Anyone else here feel like he fell off?

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he became normie and also he started doing unfunny speed run videos

What went wrong?

i hate those faggy earrings

How could someone with such a deep voice look like such a fag?

fell off what?

This fucker looks faggy as shit.

Is this the e-celeb thread?

>speedrunning is normie shit

what the fuck is this

You just grew up.

He looks totes norms to me.

Damn he's hot. I'd give him my not-so-slim jim.

He became bad.
His videos just aren't humorous anymore, a lot of the time they're not vidya related, and he's constantly bringing his unfunny fuck-friends in the picture.

This is critical?

Given his voice i always though he was a 300 pound nigga


Also he started being boring after he used the le titties joke for nth time.

Why does it feel like everytime someone says this, it's always a 12 year old girl or a gay person?

>implying he was at any point not a normie
Sup Forums does realize it's perfectly fine for someone to be a normal person without furry suits and shit fetishes, right?
hes hot as fuck. You guys should post some selfies since you're clearly some 10/10 ovary busters

Nothing's changed as far as I can see

I think you saw his face and became jealous because he wasn't an unattractive cave goblin just like you.

I used to play MW2 with him back when he posted links to all his shit on gamefaqs. He hasn't really changed much, which isn't a bad thing, but I just don't like his humor all that much anymore.
he spends more time fucking around and isn't depressed and fat anymore. Seems like most people tend to be funnier when they're depressed

He doesn't look what he sounds like.

He introduced me to Huggbees.

I like Huggbees more.

He was

that's called growing up. no one over the age of 15 should find cr1tikal funny

That was my reaction when I found out what Shad/Shadbase looked like.

I watch his shit mostly because the Sullivan voice-overs are funny.

Vids where he talks about shit without the European guy are funny. I am happy that the guy doesn't seem to feel so bad any more.

What does Shadman look like?

Same, except this happened with Dunkey.

Has Critical ever dropped a photo of before he dropped the weight?

whats shad look like?

do i really wanna know?


It all started going downhill when he showed his face

what does he look like then?

Post fat-dunkey

No one over the age of 15 should find Youtubers funny.

>dunkey is fat now


show me the shad

No one over the age of 15 should laugh. grow up everyone

I hate what Leah did to him.

holy fuck

His problem is that his commentary from when he started his channel and the commentary now are pretty much exactly the same. Exact reason why AVGN is shit now. They're repeating the same jokes every video non-stop.

He's pretty funny OP your sense of humor is what fell off.

I wish I could do what Cr1t1kal does, but my voice is gay.

Yeah, like 2 years ago.

some people look better fat desu


So who's "our" guy? Is it Cr1t? Maybe maxmofoe, or idubbz?

No fuck you he stopped being funny too when he and maxmoefoe decided to be fags together.

In the AVGN's defense, his jokes are always the same because old games all have the same problem.
Though I guess the best solution would just stop the show entirely.

I'll be your "guy".

>e-celeb cancer
Fuck off.

Force feeding is one hell of a drug.

Why is this limey cunt allowed to rant about the state of American politics when he's just a shitty foreigner that landed a job at being unfunny on TV? Fucking hell.

Tbh I always found their poorly scripted videos funnier than their gaming videos. Can't stand their gaming channels

mechagamezilla and fitzthistlewitz


Kill yourself

He has a british accent. He must be smart, user.

She's following more people on twitter.

It's Lawrence Sonntag

You know he used to be fat and had extreme OCD to the point where he jacked off to the same porn video for years otherwise he couldn't get off.

>tfw have a deep voice
>every online game someone calls me a fat nigger
>I'm just an underweight white kid
I know his pain

I thought you gave up on shilling yourself on Sup Forums nobody likes you

Its the freemans mind guy

>yfw Shad is literally a nigger

he's been in the US for almost a decade nigger. i think he's more than capable of forming his own opinions.


Jesus Christ he used to be the only entertaining Youtuber I had...His face reveal and all these personal life bs stories ruined it. Now every 3rd video is him bitching about something unrelated at all to the game he's playing.

I don't understand the hate. Cr1itikal is still as amazing as always.

He just reads his script. Don't be fooled.

maybe you didn't grow up at all

>Leah did to him
Dunkey was getting fat long before he met Leah
Never forget those weird as fuck mario 64 videos

Nah cunt, he's off-putting because he's a faggot expat who thinks his opinion matters. You left your shitty country because you didn't like it, if you don't like how America operates than fucking leave like you did 10 years ago. Your opinion is worthless



He was fat when he met her

Dunkey looks good either way. Maybe it's his mid-western boyish charm that makes him look good.

A lot of people struggle with obesity. He just decided he didn't like his body and changed it. And since when did OCD become something weird as shit. Everyone has strange ticks and shit

>The same porn video
>For years

Jesus Christ i thought i was bad when i jacked off to the same video for 3 months straight

>Dunkey was fat
>got thin
>hooks up with Leah
>revengeance video comes out
>he's fat again

Leah is killing him

what porn video was it


I haven't looked at a single reply in this thread.
I can almost guarantee every reply will fall under "ugh, he should have never shown his face. That's when he went to shit" because Sup Forums likes to put arbitrary cut off points to anything good.
You can tell he's a genuinely nice guy.


no this is about what i expected

Didnt he say that no mans skies was going to be great

I dunno but here's this

Oh my god I know, Shad looks really normal.
I remember he had an old video of himself talking about that surfer girl who's commercial was everywhere on youtube for a while.
It was pretty funny but I'm pretty sure it's gone now, dunno if he ever uploaded his face anywhere else.

>My ex looks like Leah
>Depression readies for hibernation

>Youtuber drastically changes over the years to make more money
>Youtuber tries to keep it relatively the same

Is that Mei from Overwatch?

like him or not, his opinion isnt worthless, or he wouldnt be getting paid millions to share it

what the fuck happened to free speech? i thought you were a REAL AMERICAN

I think his videos are honestly better than ever. His personal videos and stories are fantastic.

his gimmick got boring after like 5 videos

i don't get how people still watch his shit, especially after all this dumb youtube drama shit he's been getting into

Why does she look like Bran from GoT?

>how to get free (You)s: the post

I don't think so? I know he's sunk some hours into it but he didn't have a lot of good things to say about it on the podcast

cr1t still is and was
Anyone who says otherwise are faggots

