Am I the only one that hates archers in FPS?

Am I the only one that hates archers in FPS?

everyone hates hanzo

No, they always seem to do more damage than warranted for how easy they are to land.

Reminder, hanzo mains are so bad they had to beg blizzard to bring back broken hitboxes despite getting their projectile speed increased.

I loved playing Cuntsman in TF2 but Hanzo doesn't feel right




Take that back.

I'm indifferent towards archers.
Snipers however are universally cancer in every single game they have ever been in.
>So polarized that fights are ALWAYS a one-sided stomp. Either you close the gap and murder them or die before you see them.
>Attracts people who would rather inflate their K/D than win the match more than any other archetype
>Maps have to be balanced around their sightlines
>Only justifiable reason for existence is as a counter to things that would be too broken otherwise

>he got some slight buffs
>now everyone picks him in ranked
They better not do this shit in Season 2. I'm gonna be so mad. HE'S STILL FUCKING USELESS AND YOU'RE ACTUALLY PRACTICING OUTSIDE OF QUICK PLAY????

>Am I the only one

Why you aren't 6 stacking in competitive is beyond me. It's time to get a team.

>Enemy Widow/Hanzo is literally dead weight and has zero impact on the game
>Still headshots you once or twice in the game out of fucking nowhere and you get instagibbed before you have the chance to do anything
I'm a pretty collected person but even this shit makes me sigh and take a deep breath. Insta-kill mechanics in games where you kill slow are fucking cancer,

If his ptr buffs go live that nigga Is gonna be op as shit

t. Someone who already hits headshots consistently and is on the slippery faggot slope of becoming a handsoap main

I used to but most of them were pretty mediocre and others never play

I hate Hanzo: I hate his skills, his hitboxes, his quotes, his character, his interactions with other characters, his emotes and especially his stupid highlight intros.



That's weird because I usually only like archers if they're in FPS games instead of RPG games.

What about in elder scrolls?

Playing with 209ms latency permanantly :
>Seeing all of my actions delayed by 209ms in the killcam.
>It's me as McCree hiding from hanzo's arrows shots but instead running right in two times in a row taking both shots.

>play archer in Chivalry, a melee oriented game
> defense on 16v16 team objective
>me and 2 or 3 other skilled archers are the best of our team, picking them off left and right with no way for them to do anything about it but try using big shields
>salt everywhere
>nothing but people complaining in the chat about archers
>in the off chance an archer dies people laugh and teabag them, even if they are in imminent danger
>people literally sacrificing themselves just to try to run past everyone to kill an archer
I've never seen so much hatred for a class before in a video game

Hanzo is so broken, he is the only sniper who can jump and retain aiming down sight. He can kill in cqc easily and you're basically fucked if you get close to him

The bow physics and mechanic in FPS games are usually more impressive and fun than what elderscrolls has to offer. I mean, you get to a point to where you can't even oneshot headshot a man unless you get a sneak crit, and that's lame.

You make me want to buy that game user.

It's a fun game for archery since it's basically open season on the enemy team, the only ranged weapons you have to worry about are other archers but each team is limited to 4 of them
If your team is bad you'll just get ran over by enemies though

>melee-oriented game and playing a ranged class
Of course there would be salt.
The ease-of-use for archers in Chivalry is what's wrong here.
They were so fucking hard to use in Age of Chivalry, as well as being overall less powerful.

Then again, in AoC you didn't have reverse overheads or any of that other bullshit, neither.

>Mcree is shit with only 6 rounds
Well what do you expect from a revolver?

All they can do is make it have higher damage.

No, because we're not autistc retards like you.

I'm not saying the salt is unjustified, I'd be pissed too

Bows in modern military shooters is a bad and weird meme

>widowmaker is still miles better than hanzo
>both are still shit tier in comp
>mfw people still make these threads

watching Seagull spamming headshots makes me wonder why they flying fuck they decided to revert the hitbox change to projectiles


He's borderline OP in the right hands

If you don't play 76 shitty his headshots put in plenty of work.

I want to slide the other side of his kimono down and make love to his delicious pecs.

>headshots with that spread
At point blank range maybe.

Everything about ana is shit. She looks like shit and her voice sounds like shit. She is shit incarnate and will be completely forgotten once the new hero comes out.

He's so useless in a game with guns and technology. His only saving grace is his ult, and people are wise to get out of the way these days. Literally trash him.

I think his ult is to be used in combination of Mei's or Zarya.

muh nigga

So hungry for Japanese.

Crytek made bows integrate very well into a multiplayer FPS game, 3 years ago.

Why does Blizzard insist on making its own mistakes?

The old new hitboxes were literally broken, as in they did not work.

They already reduced the new hitbox size by like 30%

Fuck you

Many other characters have similar ults though it's just you have an actual character worth a shit attached to it, and nearly every ult can work with Zarya's or Mei's.

