PC?

PC can't handle PS4 next-gen graphics so no

You will need 2x CPU system with 4x SLI GTX TITAN fro that

PCs are holding graphics back

The Power of Luminuos engine is to stronk for PC

Isn't Japan behind on computers? Powerful could mean a 660ti.

paying 1200 bucks for hardware capable of 30fps is not normal

but on PCs it is

Either it's cause the coding is do insanely bad like most Japanese games or he's been paid to say that by Sony

Looks good.

Hello mr.strawman.

How are you today?

Games programmed in ps4 should just work on PC. Never change Sup Forums, never change.

I max that shit with my 7850
real talk

>Meanwhile Monolith made XCX for WiiU with shoestring budget and the game runs fine.

They are just wasting money, If anything the game is going sell because brand name alone and marketing

"... but I like to suck cock and not post source" said OP.

lmao environmental graphics and that bird look straight out of ff12. Only next gen thing about this game is the hair physics. If your pc can handle ps2 graphics you are mostly set.

Gonna be brutally honest and say that Final Fantasy has never been good.

Their spin offs are literally better than their main games

it doesn't just work

That's artificial limitation then. A PS4 is just a garbage PC.

>Final Fantasy has never been good


>in MGSV

>People said it looked like that just because it was a demo and it wasn't finished

that isn't fair the fox engine is powered by broken dreams and satanic magic summoned by kojima when hideo wasn't around

>final game looks even worse

I called it.

what is this? a ps3 version?

thats just a different time of day

I still don't understand how nobody commented on why Big Boss was suddenly a Chinese guy I decided to call wong.

>1200 PC
Built out of over priced shit or theres seriously something wrong with the game.




He was talking about PC version, you know, the one we will get in 2 or 3 years


>expecting better on a console
what kills me if that people still defend consoles after seeing shit like this. we could easily avoid this if people would just stop buying them.

thats just a different time of day


Even for consoles this is too much of a downgrade
They made an engine built for super computers and the dev team even told tabata that they shouldn't make an open world game with that engine, but he said they should do it anyway because gotta pander to western audiences



So these are the limits of PS4, huh?

>Even for consoles this is too much of a downgrade
Clearly you haven't seen Watch Dogs on consoles.


That was also too much, what's your point?
We've come to the point where Square is at Ubisoft level downgrades

FFVIIR is going to blow this game away, visual-wise.

Probably story-wise, too, but that has more to do with modern SE being incapable of crafting a compelling story that translates well into a game, and FFVII's (internal) story is kind of hard to fuck up, especially with Nomura jerking off to FFVII so much.

that would explain the filename

I want Versus XIII back.

The remake better look better. It's episodic and VII isn't nearly as big as XV.

Shame about the frame pacing, but what can you expect with consoles now a days?

The Witcher 3 is a bunch of split apart maps, that one in particular just being a castle with a fancy backdrop.


The game is going to fucking bomb.

> split apart maps,
So is FFXV and it has long as fuck loading times between chapters.

>fancy backdrop
No. It's a massive area that goes beyond the unclimbable mountains.

The face transplant is just that good. Can you really tell this buff Black man isn't Snake? I sure can't.

It's probably just the early footage. The final game will most likely run fine. And imo episodic is fine considering they want to actually make all cities big and all that. A whole remake like that would take forever and at that point it would already be outdated or has other flaws

Versus seems like it would've been much more violent. In the first '06 trailer Noctis breaks some soldier's neck for fucks sake, and makes them shoot themselves with ricochet bullets by using the invisible swords as shields.

That kind of stuff is good, but they reaaaally just toned it all down for no reason.

>unclimbable mountains


>all hardware needs to be able to run the max settings because it's says MAX on it
You're a double retard.

...Which are far as fuck away. The area inside is huge and the area outside(which you can get to as well) is even bigger.

Meanwhile FFXV are a bunch of wide corridors that are all smaller than the large areas in Witcher 3. And the cities are a joke.

I almost thought this was a shoop of Noctis in Dark Souls 2 on ps3. Not memeing.

Those ultra settings are extremely heavy and almost pointless when compared to high, it's just miniscule improvements for people who have too much GPU power. High settings run fine and look almost as good as ultra, so benchmarking them would make more sense.

