Are there any books that would work well as a video game?

Are there any books that would work well as a video game?

the dark tower


The Metro 2033 books worked well.

I have a feeling theres a similar game


This entire series reads like a video game.

why play a game when youre already living it

Fuck off weeb.


The Three Musketeers, with co-op



This is an anime website. Don't like it? Kill yourself.

You are a cute.


REH's Conan.

But everyone fucks it up, just like they always fuck up Berserk games.

Worm might work well.

>reading books

Tfw forever waiting for the third book to come out

You are not, and never will be, a little girl no matter how many you post.

kys yourself.

This, very much (rpg-ish, probably witcher style).
Numerous types of opponents, all requiring a different approach. With the rune magic and various talents presented in the world of the book, possibility of unique classes and powerups. Abandoned ruines, villages exist (with loot). Great social class/status systems.

Also, just a really good book that I would recomend.

>tells someone to kill themselves
>posts worst girl

You mean animu, right?

good taste friendo



Fake poser mobile poster like you are cancer.

The witcher series.


most of them haha lol haha lmao

The janitor deleted the other thread because you couldn't stop brat spamming. I actually wanted to talk about books and vidya.

Why is modern anime so fucking shit? Why are you guys ok with being pedophile? I don't fucking understand.


Star Witness by D.W Buffa would make for a good VN game. When I read it, I imaged everything in the Hotel Dusk art style.

I want to dress her up in cute clothes

The Bible

also for examples that already exist thisand the witcher

Because I don't care enough to go out of my way and try to do something about it.


Janitors are pissy today, yuru thread on Sup Forums



Tired of autistic virgin Sup Forums fags? Go to Sup Forums and make them mad!

Make a Crunchyroll thread
Make a blogging thread
Make a english dubs thread
Call out the pedophiles lolicon
Talk about your wife/gf
Talk about 3DPD
Use facebook/twitter memes
Use Sup Forums,Sup Forums,Sup Forums, etc... memes
Say that there is nothing wrong with streaming
Say that moeshit is garbage
Just act like a full blown normalfag
Claim that you are new and have seen like 20 anime.
Make a rec thread.


You do know that Sup Forums hate crossboarders faggot like you? You are part of the fucking problem. You invite Sup Forums over to Sup Forums and then proceed to complain that Sup Forums is dying because of casuals and normalfags.

Fucking brain dead dumbass.

Good job, janitor. The other thread actually had on topic discussion. Now it's much better.

Go back to /r/anime


>im such a weeb lol i luv anime and waifus xD even my gf watch anime with me haha

Modern animefag on Sup Forums.

>brat thread on Sup Forums

Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy rootytootypointy'n'click by Telltale Games.


I want to cum inside Sakurako.
