Can this game survive or is it battleborn 2.0?

can this game survive or is it battleborn 2.0?

It doesn't look like Epic will give up on it anytime soon. Anyways why do you care?

Umbrella Corps would like a word with you.

Is it open beta for PC yet? i may want to give it a try, is it good?

It's an awful moba full of design issues and will do far worse than Battleborn.

they spend so much time on the art for this game and yet it ends up looking so generic and soulles. I just can't stand to look at it.

It went open beta a week ago.

It looks like total garbage, but I will try it

ops pic looks like a radeon benchmark mascot from 2005

Initially my impression was that everything in the game felt "slow". Movement speed felt slow outside of travel mode, the matches took forever and a half to complete, I was put off by often finding myself in situations where I couldn't catch up to a character that was all of 2 feet ahead of me. Spending more time with how to build an effective character deck, joining the paragon discord, and being able to coordinate / voice chat with people (the game doesn't have in game voice chat for god knows what reason) has vastly improved my experience with the game though. As someone who played the Battleborn Open Beta I'd say that game is a bit easier to initially grasp and play if you don't have any MOBA experience but Paragon is the more finely crafted game when you can wrap your head around the do's and don'ts.

Open beta is up, I'd give it a shot.

played it, third person shooter style aiming is garbage, game feels awful and unrewarding when you win. ded in 3 mths

It will survive because Epic's parent company is absolutely loaded. But it will survive on life support.

They should've stuck with Unreal Tournament instead of putting it on the back burner.

lel, touche

won't survive because its a bloated market. everyone will still be too busy with overwatch to care, and anyone else will be playing older mobas like league and dota

How long are the matches? I've been put off some MOBAs because the matches last forever.

the look of the game is great, but i don't quite like inventory and card system, because you can't fucking move your equipped card once it's placed in a slot, and also, cards lack variety kind of

Yeah, it's the first MOBA with impressive graphics, showing off that engine.

Hopefully card variety will increase once the beta is over.

overwatch did really well in the art department. i prefer a more stylized game over something like paragon. The characters are just way more fun and likeable.

>impressive graphics
Graphics look good but character design is fucking shit. It's like a super HD turd

I personally find Overwatch fails in battle - all the colours and art style makes distinguishing things chaotic.

I like the Character design, reminds me of the 90s personally. Amusingly this character looks like the chick in ReCore.


How the FUCK did your post even manage to be so accurate? Jesus christ, seriously