Either way Hanzo and Widow are never going to be fixed because their entire character is a flaw, like two shit stains that can never be washed out.

They're at least reducing his arrow hitbox by 33 percent from its reverted size (the logs).

But yeah, fuck Hanzo.
His kit is the most boring, safe, low risk high reward shit ever and I don't know how anyone can play him without either being ashamed or falling asleep.

gods amongst men

Burst fire, dumbass.


Widow's Claw shouldn't have a cool down.
Or at least should be less than 5 seconds.

Her prox mine should be worth a shit.

There, she is fixed.

I didn't even mind the nerf all that much, he was still very playable. I'll gladly take a buff anyway

All they need to do is make her primary and secondary fire the same with the secondary just scoping for extra long-range vision and Widow's fixed. The main reason why she went from great to garbage is because they "fixed" the quickscope "bug" which meant you had a ton less peripheral vision.

Fire three shots, stop, fire three shots

This is on PTR, they nerfed his burst fire on live servers

>all these people complaining about hanzo

Before they buffed him he was a worthless pick in anything but pub stomps, and they still didn't increase his arrow hitbox to what they where originally planning. This actually makes him slightly viable now, but still within the realm of balanced. I'm convinced Sup Forums is shit at this game and half the people complaining about things never made it past the 50-59 bracket.

I really liked him and thought he was fine with the new-old hitboxes that worked. They should have just given him the other buffs and rewarded skill over giving any leeway.

>Widow's Claw shouldn't have a cool down.
Neither should Winston's jump then.

She shouldn't be "great" though, she should just be good. All of the characters should just be good.

With the quickscope bug, anyone who was decent at her pretty much dominated the map.

Sniper characters are the worst to balance, because the downside of a real life sniper is that you need fucking patience, and willing to stay still and hidden for hours at a time. Something you can't do in a match that lasts 15 minutes, so snipers get a stupidly strong weapon with near 0 downsides.

What is it with Bows always being a source of rage in games? You have the Huntsman Sniper and Hanzo. Do games just fuck up the hitboxes or is there something intrinsic to arrows?

At its core, a Bow and Arrow should be a difficult to use, fairly easy to dodge weapon that gets pros from being more stealthy and potentially doing more damage to unarmored characters.

>fairly easy to dodge

If you want to play a fun game I can shoot at you with my longbow and we will see if you can dodge the arrow.

I fucking hate that shit zipperhead. I always have shit ones on my team.
Then I get gibbed by a fucking scatterarrow or I watch the kill cam as this STUPID NIGGER DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING LOOK AT ME AND I WALK INTO THE FUCKING TREE TRUNK THAT IS HIS ARROW.

>zooming around as tracer
>die in one shot to an arrow out of nowhere
>watch kill cam
>hanzo was just shooting someone else and I happened to teleport at the wrong time
90% of my tracer deaths are from lucky hanzos

No scope to limit vision, stupid high dmg due to being classed as a sniper, easily spammable.

usage wise, bows should just be shit tier in comparison to guns, yet they never are.

The only upside to using bows in an FPS with guns is that they make no noise, so a stealth character should get one and be balanced accordingly.

I still think of all threads overwatch ones need people yo tripfag, and post thier csr just so we can know how shit thier opinion is

fucking this

I'm convinced the game magnetizes your Fast Forwards to the nearest enemy projectile

There's a reason why the development of guns came about and it is because bows fucking suck. Holy shit, though, because there was a technological advancement in ranged weaponry that made the bow & arrow gimmick more useful:
Why don't you see more games use this?

I actually feel the same way.

Given all the buffs, you think they would alter scatter arrow.

Change it to anything other then OHKO target player.

I hate Hanzo because he is a real cunt with a cunty play style. Hide around wall or behind team and spam arrows, shoot the floor and murder ability, see through walls. Never met a Hanzo player that wasn't a serious asshole.

Git gud

But what about all the shitters who can't aim? They should be able to have fun too

>OHKO target player.
Don't even have to target someone, just throw it out and some fucker will die. It's probably the biggest bullshit move in the game.

Roadhog might be godlike for season 2 with his chai buff(enemies hooked now teleport back to original location where hooked then get pulled in)

Not only that with his high health and his high damage(up close). He will be someone I'll use alot.

>tfw I always steal the sniper/ designated marksmen classes in Insurgency and run around wrecking shit with an SKS or equivalent just so we don't have a wannabe mlg-sniper

You should. It's a really fun game, user

I do too. Because archer always do a lot of damage and aren't entirely helpless at close range. At least when I get up to Widowmaker she slowly does damage with her rifle but Hanzo only needs two clean hit to kill you

I can't stand games that make Archers way OP. Like Ok, I get it. They get different types of arrow shots etc etc.

