I can't get through the first bandit camp.
I know that there's a hit probability thing, but seriously no shots seems to hit the enemies and if it does, they have more HP than they should.
Any tips? And of course i'm playing on master difficulty as it was recommended.
Then you're just bad. Bullets drop and people can take an entire mag of makarov ammo before dropping sometimes.
kill one, get a sawn off, repeat
is this bait
Play on easy and quicksave after every kill, alternatively ask for a refund and don't play this dated, overrated game at all.
Get close, shoot heads.
Playing on Master is correct. Lower difficulties just scales down bullet damage so both you and your enemies take more shots to kill.
You're attacking a fucking military outpost son.
If you want to cheese them kite them back to rookie village and pick them off over the fence.
I don't remember if master is Tue highest difficulty or not, but highest difficulty is obnoxious because the spawn rate gets absurd. Like you can't clear some encounters in less than 20 minutes because the waves keep coming.
but that's the bandit village
Hit probability is only a thing for NPCs. You're just shit.
Play on Master.
Guns are a bit RPG-ish in vanilla STALKER. The guns you find in the beginning are shit and headshot are a must. Also enemies are immune to almost all forms of damage during their recoil animations so don't waste bullets while they're holding their shoulder in pain.
If you push through you'll get better weapons that kill quicker. Alternatively skip vanilla STALKER and get a popular mod. Most of them make damage realistic.
There are fucking spawning enemies, and not fixed amount? Goddamn.
Tips? Yeah, sure. Lower the difficulty since you clearly aren't a master. What a fucking idiot.
hardest difficulty
stay in cover and only peek to shoot
aim for heads
get better gun asap
try to be on move while still being aware where the enemy is
it's probably the highest difficulty spike in the game. fortunately attempting it doesn't take that long. try to get into situations where you'll get to shoot first at a close range, you can go for a one two combo with one shot in the chest and then when they go through their "getting shot" animation you can pop em in the head. the reason your shots don't register is probably because you're missing. a low tier makarov won't ever be effective at more than 5 meters, and basically 100% useless at anything more than 10
Holy shit, you're right, the sawed-off helps alot. rip teammates though.
I really chose the wrong time of day, it's hard as fuck to see.
>He doesn't know the game is harder on easier difficulties
Serves you right for being a pussy bitch casual.
>night time
it's been a while but afairemember the enemy sightlines at night are really pretty unfair
also: they're not spawning. I don't really know what that user was talking about
Shadow of Chernobyl has the best difficulty curve out of all the Stalker games. Unlike conventional games where you are eased in and the difficulty climbs as you progress, SoC begins oppressively difficult and remains so until you learn to deal with it, then it gradually gets easier as you get a decent rifle and some grenades. By the time you have an exoskeleton you're pretty much immortal.
Is there a way to pass off time quickly, like sleeping?
Honestly i'm already having alot of fun despite getting my ass beat. Realistic and punishing shooters are my shit.
>I can't get through the first bandit camp.
Get your faggot ass to /vg/ and ask them about guide for the new players
Set it on Master difficulty. There, bullet sponges are no more.
I'm sure there is... probably but I don't exactly remember how it works
That's the spirit. SoC will continue to beat your ass for the first few hours at least. It's the best part of the game.
>Any tips? And of course i'm playing on master difficulty as it was recommended.
Dont play on master. Its makes enemies sponges
Play on veteran at most
No. Im not kidding. Sup Forums has been wrong about the "higher difficulty = no sponges" shit for years.
These games are what made me realize Sup Forums was always retarded. So fucking overrated, even with mods. There's a reason it's not talked about anywhere else that isn't Russian. Sup Forums are videogame hipsters. That wannabe mega man garbage was so hyped on here too.
They were right about Nu Males Lie though. What a train wreck.
this guy is the villain in this episode of scooby doo
I played my first playthrough on veteran though and it's perfectly fine, more forgiving.
Weak bait
Yeah, you'll need to git gud or git lucky and get a better gun. The starting Makarov can take down enemies, but probably not from a range you're comfortable with. Bandits generally carry around SMGs, pistols, and sawn-off shotties in the starting area. Good guns for them because of their accuracy buff, but bad guns for you.
