Xbox One

Just got this, what are some good games to get for it?

None, nice paperweight tho

Halo 5 and sunset overmeme.

Both are mediocre so your outta luck.

while not an exclusive or a new release, the Metro Redux was one of the best i've bought for that console.

I have one. There really isn't anything notable or worthwhile.

Its so shitty that PC cucks dont even mention it in console wars threads, nor do they have any good memes for it, like they do for sonyggers.

I really really really REALLY want to play Halo 5 because I'm on a Halo binge right now

Paying several hundred $ for one game though? Nah

Multiplayer for 5 was IMO the best since 3.

Try Destiny, better with friends

Nice try, still not buying xbone

You can't even stand it vertically for fuck sakes! How stupid is that

Forza horizon 2 is the best car game in years.

it's on 360 too

Halo 5

The Division

Titanfall 2
Gears of War 4

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

>Xbone exclusives on PC
Use it to old your door open or something. Thing is fucking useless.

fuck! I really thought my opinion would make you go out right now and buy one.

You bought a dudebro console with no games. This isn't a meme and it isn't Sup Forums being contrarian for the sake of it.

Start looking for that receipt, OP.

>Get Titanfall and Titanfall 2 when it comes out

I actually enjoy THE DIVISION :c
But i have no friends T n T

Xbone peasant

You very sincerely are NOT missing out at all, it's fucking terrible. Worse than Halo 4 by a lot. And it's pretty dead at this point too. Garbage game, Halo in name only. I made the mistake of buying an Xbone last fall for it and it was such a waste of money. There are no other games either, except maybe Sunset Overdrive but it gets boring pretty quick and is nowhere near as funny and charming as it thinks it is. The hardware is bad, Terrie UI, and the controller is cheap garbage too.

Is the Xbone controller better or worse than a 360 controller?

Sunset Overdrive
I know Sup Forums loves to shitpost it, but it's a legitimately fun game.

Get FoHo 3 when it comes out.

Worse. Way worse. Feels really cheap and they break often. Probably on purpose to try and get people to waste $150 on the stupid metal one with magnetic interchangeable buttons. If you need a new controller for PC though, just get a DS4.

Sunset Overdrive

Titanfall 1 is like $10 with all the DLC. Great game. If you like it, then will convince you to buy Titanfall 2 which isn't out for another 2 months.

The controller that comes with the S is much more comfortable aside from the triggers. It does feel a bit cheaper (lighter triggers, thinner material) but it makes the wired 360 controller feel thick now. The D-Pad is actually usable this time around.

better than bloodborne

People hate the thing they don't own the thread

Get the Rare Replay. 30 games, 8 of which are good. Has some cool game mechanics for the very old games.

>get a load of this guy cam.jpg

Buy Now-

Plants Versus Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Ori and the Blind Forest

Get Free Now-
Prominence Poker This is actually a fantastic run at poker
Gems of War It's ok, I like it
Killer Instinct
Magic Duels or wait for Duelyst

Highly recommend-

Elite Dangerous
Hyper Light Drifter
Song of the Deep
Mirrors Edge Catalyst
Quantum Break
Diablo 3 Console version is actually the definitive version
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Horizon 2 Horizon 3 will completely replace it tho I'd just wait for Horizon 3

Decent FPS Alternatives-

Halo 5
Rainbow 6
Battlefield 4

Get Hyped For-

Horizon 3
Dishonored 2
Bioshock Remaster
Titanfall 2 They are fixing it
GoW 4
Gigantic This game is fun as fuck
Stardew Valley
Strike Vector EX

>definitive version
>no seasons


>Free to play trash that's also on PC and PS4
>Ever playing Diablo 3 and Elite Dangerous on a console instead of PC
>Halo 5

Halo 5 is probably the weakest FPS I recommended. I'd probably play any of the other ones I posted over it. In fact I mostly play Titanfall and PVZGW2. I'd play Splatoon still if I didn't sell my Wii U.

Elite Dangerous is great, but yes PC version is superior. Hoping the bone gets HOTAS support down the road.

Diablo 3 felt better on console to me.

I recommended F2P trash if OP wanted some free shit to play on his Xbox he just bought.


He's right though, Halo Remasters and Halo 5 are better than bloodborne in the sense that I could have purchased a ps4 with bloodborne but instead I purchased a xbone and even a fucking vita before the ps4, yes, a vita.

Literally no games and already has more games than the ps4.

Halo 5 MP is great.
Sunset Overdrive is fun in bursts
UI is trash
Controller is the best

>>Halo 5

What about it? I'm curious about how wrong you're going to be, so go ahead and answer.

diablo 3 is legitimately better on consoles. Enjoy your carpal tunnel. And yes I primarily game on pc.

It's a good list you salty faggot.

Here's you're (You)

Story mode is legitimately terrible but the MP is great. Anyone who says otherwise has not played it

It's also shit on 360