How do we fix this board?

How do we fix this board?

kill teh mods

anarchy RULES

Ban the gay anime faggots for starters

Remove cancerous sonyggers

By having cry babies who don't like different opinions like you fuck off

banning wojack/frogposters posters and restrict them to only post on /r9k/

By merging /vr/ back into it

i'd start by killing these

although, they'll kill themselves eventually so there's that

fucking this, I don't want autistic fags that still shit in diapers in my Sup Forums

ban everything that isn't vidya
a big chunk of shitposters are from Sup Forums these days. these fuckers somehow outskilled Sup Forumstards shitposting wise that's quite impressive actually

>Ban Nintendo posters
>Ban PC posters
>Xbox and Playstation can stay

ban anime

what did he mean by this?

Hang all furries

Thread ids
Ban console war threads

The cancr isterminal. The only thing to do is delete the board, and then bring it back with a login system like exhentai to keep the casuals out.

Autoban anyone who adds stars to their name.

>console war threads
faggots need to vent their collective frustration from time to time, and it's better if they contain it in one thread


By banning LGBTfags and sending them back to the board they bitched and whined for.

Talk about video games instead of shit posting.

This actually isn't crazy. Mods here delete threads that pertain to video games all the time and I don't really get it.

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