You can maybe get an AK off of a dead soldier with a little bit of ingenuity if you bait them into the starting area and let the other rookies take care of them. Do be careful not to let Wolf or whatever his name die though.
-with starting gear, you need to get close. Pistols and 12ga buckshot have really short reach, and weak armor penetration. Aim to the head.
-get to high ground, use cover.
-do low-crouch, and aim through sights.
-get better gear, ASAP.
>I know that there's a hit probability thing
that is ONLY for NPCs, not on player.
Its entirely true. Go to the /sg/ and see for yourself, they often have the webms up proving it.
Higher difficulties simply increase AI accuracy and buff health while reducing yours. I thought the same as you faggots just becuase you guys kept saying it over and over but its entirely wrong.
I was the guy who thought they were overrated. SoC was the best though. Still would call it a decent game at best.
A few of the mutants were pretty scary in the dark, which kept things spicy. I'll give the games that. Those friggin invisible cthulu guys. Or running face first into the normally pretty easy all beefy arms guy right around a corner.
The hit probability is for the player not AI you moron
I do only have anecdotal evidence, but I do remember it as having more obviously retarded bulletsponge moments on veteran. but idk tbqh
Much like eurobeat for racan, you need vodka for stalkan.
Not even baiting. Modded SoC was decent. The rest were meh as hell.
difficulty has nothing to do with spawn rates.
but yes, you cannot empty the Zone for good, and the NPCs roam and react to things dynamically.
Wrong. The difficulty directly affects the AI's Hit-%%% value, which is still below 50% even on the Highest difficulty. On easiest mode, the NPCs have barely 20% chance of causing any damage to you with their bullets.
your taste's just shit then.
Its for the a.i hitting the player, not the other way around. Thus as difficulty goes up the a.i becomes more accurate.
Maybe your taste is shit, mate.
I highly doubt that. That much of a big hit the series' been for almost a decade, world wide.
Well, it seems like I finally did it. After what felt like 10-15 attempts. Thanks for all the tips, anons.
Even if veteran was the more sensible choice, i'd probably still go on master. Hell, even on FO3/NV, where enemies are literally bullet sponges with ridiculous HP, I still always played on very hard on top of realism mods.
I would've just gone there right away but I thought I might as well start a Stalker thread here since I haven't seen them in a while.
Try roleplaying as a SWAT.
So there is no doubt about this and we can wipe this shitty misinformation from the face of STALKER threads
LOWER difficulty INCREASES player damage
HIGHER difficulty INCREASE AI accuracy
The feeling you get that AI die easier when playing on higher difficulties is literally just a placebo effect from Sup Forums people telling other Sup Forums people that higher = more damage.
Played Vidya all my too old to still be here life. Literally never heard of it until I went on Sup Forums. And Sup Forums's taste is undeniably shit.
You morons the hit modifier here is for the fucking player, its normally set to 10 which means beyond 10 meters every shot by the player has a % chance to miss
The other form of chance is from difficulty and only affects the AI
>Modded SoC
But MISERY is the best STALKER mod to date.
Shoot head, enemy dies
wow, that was hard
>Played Vidya all my too old to still be here life. Literally never heard of it until I went on Sup Forums. this says more about you baka
I would recommend you play the Call of Chernobyl mod with the arsenal overhaul mod.
It's the perfect game after that.
Maybe try playing the game during daylight, too? Especially against human enemies. Jesus Christ it's like you want to handicap yourself.
>Literally never heard of it until I went on Sup Forums.
That most likely either means that:
A) you only hang around console-oriented people, or
B) you really don't follow vidya in whole, worldwide, and thus missed the facts like STALKER literally being this huge phenomenon, especially in the Eastern Europe, and ending up inspiring the creation of this new "genre" of (sandbox-)survival-shooters, no matter that STALKER plays very differently.
C) would be BOTH, and being a summer-fag.
>There's a reason it's not talked about anywhere else that isn't Russian.
But that's not true at all.
Yeah, the night time was not intentional. I was doing the boar quest first and took my time a bit looking around and so by the time I reached that camp it was dark as shit.
Go up the ladder in the starting area near the campfire. There's an AK S/U and like 90 rounds in the accessible attic of the building.
Shit, really? I'll definitely check it out when I head back, thanks.
There's also a mecrenary suit in attic of the next building, iirc.
