Project Tingler

>Make a thread about a new erotic comedy game, Project Tingler
>Mods censor it.

For those who want to know more:

Other urls found in this thread:


are you banned on pastebin?

fucking lmao


I love Canada

activism threads haven't been allowed since Chanology

Reminder that a vice shill was confirmed in the previous thread, do not fall for them

how is this an activism thread?

>post-McIness vice


GG is activism

>activism threads aren't allowed
Oh well it's not like the falseflagging race baiting that occurs in almost every thread isn't much worse than this whining about feminism ever was.

How is this GG?

looks like we need a Vice version of this pic.

>austin walker
>patrick klepek

hoo boy
im glad they're quarantining themselves in one place

literally who


They used to be the of journalism but now they're the or nu-journalism

case in point, your post

Video proves she was apologizing to Eron on facebook for cheating on him before the whole GG thing blew up.

She'd be sort of attractive to me if she didn't have that weird ass thin, whispy old lady hair.

How is this gross bitch still around?

That's what happens when a girl constantly dyes her hair and uses straightening irons. Basically kills and dries out the hair.

>tfw I never clean out Zoe's creampie with my tongue

feels bad man

autists made her into a martyr just like anita.

>she has an iwatch in one of the shots

raking in the patreon bucks

having a billionaire boyfriend at the time helps with that too

go viral market your clickbait garbage on reddit faggot


they're not that expensive tbf

>$600 to waste on a fucking iwatch

That's a huge amount of money to normal people who actually work for things

mommy spends that much money on me in a week for food alone

doesn't seem like that much to be honest

How much do you make?

>Mods censor it
Stop trying to shift the narrative you dirty nigger, the mods are deleting Zoe threads because Zoe is a parasite and all publicity is good publicity for her. Nobody wants these threads. Take your shill shit elsewhere

Watching this shit please dont archive. VICE rocks

$33k a year.


Damn you're poor as fuck dawg is that even over the poverty line.
For real though you should look up a thing called a Saver's Credit for your taxes if you aren't aware of it.


mah nigga

>you lived long enough to see mods delete SJW shit


>Giving ZQ any amount of attention whatsoever
>Giving Vice clicks and views

yeah, nah, fuck off to your containment chan faggot.

it's not that much if you're into it. I am not into expensive phones/watches/ect at all so I get bare bones androids to get the job done.

But considering I spent 1500 dollars in the last year on leather and latex fetish gear, as well as admission to events and conventions I can't really talk shit about 'wasting' money on hobbies

Threads for a chick nobody has given a fuck about in two years sudddenly pop up, gee I wonder why?

Remember not to bump shill threads people.

chuck tingle is hilarious
I don't know why Sup Forums is so upset by him working with zoe

as long as she goes by the book with the advertisement and critics, I don't care. What she does have a public, and she has the right to release her product, no matter how awful it is.
The only one who don's have a right to release a bad game is the idiots that make Metroid. Fuck Other M.

They're $250

I worry about how much he seems to interact with GG, but brote is a pretty balanced and reasonable guy.

A while ago I hated the fact that he had so few subscribers, but fuck it. The guy's a gem.

Because he's working with Zoe

what's wrong with that?
Why does Sup Forums automatically assume that's bad thing?

did people really harass this dorky girl for months on end

>Chucks asks what are video games
>Zoe responds "art, but bad"

I hate this "LEL i love dumb bullshit XD my brain is trash XD XD XD trash brain video games belong in the garbage" shit

>not automatically a bad thing


why is it automatically bad?

this should be the only post until bump limit in every one of these threads

>all the cancer went to Vice after Gawker got Hulked

Just waiting for god to flood Gomorrah now.

That feel when remembering Vice before Broadly.


Well I haven't see them falseflag any death threats in this thread yet so it's probably not them.

Makes you wonder who the fuck would post this garbage though.


because, amazingly, people arent taking the bait


I'm up for new types of comedy games - really enjoyed south park..

