so this is gon be good right?
also upcoming xbone exclusives thread
so this is gon be good right?
also upcoming xbone exclusives thread
Honestly looks kind of awful but has good potential somewhere down there. What the fuck happened to Kamiya?
Are there even going to be anymore exclusive Xbone games anymore?
>also upcoming xbone exclusives thread
You should have started the thread with one then.
>xbone exclusives
Xbone has exactly two non-Kinect exclusives
>Sea of Thieves
Wow that was so hard, fucking shitposters on this board. Never ever sonyggers
Xbox One and PC
Xbox One and PC
>Sea of Thieves
Xbox One and PC
Xbox One and PC
Xbox One and PC also delayed indefinitely
None of those are exclusives then, but nice attempt, I guess.
Hopefully that E3 showing was just the multiplayer sucking.
But I'm not optimistic about this game, that said it will still probably be in my top 5 next year but that's not saying much.
other game
Kamiya literally has one of the best trackrecords in ALL of gaming.
Scalebound will be fucking good, Microsoft was retarded for showing that boss thinking a set piece boss is the selling point of this game though. This is clearly way more of an Adventure game. Kamiya wants to make the game of his childhood dreams were you're transported to a world of dragons and you get one as your partner.
also on PC*
PC is shit, fuck off
Literally none of those are Xbone exclusive. ALL (EVERY SINGLE) Microsoft published game from now on until the brand dies (yes, including Halo) will be simultaneously released on PC and Xbone.
The Xbone LITERALLY has two exclusives (discounting Kinect shovelware nobody owns) - Halo 5 and Forza 5. And guess what? They're the worst in their respective series.
No matter how shit pc is or isn't the fact that they're for pc means they're not bone exclusive
I really liked the idea and the first cinematic trailer. Sadly the gameplay looks like garbage
abloo bloo bloo nigga
>xbone exclusives
No such thing.
That doesn't make your games exclusive.
Same thing as PS4 """exclusives""" anyway.
Not really. PS4 actually has games that are exclusive to it coming out. Regardless of how you feel about them, Xbone can not say the same thing.
>Same thing as PS4 """exclusives""" anyway.
The PS4 is even worse because it doesn't even have cross buy/play. Thanks for Nier 2 btw
You mean the Vita ports? No shit that console flopped so fucking hard.
Nah, looked like shit in the gameplay they've shown and Platinum are a shovelware dev who hasn't made anything decent. There are no Xbone exclusives either. Dead console.
You're trying really hard, I almost feel sad for you, by you deserve it for wasting money on a shit console. The PS4 has a ton of actual exclusives, you pretending otherwise doesn't change that fact
>Cross buying
>owning the xbone in the first place
Then just call them W10 exclusives. Same shit.
>dead console, because it has a smaller audience than ps4
Kek, you sony shills and general gamers are such desperate folk. just accept that there are more things out there than your PRECIOUSSSSSSSS
Pretty sure this game is 100% cancelled. They didn't show or talk about it at E3 or Gamescom this year and MS dodged questions about it in recent interviews by saying "We have plenty of other games to show, we don't need Crackdown"
top kek
wtf happened? it was supposed to release this summer
they probably scratched that whole cloud idea, didn't they
I'll probably install W10 for a week to play it
Looks kind of fun.
went from being excited as fuck because it's Kamiya, to seeing gameplay multiple times and thinking it looks trash and wondering what the hell happened to a great developer
It's a cheap system that runs these games without much fuss. I don't feel like switching over to PC.
Seems to be scrapped. The devs and MS haven't said a thing about it in like a year and a half.
>the ps4 has ton of exclusives
Such as and
>paying for PSN
>platinum games
>big guy
What is this game supposed to be?
Some sort of Western Drakengard?
Just Bayonetta type garbage with Donte 2.0
>also on PC
>Literally DmC 2.0
No thanks
lots of people talking shit but I'm still pretty hopeful, kamiya too good to make something totally shit, although yeah i'm hoping it's better than it looks
>08/25/16(Thu)22:42:03 No.349652291
It will be fantastic. Hideki Kamiya never ever made a bad or a okay game.
>Literally DmC 2.0
Have you even seen gameplay of this game?
It's structured nothing like DmC, or Bayonetta for that matter.
generic fantasy shit, no thanks i have had enough of that.
>xbone """"""""""exclusives""""""""""
>*also available on Windows PC
>What the fuck happened to Kamiya?
He's a fat pig now.
Crackdown is cancelled and Recore is coming to PS4.
no it's not you fat ass
>we want the DmC audience
I liked DMC better than the original devil may cry.
I just think the headphones are unnecessary...
Exclusive to Microsoft platforms. So really yeah, still exclusives. Both Windows and Xbox are Microsoft owned, so really, Microsoft doesn't give a shit. It's a win win for them, regardless if it's on PC now or not. Besides, moth normies nowadays buy consoles for NFL Fifa, and other stupid multiplat titles, rarely to I ever see the average gamer with the hottest PS4 exclusives.
Y-Yeah, and Bayonetta 2 was the only game he made for Wii U!
Someone will have to draw porn of the dragon, so some good will come of it.
On PC you can play both Scalebound and Nier Automata.
Also both Killer Instinct and Street Fighter V.
Consoles are shite.
From my experience, almost all people saying Scalebound looks bad are PS4 fanboys, this seemed to be the case in Sup Forums too but just for hate to the Xbone. Now that the game is coming on PC, the hate should stop, the game looks fucking amazing and playing at a decent framerate will be a fucking blast.
Cool and all but he said "xbox one exclusives" not MS exclusives
There is a video on youtube of 8 min of gameplay. I think it looks pretty good. Just ignore the fact that you play as a fuccboi.
>The new Crackdown game will never be released in your lifetime
>glowy green dragon dick YCH
Can't wait for it /s
Ignoring the "exclusives. what the fuck happened to MS servers they were bragging about. some games can't have destruction without the servers. they are dedicated but still lag like ass WTF
Whatever happened to Below? I haven't heard anything since like 2013.
>being this delusional
Platinum Games haven't made a good game since MGR
How are people this retarded? I mean, why don't people own a gaming PC? I have a PS3, PS4, PS Vita, 3DS and just recently made a PC in July. I didn't know shit beforehand and just watched some youtube videos and read a few articles.
Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 are 2/3 of the reason to get a Wii U. Dong Freeze is the other 1/3
I'm willing to think this has Microsoft executives doing their wonderful job at fucking up games.
It legit got delayed indefinitely a few days ago. So who the fuck knows when we'll see it if ever.
They apparently revealed some shit at Gamescom that seems pretty cuhrayzee and technical, with like a "soul leaves your body" sort of thing where you possess the dragon and control it directly to combo big shit, but it leaves you vulnerable.
Which sounds interesting. But that they didn't talk about it until JUST recently, after a huge wave of negative E3 feedback about how un-Platinum the game looked, makes me wonder whether that was always an in-development mechanic or if it was some poor intern's late-July asspull when MS banged down the door in Osaka and demanded to know why Kamiya wasn't doing "that flippy juggle punching thing we hired you to do".
>xbox one
He didn't have anything to do with Bayonetta 2 though, did he? Or are you implying Wonderful 101 is a bad game in which case you're retarded. Scalebound is looking like a black mark on the record right now though.