Is Life is Strange SJW bullshit...

Is Life is Strange SJW bullshit? A buddy of mine was showing a scene where one of the antagonists who's a white male veteran slaps his liberal daughter. Seems about in keeping of the SJW trend of having all the male characters be evil abusive assholes and soldiers being ruthless murderers

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Its a teen girl cyoa game with an ending they pulled out of their ass, but not really sjw. Just aimed at being played by young girls.

Its a hipster game, but not a SJW type one.
I'm very sensitive when it comes to SJW bullshittery in vidya and I couldnt come up with anything really.

Not SJW at all.

It is very girly though.

literally a game for teenage girls

don't play it

How is to SJW? The guy in your pic is just misunderstood and ends up being a hero

That cunt had it well deserved

Nigga, you are retarded just like SJWtards. Based on a short scene you wrote a full analysis full of your fantasies.

David did literally nothing wrong niggers

He made Kate cry :(

It's not SJW bullshit its just for angsty teenagers

Eh. Not really. The most SJW thing is that one of the main antagonists (a super rich white dude) calls every woman who fucks him over a batshit feminazi, but he's actually a paranoid schizophrenic who is having his mental healthcare limited by a Dad who wants him to be 100% perfect.

There's also the fact that every episode ending has some text saying "If these events have reminded you of some psychological trauma you can go here to talk to help."

Overall, though, it's just girly and hipsterish but it's one of the better things to come out of the modern episodic trend.

>Canonically the biggest slut

One of the recurring themes is that the obvious decision is usually the wrong decision. Chloe is a horrible person and David is the good guy.

Chloe is the one doing 'favours' for drug dealers.

It occasionally has moments that are SJW-ish, but for the most part it doesn't go to heavy on it. Either way it's shit and not worth your time.


I enjoyed it. 23 year old guy. Got sucked in after they made the first episode free to play.


Tumblr; The Game

So Frank and Pompidou are the best characters, right?

>people literally choose Chloe, a druggie loser over the entire town

s m h faggots


literally THE worst girl

The neckbeard artist is good, too. And the janitor with a squirrel fetish.

How fucking sensitive are you?

Was he "our guy"?

Was it hinted that he was the baddie? I didn't expect him to be.

No user, you are the SJW.

David ended up being a red herring and was the one that kills the murderer and save the day while the liberal daughter's consistently portrayed as an unstable selfish idiot that gets herself killed in some way every episode and the game morally pushes you to kill at the end.

I wouldn't describe this game as "SJW" as much as I would just "Tumblr".

Not really. Some of his lines in the first class sound a bit dubious when you've found out the truth though.

Personally I suspected he may be involved in some way, but not being the main villain. That was more a feeling than a logical deduction though.

Kinda. He talks in the first class about how he, with the right lighting and posing, can capture anyone is a moment of innocence in desperation.

He also victim blames the fuck out of Kate in order to push her to suicide, and teachers are taught pretty specifically to never do that.

at least play the fucking game before shitposting about it, its the story of a teenager, what did you expect ?


Awkward phone call in the hall way
Conversation with Kate telling her it wasn't a big deal
His initial quote about "framing each one of you in a dark corner"

Not saying I saw it coming either, but replaying it after you know the ending. I hate how the dialogue is forced for you to show your admiration to Jefferson at points, instead of combating interest.

They're good, but Kate is the best. I'm surprised and disappointed by how little she was actually in the game.

>that hospital scene



Which did you say, Sup Forums?

A lot. It was heavily foreshadowed, but in a way that you wouldn't really pick up on it until afterward. iirc there were some people throwing around the theory of him being the killer early on but it never gained much traction until the reveal.

>sjw whine thread
you don't have friends

Our dark room

>Thanks for killing Chloe

My selfies are shit.


he literally spoils the entire game in the first 10 minutes of the game

they didn't bother giving her a major role after ep 2 because it's easy as shit to let her die if you don't go through her room or go back and use a walkthrough

My selfies are shit

>male characters be evil abusive assholes
as demonstrated by Sup Forums, men are evil abusive assholes

Thanks for killing Chloe

Is there anyway out of that choice? I tried all off them, ended up settling on Our dark room.

Not bad. I was worried that is was just going to be pretentious hipster bullshit, but I liked that you weren't railroaded to one option for your choices and the characters weren't one-dimensional.


i tried waiting for a little but nothing happened, ended up just saying "my selfies are shit"

>calls someone on not having friends
>While posting on Sup Forums

I love how merely saying SJW draws out the eternally butthurt from their safe spaces

What happens?

>Thanks for killing Chloe, I was so sick of that punk.
Something along those lines.

It definitely has a lot of sjw themes
Animals = saints with fur
Guns are evil, no one should have guns
Big business only causes destruction
Native American spiritual nonsense

And it had to make the hard-ass a patriotic American. But the story is so good, I overlooked all of it.

