What game has the best classes?

What game has the best classes?

Dragons Dogma is pretty good.
I loved Guild Wars 1 Major/Minor system.
Obviously pic related.

What game had good mechanics for mages?

I play casters only when it's Guild Wars because only that game has fair mana/energy management, not chug mana potions or milk or whatever the fuck.

thanks for sharing, i guess

>What game had good mechanics for mages?
Not entirely related but I am reminded of that one screencap of a /tg/ thread rattling on about making cleric spells complete random because 'will of the gods'

I loved how Guild Wars 1 had elementalists and you could spec to be a geomancer.

So fucking awesome and the only game I think that had a devoted earth school.
Everything is Fire, Ice, Lightning and they never include Earth.

>diablo 2
>good classes


work on your bait

What don't you like about it?

> spam maelstrom the game
> good magic

Pick one and only one. Even the dragon age series does magic better

>Fire designed to deal AoE
>Ice/water designed to snare
>Lightning designed to penetrate
>Earth designed to knockdown

God bless Guild Wars

final fantasy tactics
any game that includes "chef" as a class

classes are good. the way you build characters is kind of shit. There's a difference

>Not developing your own character from zero to hero.
D2Paladin a best

Try PoE

Lineage II

Final Fantasy Tactics, the Advance titles as well.

Tree of Savior has some of the best classes of any game. The skills and the interaction between different classes is god tier.

Too bad the rest of the game is rubbish.

I like you.
Zealer masterrace, Hammerdins need not apply.


I was wondering when one of you faggots would show up.

Titan Quest had a very intriguing class and progression concept.

Unfortunately, the game played like shit. I'm guessing that's the reason why Blizzard stuck with a simpler, but working system.

>Have a loli dwarf trickster
>Pretend to be a low level character with a tiny knife
>Some PK hits me
>Pull out bigger sword
>PK still thinks he can beat me
>Use fake death
>PK thinks he won and does some pose
>Stand up again
>Pull out bigass sword
>Swoop 3/4 of his hp away in one hit
>He goes "oh shit!" and tries to run
>Pull out high level bow and finish the job
>Dance on his grave.
>Rages hard, calls high level friends
>They gank on me and kill me fast
>I say "Hahaha faggots you can't attack me when I fake death"
>They say they will stay here until I move again
>I'm actually dead.
>I go eat something, leaving the character there.
>They're still around 30 minutes later
Good times.

Not him, but the way the game is built, anything before getting runewords is like pitting a 3 limb-amputee against a professional boxer.

Design is fine, but the way they are applied in the game, it just blows. So many issues.

ur a dum

>Zeal shielodfag paladin
>Charge and smite level 5
>90% all res
>95% lighning res with absorb on hell
>Dodging arrows and magic spells with charge
>Holy shield protecting me from melee damage
>Beat cheapass poison werewolf and charge back into the base so the poison doesn't kill me
>Use smite to cheap characters like bone spirit necros and hammerdins
>Said characters rage because my skills are cheap.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Ultima Online

This is a easy one.

Phantasy Star Online.

>mfw I used to do the exact same thing except with a Soultalker
>all dem gladiator tryhards and assassins trying to get me when I chill out in starter clothes in some random area
>they don't add the numbers; why the fuck would a newbie be in a high level area?
>take a few hits
>run away a bit
>lol jk
>medusa eyes
>one shot them
>make a zombie stand on them

I once made a pvp pally that was 20 charge 20 vigor + their synergies. he was really fun

No the classes in D2 were garbage, just compare the sorry excuse for a druid in D2 to the druid in Neverwinter Nights or even BG2