He's JUST a human photographer. How is he strong?

He's JUST a human photographer. How is he strong?

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Humans are pretty strong

He's covered wars you know

He's a big guy.

What you say about my husbando!

He's getting shoved into a Dead Milking 3: Christmas Edition
Your husbando is a slut, and he enjoys it deeply.

At least he isn't punching boulders, like some other Capcom protagonists.

I'd fucking milk him.

Chris "Maybe Just Once" Redfield

He's covered wars ya know.

He has a burly build and he's definitely on edge.

Humans can do some crazy stuff when you are under pressure.

But that's Venom Frank, user, not the real deal.


Isn't he like 6'5?

Manlets btfo

He's angry and covered wars.

Also he is a videogame character he is as strong as the game needs him to be.

Dead Rising
>wacky weapons come from the idea of attacking zombies with a barrel of wine or a stuffed bear
>gag weapons like Real Mega Buster or the King Salmon are either hidden or have to be unlocked
>Frank's most powerful moves rarely amount to more than anything a burly guy can do
>Frank can't karate chop through zombie hordes until he levels up immensely

Dead Rising 4
>wacky weapon ideas comes from 'if it sounds stupid, we're putting it in' - Studio Head Joe Nickolls
>gag weapons like exo suits and a staff that shoots out gnomes are densely scattered around the map
>special moves that take out 20+ zombies in one hit are a staple of the game's combat and available early on

Why did Canada do this

Considering all the pro wrestling moves he had in DR1, he's probably a former wrestler of some kind. Maybe he retired and became a photographer after one too many concussions.

That's a huge camera, he must lift every day to be able to hold it one-handed.

So it's Dynasty Warriors: Zombies?

Midwest Megamalls.

Sounds cool.

because it's funny.

That actually sounds pretty good.

>read it: "He's angry and covered in wars"

anyone else feel like DR1 had a more horror feel to it? always felt like someone was watching me.

post (Your) mall music:


At least we're getting a dead rising 1 port to next gen consoles. I played the wii version, so I'm excited to be able to fully experience it.

16 years after dr3
30+ years after dr1
Somehow frank is still 20 and looks like the fag from the crackle movie
Why not jus make it the fag from the crackle movie I stea of half assing frank

Xbox's hero - Master chief PWNS all VG characters. No one can defeat him or Microsoft. It's da truth!

Everyone knows Canada was a mistake


>Tpиcтa пинг has joined the server

For fuck you