Join our Steam group chatroom @

>Receive the pirate link and server IP there.


>What is Wurm Unlimited?

A one time buy to play version of Wurm without the monthly premium cost and other restrictions that were previously behind a paywall. There's also private servers.

>What is Wurm?

Wurm is a true sandbox game where players can do anything from mining, free-building milking cows, terraforming, to pvp.

Wurm also has a player driven economy as well as player driven politics between kingdoms and their respective kings.

>Server Mods:

Better Digging, Boatmod, Bounty mod, Bulk transport mod, Creature mod, Crop mod, Inbreed warning, Meditate mod, MoveToCenter, Prospect Mod, Salve Mod, ServerPacks, Skill Mod, Priest Mod & Action Timer Fix.

Calling all Sup Forumseterans and newfags, Broskilde is our latest incarnation. This is the culmination of everything we've been waiting for. We have OUR own server, we have OUR own code and we have OUR own kingdom skins, but more importantly there is no more need to shed your NEETbux any more. We are PIRATE FRIENDLY.

You've been waiting, biding your time. Messing around with cheap thrill titles and trying to scratch that eternal autistic itch.


Do not resist it any longer, come back to your sweet, painful addiction. Let the hours drain away and the bags under your eyes grow. Wurm is back, and it's at the pinnacle of Sup Forumsirgin comfort.

Again, join our Steam group chatroom @

Come home Wurm man.

Other urls found in this thread:

Confirmed for fun

>Playing badminecraft

>Being a 12 year old

>Being a 12 year old

>being a 12 year old

>bad minecraft
more like

Come build a bridge with us desu

If you connect and get an error don't worry, I'm going to restart the server to make a backup, it'll be down for a minute or two. Thanks for playing.


horde of the summoned

IS all our progress gone?



How to get started? What kind of cool stuff can you do in this game?

saw planks

pls no memes


Behold the true face of autism

list of skills and sub skills here

Why do you guys want everyone to train their PvP skills if there is nobody to PvP with
it's all Sup Forums


>it's all Sup Forums
Theres something OP isnt telling you. Thats why.

It's a new server. It's going to get posted on the wurm unlimited official forum soon so pubbies can fill out other kingdoms.

There's already 2 factions.

>let's join the Sup Forums server to be immediately gangbanged by overleveled Sup Forums goons
I don't think that's good publicity

It won't be labelled as a Sup Forums server there.

There was another Sup Forums server prior to this one where that same idea worked quite well. The server host shit the bed so now it's on a dedicated one instead.

>let's join the reddit server to be immediately helped by overleveled reddit carebears
By the time they learn it was false advertisement, it will be too late.

Which kingdom do i sign up to be a vynora priest?


>join some other kingdom and some village
>new thread tells me to join a different one
fucking hell, people

filling out other kingdoms senpai


Get in here, HOTS and JK are starting up now.


>wanting people to join horde of the shitters when MR is clearly the superior choice

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who arent part of jk

Bumping a Wurm Thread, fucking gr8 game.

>tfw joined freedumb


I thought that was a duck/goose in the thumbnail for the longest time

How developed is the world already? Is there a point to me being a road maker? Cause that sounds awesome.

Fuck yes there is a point. It's a fresh server with lots of wild growth everywhere.

We actually need roadmakers

That anons lying what we actually need are puppeteers all over the place.

>MEGA now has a download quota

The fuck?


Server is pretty much vanilla with only 3x skillgain and 4x action timers, still 20 minutes CD between prayers, only 5 free meditation ticks then CD... It's prolly gonna be months till you will have a priest that can cast any decent spell and more months till people will have the skills to fight without dying in 4 hits.

>not becoming a priest for the main purpose of praising your god and nothing else

my fucking fedora is spinning right now


>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some PVP spell casting, but because I am enlightened by praising my god and nothing else.

>Farming takes real life days to pay off with harvest.

Nobody ever enjoys this, so why do devs always do it?

WO cucks btfo


wurm online

>horde of the summoned

I remember some guys I knew trying to recruit me on to that shit back when I started on GV, dudes were edgy fucks.

Could I go Freedumb and go inawoods with friends to make a comfy settlement or would we get our shit pushed in by other players?

Did they ever add the ability to build walls and shit underground? Can I make my dorf fortress yet?