Broken shadows aside, this webm looks pretty good and gives me a bit of hope.

Because That's just for the players sake and Medic doesn't actually look like that. We've seen what he looks like in GZ.

They should've made it into multiple smaller areas like the dev team told Tabata to, but no he said make it a huge empty open world with nothing but fetch qests because no reason
What a fucking idiot

The only weak part of my hardware is that I have 8GB of RAM. Will I need 16GB?

youtube compression

I miss when the soldiers were still live and not bolt buckets.

I also miss when hand to hand shit was still in. Noctis slamming a soldiers face into a car door, Gladio pile-driving people. That being cut was the last straw for me.

This looks like dragon's dogma

>The world does seem large but it also feels quite segmented, it's very obvious if you picked a direction at random it wouldn't be long before you'd hit an impassable wall/cliff. Especially in the starting desert area.
>Florence's Stand By Me cover was playing on the pause screen (options, load, save etc not the equipment/skills screen)
>Prompto uses the phrase "totes adorbs" at one point. How about that millennial chutzpah.
>The guys find out about the invasion of Insomnia by reading the morning newspaper. This is really lame. In relation to where they are at the point, Insomnia is essentially just over a nearby hill, it is hard to believe they wouldn't have heard or seen any signs of an invading army going by. I wasn't invested enough in the guys, Noctis, Insomnia, Regis or their quest at this point so this rather pivotal scene lacked impact.
>The giant bird monsters called 'hurricanes' are cool although the aliasing on their wings is intense.
>The driving is very much on rails. If you just hold R2 and turn at the right time you'll be set. I tried forcing the Regalia off the road but it just kinda guides you back into place. It feels very clunky and slow as a result. If I end up playing this I'll more than likely be letting Ignis drive so I can look around.
>It doesn't take long for Noctis to get super angsty. One scene with Cor in a royal tomb sees him chuck a real tantrum: "What was my father thinking! What good am I! What did he expect me to do! I'm no king! etc. Eye-rolling stuff, couldn't dislike it more.
>This dude was in the third dungeon and was pretty tough. He kept one-shotting everyone with his quick slashes, the only way I avoided that was by doing the block parry thing. Basically hold square then quickly press circle when the prompt comes up. It was very frustrating having no control over my party and so they kept dying.

>le console meme

why does it look so FUCKING bad? Arkham knight is an open world PS4 game with a locked 30 fps thats one of the best looking games ever and lets you travel at extremely high speeds through the city so its not like the map is barely loaded either

What's wrong with that city? It looks pretty cool to me.


Don't be a fool. That shit's getting downgraded too.

Are those supposed to be waterfalls?

Arkham knight is nowhere near as big as FFXV you stupid fucker.

Not a fan of intense brightness just to try to define the shadows, but there's has be an even ground between those two.

for true?

Yeah, it's all a different version of Kingdom Hearts now. No blood to keep it tame, no extreme violence of any kind even though a fucking war is going on. I get that it's a Final Fantasy game and FF has never been about that (not too much, at least) but we were promised a "darker" tale this time around. Seems pretty standard now.

That's what development hell does for games, though. I fully expected this.

You could have used FF5 as an example but no, you chose the "I killed myself for the sole purpose of advancing the plot but without actually dying" one.

>After you see Insomnia has fallen with your own eyes, you have to meet up with Cor, who tells you about the tombs, then you have to get to Lestallum to check on Iris and find another tomb. That was essentially the narrative of the first four hours.
>Cor only joins the party for like 5 minutes max, between two Royal Tombs. Then he rocks up for a bit when you take on an imperial checkpoint on the way to Duscae.
>Cor and your friends all make a big deal about how far away Lestallum is and how you better fill up the tank etc. It was under 2 miles away, which admittedly was the longest drive I did in that session, but it was still weird. Also to get to the third tomb from Lestallum was an even longer drive and they made no mention of that fact. Perhaps nitpicky, but it took me out of it.
>Lestallum looks pretty cool aesthetically but it lacks soul. NPCs are lifeless, wandering around not saying anything, music was repetitive and the ambient sounds of a crowd felt out of place. Compared to the Witcher (I know people are probably sick of this comparison), its incredibly dull. Felt more like a town from Xenoblade in terms of dynamism.
>When you arrive Iris takes you on a tour which was a nice way to see the whole place but she herself isn't much of a character. She's very 'oh this is kinda like a date huh Noctis, tee hee'.
>Combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma but also of action adventure games like Bayonetta etc. I'm not saying it was as good as either of those games, just that it's similar fundamentally. Combat could be confusing though, the warp strike wouldn't always lock on to where I wanted it to, which was possibly something I was doing wrong. Targetting in general felt a bit iffy.