Music to my ears thx

>Kiss Chloe
>Hug the redditor


>Guns are evil, no one should have guns
In episode 1 Chloe says all/only women should have guns.

I mean the game was decent I guess, it really was made for teenage girls. All the choices are also very linear, either choose something that helps Chloe and makes you seem like a bitch to everyone else or do the opposite and you fuck over Chloe. The only logical ending is to save the town, even if you loved Chloe that much which I don't think anyone did you would be killing thousands of people

A lot of people loved Chloe for whatever reason and actually chose her in the end. For whatever that ending is portrayed as a happier one.

>The only logical ending is to save the town
Yeah, despite the fact Max shows she's desperate to save Chloe throughout the entire game.

and she know she will fail, if cloe survives, she will just die in another stupid accident, she is bound to die, sacrificing the town will only delay the inevitable.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I hate that they had to lace it with all this lib propaganda.

This is extremely pointless because you timetravel immediately afterwards but what did you chose?
I picked refuse because I didn't want to make Joyce sad

Refuse. I just couldn't kill her.

>Warn Victoria
>She ends up being raped and murdered by the pedo teacher after she goes to him for help


Got the game on sale couple weeks back, and I actually enjoyed iy besides the ending.

48% of people apparently loved her enough to let hundreds of people to die, fuck up entire ecosystems, and continue to have unknown ramifications on the world.

Refuse. I felt sad for her, but I wasn't going to kill her.

>try to warn Victoria
>she doesn't believe me because I was a cunt to her
>she survives and I feel satisfied that I'm a good person that tried to do the right thing
feels gooooooooood

she got the vision before she got the powers though and killing the blue whore didn't change anything :^)

It's only lib propaganda if the game tries to make it look like a good idea. One teenage character saying stupid bullshit does not a lib propaganda game make.

Refuse. That alternate timeline Max is suddenly going to be lucid again and be in a world of shit.

I chose kill even though I had been playing the game with multi verse theory going in my head. So every rewind and potential timeline is its own universe. So even though you leave that timeline universe I was playing under the assumption that there was still a max in that ubiverse. Who would go to jail for killing someone. But despite all that I still couldn't let her suffer.

Well, David's a good guy. He's not bad at all. He truly cares for Chloe, his wife and the students at te school. Saving the town is the only right ending

But he turns out to not be evil at all. Just a stressed as fuck veteran who probably has PTSD. He cares about everyone and is actively trying to protect everyone, and this is shown in game, not just my projection. Not SJW bullshit.

The funeral takes place after the week of the vortex. So you can conclude that her dying means no storm. Otherwise they would all be dead.

>I'm very sensitive when it comes to SJW bullshittery in vidya and I couldnt come up with anything really.
>Literally shaking

I saved her because it's tragic and romantic as fuck to imagine her saving her over and over the rest of eternity until she destroys reality. I'm into that.

>Don't warn Victoria because I wanted her in the dark room next to me when she dies
>Nothing happens
>Look it up and it turns out that actually does happen but only if you do warn her


Remember user.
If you happen to find a butterfly in a bathroom, taking a picture of it gives you time powers.

Why? How? Don't think about it.

Jesus Christ the irony.

Does a moth work? There's a moth in my bathroom right now.

I didn't even grace that nerd with a hug.

So wait, was the plot just an elaborate way for Rachel to get justice from beyond the grave?

No. That'll just give you the power to communicate with moths. They won't listen to you but they'll know what you're saying.

I love you, Mr. Jefferson. I was hoping he'd grant Max the honor of not dying a virgin.

>implying he didn't fuck everyone who entered his dark room

If you take the picture, your asshole childhood friend that "borrowed" your video games comes back in your life.

If you don't, he dies of a gunshot and you have to live with knowing you probably could have saved him.

>tfw no Jefferson bf who can take my photos when i'm drugged

why even live?

Kill. It was going to happen anyway, and you had just given her the best day she's had in years. Best to end on a high note.

I mean, the character by the end of the game is portrayed as someone that means well and genuinely wants to protect the students and his family, just years of being alone and being a gruff, asshole of a guy after leaving the army makes it hard for him to show it.

So it's at least a complicated view that examines him as a character that's still SJW stuff, it's fine.

The Accept option would be much harder if her machines made a noise and her parents barged in started freaking out.

I've read that the plot is Max's way to accept the death of her friend. No matter what she does, the outcome is the same. Unless you refuse to accept it, which will then fuck up your reality.

chloe was fucking trash. I only chose her because of the lesbian ending. the game was BULLSHIT. had a nice setting though. and I don't think it's too SJW, but who cares.

I expected that to happen honestly.