just picked this up because it's 5 bucks and i'm a sucker for "overwhelmingly positive" games. what can i expect and what mindset do i have to be to get really in to it? apparently people get really really sucked into this game.
Just picked this up because it's 5 bucks and i'm a sucker for "overwhelmingly positive" games...
its alright but it looks like Borcha's ass
I started playing it, but there's no sense of purpose. No story, or quest, or campaign; you kind of just ride around and get into battles for the sake of getting into battles. I played for about three hours, then got bored.
I will drink from your skull
Just set your own goals faggot. Like conquering everything.
its a sandbox dumb nigger what did you expect oh you didnt expect anything because you're too stupid to look a game up before spending money on it, youre one of the reasons shit companies like EA and ubisoft put out the same game every year
>what can i expect
get mods
Fuck nigga you gonna make me re-install this thing
Expect sea riders that will drink from your skull.
You can easily get 100 hours by doing nothing in this game. Enjoy.
It can be kind of confusing for a new player, I'd suggest getting the freelancer mod and joining a lords army - it lets you get to the action quicker and gain levels/money.
You set your own goals in the single greatest medieval RPG ever made.
Also prepare for ass raidings.
My economy is based off of shaming myself with ctrl+x whenever i cant afford something.
Still fun, though.
Pick Rhodoks and fuck some negros up
there's honestly not a lot to do with money
after you get a
a)great lance
b)great sword
c)plate armor
d)siege crossbow
you can defeat anything and all you do is simply fuck around trying to kill enemies in different, more difficult ways.
Mindset: You're a nobody who really wants to be the king of all Calradia someday, or maybe you're a dude who just really enjoys killing. Then just go at it.
>that pic
Fuck me.
What is the absolute best mod if I want improved QOL but the same Calradia setting as normal Warband?
I think Floris is pretty good, it changes some of the unit trees though.
Get your own kingdom and/or go online and get gud.
Dickplomacy, if anyone says Floris they are out to get you