Didn't like No Man's Sky, huh? That makes you a monster basically for not appreciating that people worked on that crap.
I also heard that Tiny Tim doesn't get a Christmas this year because of mean internet comments.
Didn't like No Man's Sky, huh? That makes you a monster basically for not appreciating that people worked on that crap.
I also heard that Tiny Tim doesn't get a Christmas this year because of mean internet comments.
Oh wow, threads fall fast on this board. Blink and you're on page 9.
Imagine being an infantryman in the wermacht. You pridefully join the army to fight for your countrymen. Finally marching forth against what you were told was the subhuman slav and from then onward being ashamed to tell people where you fought. The media and rest of the world are just brutal in their reactions.
>I firmly feel that consumers are entitled to their opinions
How generous of redditors. I am not so kind. Executions all around, methinks.
They deserve sympathy, but not pity.
No they don't; they lied about the content of the game to get unjust sales. They deserve to be hated, even shunned. They definitely don't deserve sympathy.
That would fucking hurt
>you have to like something even though it's shit because you might hurt someone's feelings
fuck off. and that comment about how excited murray was about the game? it was his fucking JOB you inbred redditor faggot.
I could dedicate 10 years of my life picking up dog poo in the street in order to build the biggest dog poo tower in the world, but despite my efforts, I won't have anything other than a big pile of shit in the end.
Oh you're telling me. I usually sit around naked, you know, and I like to drink tea. But one time it spilled right on my weak point. Luckily, it was mostly leg that got it.
To be fair, "they" didn't lie. One or two dudes at the top or in PR or whatever lied. Most of the people at the company just worked a crappy job for assholes like 99% of the population.
>but they tried really hard
>you're hurting their feelings
Why is everyone such a pussy nowadays. Why get so upset over criticism from people you don't even know and will never meet?
They deserved a paycheck from Sean Murray, and they got it.
Tough shit.
Although, I don't have much sympathy for the retards who pre-ordered this either. Seems like everyone got what they deserved in the end.
>if you work hard at something you should be free of criticism
You make fun of Reddit, but Nintoddlers did similar shit on here with SFZ
Why are you bringing your Reddit bullshit here?
True but to buy and praise that game is to say that shitty business practices are A-ok. I'd rather hurt some graphic designer/audio engineer/programmer/coffee lad's feelings than encourage douchebaggery on the scale of nu male's minecraft.
What am I, the president of Reddit now?
The mongoloid posting literal Reddit screenshots on Sup Forums? Maybe if I wanted to talk about retarded opinions with retarded people I would have just gone to Reddit in the first place?
And yet, here you are.
I'm not discussing shit with you, and I don't care about your opinion. I simply want Reddit to leave. :^)
>I'm still a virgin if I only do anal
Dude you're still in this thread
No, they called the people bitching about the controls retarded children, because normal children were able to figure those out.
he should have charged 20 dollars for it at best, then
is there a similar phrase to talk shit get hit for game development like promise the world deliver a stone?
I dunno.
Don't deliver the game, prepare for a world of blame?
liar liar pants on fire?
It couldn't be more obvious this bitching about Nintendo games means you don't play them. Take Metroid... How much bitchng did we see about how Nintendo didn't 'acknowledge' the franchise, when they did through motions and NBA.
No one even likes Metroid that much, it's a niche game.
When you say we are monsters for not likeing a game, that promised so many features and then onto release praise them for the game the made. And continue to ignore all the false promises, that is retarded.
One of the most infuriating myths out there is that hard work ensures success. It doesn't. It's a prerequisite to success. You have to work hard if you want to be successful, barring dumb luck dumping good fortune in your lap, but that can't be counted on. However, working hard on a creative endeavor in no way guarantees that the outcome is going to be good, nor should it be seen as something commendable in and of itself. Lots of people worked really hard on Jupiter Ascending, the Star Wars prequels, Suicide Squad, etc., but you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks that they're good films in spite of all the hard work put into them.
It sounds cold, but I don't really give a shit how hard you worked on whatever it is you made unless you're someone I love making me a home-cooked meal or something like that. What matters is how good it is.
The Star Wars prequels ARE great. And you've never produced anything rivaling any of what you listed, let alone NMS, so your point about hard work is invalid and laughable because I guarantee you don't even know what it means to put in that kind of effort.
And properly mark it as Early Access.
>The Star Wars prequels ARE great.
Sup Forums pls
The people we are talking about are the workers, not sean murray.
The people who worked on the game never overpromised or lied, they just did what they were told, so they are not to blame or even to be hated, you retard.
And the hatefulness you so churlishly demostrated is unjust towards them, so they definitely deserve sympathy for being wrongfully antagonized.
This is what I always expected it to cost before they put up the pre-orders at $60. It never looked like anything more than a $20 indie game like all the rest of these sort of games. Greed bit them in the ass, but probably not hard enough since they seem to have made bank on it despite the reaction people have had.
The game is complete. Completely retarded Bwahaha. Anyone who bought it is also retarded by association. Man, I love watching people get burnt by bad investments that are easily avoidable.
reddit is the only place on the internet that accused me of pirating a F2P game because i didn't download it from the official site
i'm still flabbergasted about it
>pulling countless all nighters
lul.. Implying anyone pulled an all nighter over a heap of junk like this.
There's only two ways this can go:
A: They lied and didn't care about the end product
B: They lied and are incompetent so they couldn't meet what they promised
Either way Sean is a lying greasy scumbag that should be lynched.
sounds like you need to go back
One time I asked a redditor why he was pre-ordering a game on steam, and he said that they might run out of keys, cause I guess they have a finite amount of digital copies.
Make shit, get hit
>barring dumb luck dumping good fortune in your lap, but that can't be counted on
But you started your post with mentioning that neither can be hard work.
> so your point about hard work is invalid and laughable because I guarantee you don't even know what it means to put in that kind of effort.
You point about guaranteeing what he does or does not know is invalid because you have literally* no way to prove that your judgement is more objective or merited than that of millions of idiots running their mouth on the internet like they know everything.
*one way would have been to present a logical and coherent statement, but you chose otherwise.
Don't want shit? Don't lie and read the contract.
He's clearly a bit gullible, but this is actually what they want you to think. An implication of scarcity to force impulse buys. Pre-orders back 10-15 years ago actually were necessary because otherwise you were not guaranteed a copy of a game at or around launch. Nowadays there are no issues with stock for games because of how much bigger the industry is and because of digital downloads, which is why it became all about shitty incentives and retailer exclusive dlc instead to keep the otherwise totally outdated practice alive.