Dropping Home Consoles

Well It's decided, I'm tired of the bullshit with home consoles and greedy as fuck companies.

So I'm selling my ps4 and getting a better computer.
In the meantime recommend me some Pc games.

Other urls found in this thread:


No man's sky

Wow, this blows my mind!

I know, so many people are having the same problems.
It's amazing!

can you buy me game when you sell your ps4?

The game was buggier on PC, bro. It's the game and your fault for buying games at release.

A PS Now subscription.

Wow user! Thanks for telling us this!

Fucking kill yourself attention whore

Maybe we'd care more if the game you show crashing wasn't prone to crashing anyways.


>warning signs that the game will be shit everywhere.
>buy it anyway.
>act surprised when the game sucks.
Anyway stop being a senseless fanboy and have a PC and the consoles of your choice. Idort is the true path.


>tfw you fell for the No Man's Sky hype

All I did was post an image because this website requires it. I don't even own NMS.
Chill out.

Should've picked a more neutral pic

>baby's first gaming scam
serves you right for buying Nu Man's Lies

This better for you?

>Consoles are the only thing that crash

games crash on pc too

When did I say this?

Of course, that's not what I mean when I said >I'm tired of the bullshit with home consoles

You never stated what that bullshit is though.

>internet gets knocked
>wanna play PS4 games I downloaded
>can't play singleplayer games because no internet connection

I've played downloaded games with no internet before.

>tired of the bullshit with home consoles and greedy as fuck companies.
>So I'm going to another platform also filled with greedy as fuck companies

Doing the same. Many people I know are too. consoles are no longer worth it.

Deus Ex


Fallout New Vegas

If you can point me to a way to pirate stuff on a ps4 be my guest.


Wasn't Henkaku ported to PS4? Give it time, I'm sure piracy will come to it eventually.

Just remember to enjoy your buttcoin miner, famalam

What causes this exactly? It happens on my friend's Bloodborne a lot

Shit developers.

then that tells me you don't have your PS4 console set as the primary and you probably game shared with your shithead friends and they have your PSN account set as the primary on their console


Happens to me too but I don't say anything since we're fighting a fucking console war here

Worst 60 bucks Ive ever spent on video games.

it can happen for any reason, but its mostly because its not up too date or when downlaoding any updates the files got corrupted, try erasing the update by going to your home menu screen, highlight the game then select options to delete, then turn off the system go into the safe mode menu and then select option #5 rebuild the database, finally redownload the updates but make sure you have stable internet connection cuz most of the problems with that error code is with people with shit internet or restrictions from the internet company which you will need port numbers to lift those restrictions

But user selling your ps4 wont even get you a 1070. Maybe a used one but thats it

You're using ethernet, right?

I know.
I'm selling my ps4 so I can buy games.

fuck me and my friend are at literally the exact same error message and we still can't see each other. Scam!

Chex Quest


The funniest part of it all is that the computer you're using to view this site right now is probably good enough to run all the PC games that are actually worth playing. Spending more money for newer stuff is basically so you can blow loads over your framerate or your anti-aliasing levels.

Don't give into the hardwarefag meme, just sell your shit console until it (someday?) gets a library, and start playing shit off of GoG. Just start with Deus Ex and Freelancer and you already have two games that are better than anything that would actually require a good computer.

I hear this game is pretty good.

Too little too late. This is v were talking about, man