I just bought pic related. I've already played and beaten human revolution...

I just bought pic related. I've already played and beaten human revolution, but I wanted to play this since its apparently the greatest game of all time or whatever before I play mankind divided.

Are there any essential mods are patches I need to download before starting?

>Dude Sex Thread

mods or patches*


Some say vanilla is fine, I say fuck them and install GMDX. Not a perfect solution to every problem in the game, but a damn good one.

DX10, Kentie's Launcher, GMDX is all you need

don't listen to these fags, vanilla is fine the first time through

GMDX is also fine

no it isn't, you need to at least mod the game with Dx10/Kentie's Launcher to make the game function properly

and GMDX is strictly better and you may as well just play the game with GMDX

yeah not the first playthrough though

im currently playing gmdx on my first dude sex playthrough, get fucked

Why not? The game has glaring problems with AI and augmentations balance, why not at least make the experience with them better? He's not missing out "the deus ex experience" if he installs it, except for the swimming jokes

kill yourself

He needs to save that for a future playthrough. The only things he "needs" are Deus Exe and New Vision.

If you get it off steam, vanilla is just fine

no it isn't

without modding the framerate goes insane and conversations cut short and everything starts to fall apart

It has an awful mouse acceleration if you don't install mods or use custom launcher
Did you vanilla fags even play the game?

OP here. Decided to mod it.

Anything else I should know for my first play through?

Don't leave your brother behind

keep crying bitch nigga with your M-MUH ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE ;___;

why? what's wrong with playing the obvious upgrade?


Yeah, don't fucking mod it.

good, dont listen to nostalgiafags

This. Also, when that moment comes, don't leave the place through the window even after you clear out

fuck off retard

you're only ruining the game for yourself

fuck off nu-male

how so?


Are you going to explain how installing GMDX or custom launchers ruins the experience or not
At least Stalkerfags have their reasoning to hate Complete

Just restrict the executive to run on one CPU core.

w-well its not the ORIGINAL EXPERIENCE.... and uhhh.. yeah!

GMDX changes things like areas, paths and conversations. While I haven't personally played it (yet), it looks pretty good, but it's just not the same as having experienced the original content.

Kentie's launcher really just updates the renderer so you can better experience the original content though, and there's no good reason not to use that.

Plus, you could replay the game with GMDX to have the best of both worlds without being spoiled by the improvements. (I'm assuming the game is improved)

Stalkerfags have strater packs that also slightly change the game and add new textures, nobody gives a fuck because those are straight up updates. I would understand if GMDX did something really drastic and incoherent like Revision or HDTP, but it really doesn't. It's more a community patch than a revamp of the game.

By the way OP, turn off HDTP models in the options menu

You're right, but stalker (while I loved it) is no Deus Ex. I can see people getting riled up about changing it.

I couldn't tell you if GMDX changes Deus Ex drastically or not since I haven't played it, but I was just saying that I understand where some people are coming from.

Not really, it more of a gameplay update with slight changes to level design and bugfixes.
I'd say the biggest things are perks for skills, reduced amount of tools and a nerf to them. Buff to things like swimming with new underground areas and shit lungs.
Useful bugfixes like in 3rd visit to Hell's kitchen there was supposed to be the scientist at smuggler's to tell you he stole tge upg canister from the lab and you can take it, tho it makes LAM climbing impossible, there's an option for that.

But I agree with you it's better to play original first. It's already really really great. GMDX is an logical progression that really benefits from knowledge of vanilla to fully see how masterfully done and well though out it is.

Don't listen to spoilering fags, if you go with GMDX instead of vanilla + visual mods then you will get analy anihilated trying to save Paul
Oh, and for a lot of people the beginning levels are the worst

Not sure if it's better or worse but I played it with Biomod on my first playthrough and enjoyed it.