In the early videos they do comment on how it's running on a PC, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they built it for the PC originally and are in the long steady process of downgrading it so it actually runs on consoles.

I really want to play it but only when they put out the PC version. I loved TW3 but there is no way I'd want to play it at 20 fps and low settings.

And that was XVs fault, it didn't need to be that big. Now you have empty fields with almost no vegetation and only fetch quests
The dev team told Tabata to not do open world, but he said fuck it i wanna pander to the western audience

Are you fucking retarded? The entirety of Gotham is much bigger than any one zone in FFXV

I seriously hope you arent talking about big as in landscape either, gotham is extremely densely populated with not only thugs but actual visual elements beyond trees and bushes

>Loading times varied from standard fare for an open world game on PS4, to between 1-2 minutes. These longer ones seemed to only happen between chapters, and when loading the game up from scratch.
>After around 2 hours and 40 minutes the game crashed. Just the one and only back to the dashboard.
>The game does not look good. I was sitting fairly close to a pretty big TV, but even forgetting that there's intense shadow dithering, aliasing to the high heavens (you've all seen the hair), texture and vegetation pop-in and on top of that the frame rate was incredibly inconsistent. I kinda just got used to the combat being a bit of a mess visually. It was often hard to tell what in the hell was happening.
>Moving the camera around somehow makes things worse.
>It's perhaps not the best way to explain this due to the size of this shot but I'd like to draw your attention to the shrubs in the upper left corner of this screen. When blown up to a decently sized TV, even at this close distance, those shrubs looked like sprites from Minecraft/Stardew Valley, and I swear I'm not being hyperbolic.
>Also I tried driving in 1st person and there was some bug (I can only assume) where everything looked pixellated and low-res when looking through the windscreen. Needless to say I refrained from using 1st person after that.

Xenoblade felt more alive than Witcher 3 ever did so this makes no sense.

It's called bloom.

>wasted millions of dollars and 3-4 years on an engine that they'll most likely never use again

No it didn't.

Yes it did.

You call someone else retarded without knowing how stupid you sound? FFXV is massive. It's way bigger than anything in Arkham Knight, using Episode Duscae or the Platinum demo for reference is fucking stupid becasue Episode Duscae is only a small portion of the Duscae region.

>gotham is extremely densely populated with not only thugs but actual visual elements beyond trees and bushes
And FFXV is densely populated with monsters and towns full of people. This isn't really much of an argument.

>releasing unoptimized garbage isn't normal
>but for Square Enix it is

You're full of shit you Nintendo dick rider.

My dumbass was still holding onto the hope that it was the same up until Duscae. The Stella change didn't bother me at first because I didn't care much about her, but I should have realized it was only a precursor to all the other bullshit. I mean, if they are willing to change something as important as the heroine, it should be obvious they will change anything and everything. Which is pretty much what they did.

This is Dark Souls 2 post downgrade tier of bad, holy shit.

daily reminder that there are still people on earth thinking that console can compete with pc, don't argue with those people they have controller so deep in their asses that they ignore everything

silky smooth 20fps




I miss when this game looked good, now it looks like an early PS3 game except for the character models

That image is made up. It takes under 10 minutes to drive the width of the 3 areas we've seen which equate to about half of the game world's size.

It's not even all console owners, it's mainly just sonyggers.

I'm an idort. I've put over a hundred hours into both games and while the Witcher us better overall, the world of X felt far more alive.

>except for the character models
seeLooks ps3 as fuck.

just fullbright my shit up

Everyone is bitching about graphics.. And I just want turn based combat. :(