God just looks so...greasy.

yeah no shit

zoe has been doing this long before gamergate or the zoe post even happened

her whole career has and was all about being a fucking poor victim woman in gaming
> She’s also known for getting a lot of flak and controversy from close-minded people when she tried to put this game (or “notagame” depending on who you talk to) on Steam. She’s currently on a whirlwind tour of public speaking about her experiences around this (and particularly the troubling gender issues that it points to in the gaming subculture).

^ 23RD MAR 2014

>Well I haven't see them falseflag any death threats in this thread yet so it's probably not them.
They won't do it here dumbass we're all anonymous what's the point. Nothing anyone says here matters, it's when people lash out elsewhere that it gets attention. Only then can they single that person out. 'I went to Sup Forums and got death threats' is not fucking news dude.

This is the first time I watched anything by them, are they actually decent streamers?

Nigga it's an anonymous imageboard.

They can just post another reply with HURRR DURR KILL URSELF WHORE I KNOW WHERE U LIVE

it wouldnt gain any traction, it'd have to be on twitter

No, people talked about her harassing other people for a couple of months and then spent months talking about how every outlet of Internet journalism did everything they could to spin it in her interest, all while the media continued to do so by making it an attack on women in general.
Pretty much everyone involved in both sides was a big waste of oxygen.

garbage game from garbage human being


Because the "games" she makes are shit, and she ruins everything she's involved with through sabotage or her own worthlessness.

>I have experience in writing stupid bulshit. Now I'm co-writing with Zoe Quinn.

>tfw you probably make less than these fucks who sit fucking around on the internet writing about nothing
Feels bad man

Probably not, because they have extra taxes to pay and most likely have higher rent costs

He looks like he belongs in a shitty Nickelodeon tween sitcom.

it's people like zoe quinn that made me believe karma does not exist

>stand in the mirror looking like that before going outside and facing the world
>"yes, this looks fine, people will take me seriously!"

>"I am a fucking trainwreck." - Zoe Quinn 2016

looks like a lesbian who's in disguise for a bar mitzvah


She's a crazy cat lady. I assure you she thinks shes fine. She also lost most of the weight

>reducing yourself to hatevertising your videos on 4chin
has clickbait blindness become a thing
i realize the games industry is huge and everyone wants a piece of the pie, but have you guys thought of investing in game production instead of bloggers?

>Look mom I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet again XD

She's only had like, 300 dicks in her so go for it


Jesus. Zoey had a hard life...

You've got to wonder what people think they look like when they pull faces like this.

Christ she looks like a meth head that just got off the street one day and decided to fuck with video games.

>google this idiot
>Cohen Edenfield is a biomechanical construct with a BA in Literature,
>find his thesis
>"Take a Third Option: Multigender in Middlesex Cohen M. Edenfield"

why am I not surprised

man, she looks like a heroin addict that lives near me.

Fucking this.

Anyone can post on Sup Forums, they think Sup Forums is this evil hacker imageboard and now they're fishing for easy harassment about how brave they are for posting that.

>I worry about how much he seems to interact with GG
why does this worry you?

>yfw Zoe Quinn is that heroin addict that lives down the street from user.

Look at how fat her thighs are Jesus Christ

This is from a comedy sketch right?


That explains the "I'm making video games that are so shitty and stupid you should buy them!"attitude.

I swear, Goat Simulator is probably one of the worst things to affect game developer's attitudes.

>people have actually fucked this monster

Beta cucks really need to be purged. Actually giving this monster any form of attention, let alone sexual satisfaction, is a travesty against humanity.

I think he was going for the Seth Rogen look but ended up with Jewish mummy boy.

>at least FIVE GUYS have willingly put their dick into that monstrosity
Feels weird man

report this garbage thread

he's not even that ugly or anything. just like, a mote amount of dignity would clean this little turd up.

god help him if he tries to get that from /fa/ though

Pretending your shit is bad ironically doesn't require heroin addiction as an explanation.

Like you wouldnt