But they shouldn't be able to rain death upon you from afar, then be able to stun/slow you down/etc up close AND STILL KEEP KNOCKING ARROWS. Idgaf what kind of archer you are. You won't be able to knock your next arrow when I'm beating you with a greathammer.

>then get pulled in
You read it wrong, they don't get pulled in, they get pulled to that spot if eye contact is broken.

Crossbows and guns didn't come about because they were, at the time, better. Guns are now obviously but back when they were first being used in actual battles a good archer was still miles better. The reason why crossbows and guns were used is because they're a lot fucking easier to use. Give a random peasant one, teach them how to load it, and tell them to point the shooting end at the bad guy and you're good to go. Proper archery requires a lifetime of practice, which you can't effectively condense into a quick training course for peasant conscripts. There's a reason why Olympic archery is recurve and not crossbows.

Actually crossbows and guns were popularized not because bows suck but because humans suck. It took years of training to use a bow when you can give any inbred peasant a crossbow or gun and they can shoot someone with it. The longbow is a particularly good example, given that it took an entire lifetime's worth of training to use well but was also an incredible destructive force.

It doesn't change the fact that he's an ult battery with no method of blocking damage. He's only usable as a counter pick to a flanker.

I didn't mind sniper in tf2 but holy shit I hate Hanzo so much it makes me hate Overwatch as a whole.
>Finally get into a game
>My team has 2 Hanzo and a fucking Genji
>It's okay il put in work and we can maybe get shit done


Fuck that gook.

This. A trained archer is easily capable of letting loose 2-3 arrows accurately in the same amount of time a standard guy with no training can let loose a single bolt, and reload.

nevar forget.

>not the battle of agincourt

Agincourt is a meme.

It's usually intentional if there is more than 1 Hanzo. If 2 people instalock Hanzo, everyone else goes Hanzo or Genji. That's my experience in quickplay at least. Same with Mccree.

Quickplay is cancer, the game is impossible to balance when you can have more than one of a hero.

I think you missed the point of my post:
In such an advance technological age where better equipment is abundant and cybernetic enhancements are fashion accessories, why does someone like Hanzo even exist? As a matter of fact, why doesn't he use the advance medical powers that be to just turn his whole fucking arm into a crossbow and get nearly 5x the amount of hits/kills to satisfy his hunger for honor killing? He's so fucking dumb.
Bows are stonger in terms of strictly quantity over quality. Large battles between armies would see the true strength of the archer class upon witnessing a hail of arrows from the sky, decimating the enemy in a barrage of hellfire. However, you are still using a simple arrow, which itself as ammunition is highly modifiable, but not necessarily as lethal as a simple bullet.
If you were to take the greatest rifle marksman and the greatest archer and pit them against one another, I am certain that at least 8/10 times the rifle wielder would win.

>Napal shrine team isn't the greateast, but we were able to get to 99% just stuck in OT
>enemy team suddenly switches to all D'va.
>Stalling forever as they just keep shielding each other.

We won eventually, but we were stuck in Defense matrix hell

I'm surprised you won.

Not particularly good D'va and my team (full 6 man) had a few switches to Zarya and Hog

Because Hanzo is supposed to be a traditionalist to contrast with Genji being an augmented trans-human. He's stuck in the past while Genji has moved on, which is evident in their backstories and personalities as well as their game mechanics. The most Hanzo is going to get is special ammo for scatter and sonic arrows, plus whatever the dragons are supposed to be.

>El Dorado attack
>playing Reinhardt
>cart is at the objective
>enemy team switches to 4 dva and 2 mercy
>literally m1 spam hammer swing for 5 minutes as they keep touching the payload
>stay alive entire time
>finally kill them all at the same time

I can get behind increasing his projectile speed, but reverting back to the old shitboxes goes too far.

I still don't understand this image

why logs

because his hitboxes where so big it was like he was shooting logs instead of thin arrows you smart, intelligent, and beautiful human male

They are nerfing Hanzo's hitboxes by 33% on the ptr.

his arrow hitboxes are huge, aka hes firing logs/trees rather then arrows

>they reverted his hitboxes back to logs AND made his arrows fly fast
>you can go back to scatter arrowing someone's feet for ez kills

oh fuck that was so obvious

thanks user

I wonder how much they decreased it from how he was before he got nerfed to begin with.

no prob senpai

when has scatter arrow not been an easy kill?

given this was the first time they actually had a numerical # tied to the hitbox change, I have no idea. They never said how much the blanket projectile nerf was.

I love Bow Classes in almost every game but I fucking hate Hanzo. Not because of his character or abilities but because of the fucking weebs who instant lock him in every single game. They always have over 50 hours on Hanzo alone and still manage to be shit too.
At least with Genji fags, I've noticed that a good amount who instant lock and have over 50 hours on him can range from "not totally useless" to "I can carry this team myself"

But Genji still uses shuriken and swords, he's an idiot too.