Ran windows 3.1 as a kid and had a PC ever since. Last console I bought was a ps2.
Yeah. I mentioned the whole Soviet bloc love for them thing, but I generally wasn't visiting Russian forums. Sup Forums is literally the only relevant English site praising it.
Plus, games are still massively overrated regardless.
At least I'm old enough to meme text properly, faggot.
>games are still massively overrated regardless.
they're to a large degree about the atmosphere. if it's not for you it's not for you. that would mean you have shit taste though.
Fire in bursts instead of going full Vietnam war veteran on them.
>I'm soooo old, and yet never heard of it, and I don't like it, so it's crap.
t: (you)
>Being this defensive over patrician supreme Soviet taste
I fucking knew you would jump on that, what a pussy ass bitch. the games were known around the time they were new, the fact that you didn't know about them doesn't change that fact.
>getting this buttflustered about messing up a green text
lewl m8
Lol, invented a genre. A) that shit is linear and outdoor hallwayed as shit. Apparently the illusion is good enough to fool some. B) Far cry already existed even if it was a shittier game, among others that weren't so shitty.
You sound upset.
I have another question, are any side missions missable? They seem to have a time limit, so can I just not start them until at a later point?
he's a bish man, it pisses me off
Please, if that garbage wasn't was made anywhere sober and civilized you wouldn't even notice it.
I mostly joke, I think US should make strides to get closer Russia. They are the most uncucked first world western nation.
General rule for side quests is to not accept them until you have the materials. And for kill quests do them one at a time unless you know for sure they're in the same area.
you are literally me.
>AD 2016
>Still worrying about cuck/uncuck
>Wanting Russian rapprochement
But they actually are good games.You just have an opinion that's different than a lot of Sup Forums.
I need help, I'm at the part where I'm escorting the scientist I saved earlier from mercenaries to get measurements for the prototype device to get me into the x16 lab and got to the part where the blow out happens and we both get knock down. The entire screen got all beige when it happened and even after the blow out and the cutscene my screen is still all beige and won't go back to normal.
Will this go away on its own or what? Or do I have to load an earlier save?
Fucking did that camp so many times with a knife and half mag of 9x18.
Get good scrub.
You should probably go to /vg/ since this thread is dead now. I would help but I just started the game.
Probably a corrupt save file. Try loading an older save file.
>Playing with crosshair on
This is bullshit I've killed cheeki breeki while recoiling.
It's called a fucking overunder shotgun with slugs.
Faggots all of you.
Fair 'nuff, it's all subjective. And I'm probably exaggerating because Sup Forums had me so hyped it made the disappointment worse.
They do have good atmosphere. I'd give SoC a 7/10 overall.
I'm 28, so not a geezer yet. Definitely 12 years too old for Sup Forums though.
Worth worrying about now more than ever, tumblrina.
>playing on master
Why though? It just ups their accuracy, even in nighttime - it makes the game less realistic by far.
Weird, missed this post, but I just posted saying atmosphere was their strong point.
They aren't bad games, just not anywhere near what I expected. Well maybe unmodded CoP is bad.
never even heard of such problem.
Tried leaving the area and returning it looks like that PSI wave effect in the Yantar area ?
What are your specs and settings ?
Ha! You're a year younger than me.
And still got shit taste.
What the hell are you talking about
And OP, turn off that damn crosshair
Reddit has a pretty big Stalker community too.
they love shit mods but a stalker is a stalker.
Lower difficulties doesn't negate their aim by much, just turns them into bullet sponges.
Master also turns them into bullet sponges.
I don't know what I hated more, SoC's bullet sponges or Clear Sky's bleeding.
Clear Sky's grenades
Those were pretty bad too, but I didn't have as bad as a time with them.
The fucking bleeding system was what drove me up the god damn wall.
>I know that there's a hit probability thing
No there isn't.
This is what happens when you say #RedditorsWelcome. They come to your board and rape it with their low IQ opinions and assumptions. Build a firewall and keep these fuckers out.
Well stashes had shitloads of bandages and having to use like 3 of em to stop bleeding was surely annoying but it made them a very valuable item imo it made for some intereting encounters and intense moments
I was able to tolerate bleeding but having 2 grenades landing at your feet every 10 seconds was far more annoying.